How's the Server?

Because I don’t tolerate dishonesty, disrespect or soul patches.


You sweet summer child.

It can always get worse.

I think you’re taking jokes in an online forum a bit too seriously. And you’re mistaking cynicism with just personal opinion? Unless you want to claim you have an uncle who works at Blizzard, you don’t know what is going to happen in Midnight any more than I do. So for me to say “I don’t think Silvermoon is going to be X, so maybe it is Y” and for you to say “that would be weird if they did Y, so it must be X”, we’re both just speculating. Neither of us know what’s going to happen, and neither of us have any reason to believe X or Y or Z are going to be the end result.

Maybe Blizzard blows it up. Maybe it becomes a leveling zone. Maybe it becomes the neutral capital city for the xpac. Maybe the Draenei take it over. Who knows. It’s Schrödinger’s Silvermoon.

To answer the OP’s question, the server is fine but we’re in a post-xpac lull and a lot of people are on remix so your interactions will be limited. I’d say maybe gauge it a few weeks after TWW comes out.

I mean, hell. Have that be one of the main points of the Midnight Expansion, Silvermoon City, Orgrimmar, Stormwind and Bel’ameth are under siege by the Army of Light/Xal’atath’s Simp Army/Murlocs/Etcetc, or are under martial law, or something similar. Blizzard then updates new zones, and makes certain cities neutral as a result, so players have new areas to use as temporary capitals/launching pads to retake their homes.

Orgrimmar uses the Echo Isles or Bilgewater Harbour and Thunder Bluff for Horde attempting to retake their capital, while Stormwind uses Ironforge and Westfall or Redridge. We finally use that damn canon in Bilgewater Harbour for something, the Darkspear have an island not crawling with low-level fodder enemies, Redridge actually provides something useful for the Alliance and Westfall finally becomes something other than basket cases, while the ‘sub-capitals’ of Thunder Bluff and Ironforge get a much-needed make-over for their time in the sun before we retake our capitals.

Silvermoon has the Horde pushing back from an updated and revamped Quel’danas and the Alliance pushing up from a rebuilt Windrunner Spire where the Ren’dorei are building a home of their own. So even if Silvermoon does become ‘neutral’ as we have people fearing, the Sin’dorei who do not forget, or forgive, the trespasses against their people still have a Horde-only capital of their own, and the Sunwell, the holiest place to a High Elf, Blood Elf or Void Elf, actually gets some love and isn’t just a Demon and Wretched-infested low-polygon bump of land off the coast.

Bel’ameth has the Horde and Alliance coming in from within the city to push back invaders and/or fortify the defenders and drive back the invaders.

One week, it’s faction-specific, the next, it’s faction-neutral, and they can springboard that as to how they’re ‘uniting’ the Elven ‘tribes’, as Blizzard has put it.

I’m looking at this with Blizzard’s usual Monkey’s Paw response to problems. Good things never come without crippling loss and/or they’re cursed versions of what the Players ask for. I’m excited to see how Lor’themar and Thalyssa will handle the coming story beats because I am quite invested in their characters and their story but I’m also trying desperately not to get my hopes up, because even with Holly and Metzen and all the new faces not aligned with the ‘Old Crew’ and their nonsense, it is still Blizzard.

"You think you know what you want, but you don't."

If they Teldrassil us again, I think even my love of the game will go up in smoke. I’m fine with losing, so long as there’s a chance to go back and try to undo it later. Not a straight up “Nah, you lost everything because My Waifu is edgy, go kick rocks.” story-beat again, please.


I’m fine with losing everything permanently, if the story was worth it. It never is.


To be fair, I’m more upset Theramore got blown up than Teldrassil.

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Theramore was upsetting because there was no actual precedent for removing a whole hub before. The Horde had already racked up so many plot armor wins from Cataclysm that it was stunning that Blizzard would give them another pointless win that almost completely shut out the Alliance.

But then that just became the norm. When Teldrassil came around, it was just boring and tedious.

I mean, I’ve not interacted with you enough to know if it’s a joke and cynicism is fairly common in the wow community. I responded to your comment pretty normally just saying I doubt it becomes a leveling zone for a couple reasons. Only for you to clip one sentence and call me naïve lol. Like there’s no hard feelings there but just saying it didn’t come off as a joke since I do not know your humor style.

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No to all of that

like, yall really hate us

Yea, this is how I feel about it.

For both game play reasons, and role-play reasons, I’d love for the them to repeat the Suramar experience with Quel’thalas/Silvermoon:

At the beginning of Midnight, we learn that Quel’Thalas is invaded and Silvermoon is besieged. We level through zones, fighting and clearing our way to Silvermoon, which became max-level content and area, only glimpsing external views of the revamped city from afar and getting closer and closer.

Then, at max-level, a Suramar City-like campaign to clear Silvermoon City and retake it, one district at a time, maybe spread out over a few weeks (I actually quite enjoy this). Then, once we have retaken Sunfury Spire, we get a newly phased Silvermoon, which is cleared of mobs and has neutral areas and maybe a few horde-only areas.

I think a revamped Sunwell Raid could be a cool way to end that first patch as well, with all sorts of Elves coming to help and leading to the reunification of elven kind.


you were good up to unifying


I simply mention it because Blizzard did :stuck_out_tongue:

I mean we have to fix the other side of the city. Don’t you want to see it thriving with non-wretched people and broken golems?

Though I really don’t want to see it be faction neutral.

In terms of Blizzard learning that you can’t nuke a major hub. They really didn’t learn that from Aion who did the same thing along with half their game world. Which is why they had to release the classic version.

So, I am not up on all the current numbers of faction cities. Is Gilneas a neutral city now that it’s been retaken? What about Undercity? Has all the Blight been cleaned out? Is it “usable” in the current timeline?

It’d be funny if Silvermoon had a Suramar arc that ended with the Nightborne agreeing to serve a monstrous genocidal dictator for a third time.

Helps when you think one of its leaders is a smokin’ hot daddy!

I wasn’t quite sure about the whole idea of elf reunification until I saw this soul patch comment. Now I’m all in!

If you’re going to grow facial hair then dangit, grow facial hair!

For Ironforge!

Oh, and the Alliance.


Yes. Elf reunification is fine as long as the Sindorei observe the Kaldorei teachings on proper growth and maintenance of facial hair.

Think of it, Sin’dorei. You could soon have all the perks of Kaldorei living–beards, facial tattoos, high-protein diets.

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