How's the gearing process on a fresh 80?

Really curious how people’s experience has been gearing a fresh 80. I recently moved over to classic from retail and have heard a lot of chatter on how gearing is not easy. Mostly because of lack of groups for entry level content.

I don’t want to be that guy “is it to late?” But I’m getting a bit worried I won’t have a good experience at max level. I play on Westfall and it seems really populated. I’ve never really had much of a good experience on megaservers so I chose this one. People have been extremely nice here so I really hope to stick around.


A lot of new content came out in Phase 2, with Ulduar and H+ instances.

Just prior to that, fresh level 80s were getting carried by full bis 25-man raids and having gear funneled to them. This was incredibly common because groups that had been raiding P1 content for months were fully geared and just looking to fill some seats.

It’s a sharp contrast to those who just dinged 80 since P2 came out and don’t really have time to raid with dedicated groups, nor do they have gear. I’ve run some H+ with fresh 80s, and if it’s just 1 then it’s no big deal, but if it’s 4 fresh level 80s and 1 4500+ gs character, it’s going to be a bad time, unless you enjoy 90 minute heroic+ runs.

Having said that, the gearing options for fresh 80s are pretty big! P1 10-man and 25 man content is full of loot that will help you get into Ulduar and H+. I’ve seen some groups running regular Heroics, but I don’t think that many fully geared raiders will opt to do more than a daily H+ these days, and preferably with decently geared groups.

Will this change in a couple of months when people are farming Ulduar HMs? Probably.


It’s pretty bad at the moment. It’s super hard to get heroics done because the LFG tool doesn’t separate them from heroic + (which are way harder).

It used to be easy. Now it’s going to be a real pain.


Spam BGs and WGs for welfare purples. Do some arenas if you want. This is how it always works after P1. Blizzard did create heroic+ to try to keep dungeons relevant but you need decent gear to clear them anyway.

As soon as my prt warr dinged 80:

  • Bought full hateful set +full stam gems/chants
  • Bought 2-3 BoEs totaling like 3.5k gold, with 213 boots being 2.5k iirc.
  • Had badges from questing to get 1 piece.

That instantly out my warr at 3.5k gs and it was enough to tank all H+. Exactly 1 week later my warr was full 5/5 and 4.2k gs


Will take a long time to reach 4k+ gs. The biggest issue is Blizzard split an already dwindling player base between heroic and heroic plus. This made for fewer normal heroic dungeon runs for valor tokens which in turn makes gearing slower.

Heroic plus is gate kept at 4k+ gs. Occasionally you may get a group that will take a 3800 gs player but they are so few and far between.

You can join a guild and pray they are patient enough to gear you up. But the chances of the guild going through the whole process are slim, unless your a needed tank or healer spec.

Pvp gearing is not feasible at this stage. You lose your 3rd stat on gear to resilience which affects your dps in a large way.

Unless your lucky the gearing process for a fresh 80 is stalled till further notice unless your an extremely patient person.


on my shaman I went from my T6 lvl 70 gear to naxx 25 gear. didnt do any heroics or dungeons because I hate the LFG system.

was doing ulduar 10/25 at 176 ilvl now I am 214.

obviously you would never get invited to raids with such a low Ilvl as anything other than a healer

I varies of course. I’ve been trying to do H+ Gundrak on my 4.1k GS mage when it’s been the daily for awhile and it takes me far longer than I would like to find a group that doesn’t have the first boss trinket HR and is willing to bring me along despite my iLvL being perfectly fine for H+, but now that people have been getting Ulduar gear for a few weeks I get the feeling people who just want a fast run prefer to do H+ Daily with people above 4.5k GS. I have no problems finding groups on my 4.6k boomkin and get instant invites on my 4.6k prot pally, but it does feel like people have gotten even more picky than the first week of H+.

Welcome to Classic! It’s never too late to gear up a fresh toon. Just be practical and accept that you will need to grind for a few weeks unless your loaded with gold from leveling? Then AH is very fast! Lol

Getting into Naxx10/25 shouldn’t be difficult. People are happy to gear new 80s at this stage.

Also, we now have Crusader Ground to get some gear from if you rather solo around.

go on pagle and see how it goes

Its not hard, its just annoying and takes way too much time.

Its not fun in my opinion. It also depends on the server.

Thats about 12k on my server.

Lol - not on Pagle.

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If you have enough gold to buy a lot of P1-P2 BoE gear, then you might have a chance to level up. If you have that level of gold, you might be able to buy some GDKP runs for gear funnels.

If you want to level up by getting gear through drops, no chance. Heroics are dead, Normals are dead. If you don’t have a guild who’ll gear you, then it’s pretty much pointless.

213 wrists go for 400g on Pagle.
213 boots go for 2k now.
Blue boes go for 50-85g each.

Why is it 12k? I wasn’t talking about 225/226 boes.

Im not either, on my server naxx boe gloves are over 4k, the valor wrists are 700-800g which is the cheapest and everything else is 4k+. The uld stuff for 1 piece is like 24999g

Pull out your credit card. Buy like 200k gold for almost nothing.

Go to a gdkp and get carried to epic gear.

The wow classic way pretty much.

Hi, can you give more information ?
Which server do you play on, what class and spec are you planning to play ?

Depending on this the answer to your question differs vastly.
I dinged a Rogue at 80 last wednesday.
Hes now at 4650 Gearscore.

How fast you can get to gear depends on:

-Are you able to get starter Gold, of which around 10-20k is absolutely enough ?
If yes: Buy cheap but good boes of auction house, if your server economy has such. Spend the rest on GDKP, go for value items.
This also depends on the class and spec you want to play.
A rogue or boomkin is cheap to equip. Rogues weapons are highly uncontested, some of the leather aswell, and boomkin leather with spirit attached is basically only used by boomies and trees, making it amazingly cheap.

If no: You will need more time to gear.
If you are interested in how to make gold without swiping, quote this and i tell you (its easy)

So lets assume you want to gear yourself without spending Gold.
Then it still depends on your server, your class and your spec.
Playing a sought after support spec like boomkin, shaman or shadowpriest allows you to get groups for content way above your gear, just by being a player that brings the spec the group needs at the opportune time.
Being able to heal can also be of help, especially at offtime Naxx fullruns, where healers can be severely lacking.

Due to the majority of players being meta slaves, Heroics and Heroic+ should be the last thing you look for, if you want to gear up your character.
Even if you got no issues getting into groups with low gear, which on some servers actually is the case, the meta dictates that anything that is not daily HC+ and a skiprun is unworthy of time spend, so its a very bad way for getting gear.

PVP is also a nice and easy way to get some decent pve gear.

Also try your luck with Emalon, if you play one of the classes having it hard to get a spot make your own group, all it takes is some time in the lfg tool ninjainviting everything that pops up which you still need for your specrun.
If you happen to play something that is sought by 95% of every emalon group, just enter the tool and get instant invite. Nobody cares that you have low gear there.

it’s all about what do you want to do? are you late for prog ULDUAR? probably , since most guilds have a complete raid group and just started getting hard modes and striving for algalon. are you late for a chill experience? no, keep playing the game, look for groups and communicate. find a chill guild that runs alt runs with nax-10 or nax-25 or even H+ dungeons. pugging is always a struggle , so try to find a friendly and open guild

Get to 80, work in your professions to get some easy ilvl 200 pieces, do BGs for the honor gear (200+), fish the AH for cheap ilvl 200 pieces until 3.8k gearscore then do Naxx runs or try to fit into a H+ run.

That’s how I geared up my alts.

I think this could not be applied at least until ICC is released and people just start having it on farm. Then, yeah it’s too late.