How's the gearing process on a fresh 80?

dont be a plate dps class and you’ll be fine for the most part, picking a healer role via dual spec is also extremely useful for getting groups.

Depends on how much gold you are willing to buy, since most of the game revolves around GDKPs and RMT now.

Thats just a lie.

Also another tip for the OP:

Search for locked/prio runs for naxx (fullrun).
Most of those are made for/by people needing a specific item, mostly a certain trinket.
Tell them straight up your new and looking for a group that allows you to vaccum up all the uneeded loot, and you wont go for the specific item (dying curse) everyone wants.

You will be suprised how fast and easy you get a group that way.

I plan on buying 3 pcs of the 232 pvp honor gear, a couple boe on the auction house, then hit up a naxx 10 or 25 gdkp, even as a pure buyer. Most of the 213 gear in there gets sharded now so you can get it for 250g min bid. With some luck can go zero to hero in like one week.

200 5 piece hateful set - ~35k Honor
213 Bracers - 100-400g
200 Crafted cloak - <500g
200 Hateful thrown/relic 4k honor

Fill in with blue ilevel 174+ boes for other slots, sprinkle some badge gear from doing IC and SP quests, maybe some quest items. You’re now sitting at like 3.5-3.8k GS and should be able to pug 10 man raids.

I’ve geared 4 characters like this during this past week’s raid lockouts. They’re all 4k+ now.

I have geared alot of toons. I would say in some ways its harder now than at any point since classic’s release. I usually am the person bashing posts about how “hard” it is to gear up because I am usually able to do it in a couple weeks on any toon.

With the addition of heroic+ it actually made it harder to gear fresh alts. Starting from zero (~2200gs) it became virtually impossible to form a group for a heroic because people want to do heroic+ instead for better rewards. Unfortunately blizz made heroic+ fairly challenging if you are not already over-geared for the content so getting into a group at ~2200gs is basically impossible, you might find 1 or 2 groups every 5 hours to take you in with them, forming your own group is equally as challenging as people see your gear and leave. I even have trouble on toons who are appropriately geared for the content ~3200gs who are only looking for a couple upgrades.

The best way I’ve found currently to gear up is to actually head to pvp first as you are able to get Ilevel 232 gear for a trinket, ring, cape, necklace, boots, bracers, belt along with a few token 5v5 arenas this will allow you to boost your gs so that you don’t immediately get kicked from heroic+ groups. Do wintergrasp and the pvp weekend and you can usually get fairly geared in about a month to be competative in ulduar. Before the addition of heroic+ this only took ~2 weeks.

Of course you can use gdkp to skip this grind, or you can find a guild of people to play with and partially carry you while you gear up. Even my guild groups strongly resent running heroic+ nowadays though because the challenge is not worth the reward.

That’s the truth. Just open your LookingForGroup channel or watch Trade chat. Almost entirely GDKPs. Everything that isn’t a GDKP is a HR run or a guild run where a tiny group of people get priod loot above everyone else. The HR runs and guild runs are not going to take fresh 80s…meaning for A FRESH 80, the topic of this thread, GDKPs are going to be how you gear. So you better go buy some gold, Blizzard doesn’t enforce the ToS and the entire economy in-game revolves around RMT(making farming worthless time sinks for the devalued gold reward).

Dont even need to go to a GDKP. There are so many BOE epics for so many slots you can just outright buy half your gear on the AH.

There are 149 BOE epics iLVL 200+ available right now. It’s a bit overkill if you ask me.;1:4;0:2#items;0-2+19

I was able to build nearly a full mage gearset of 200+ epics with nothing but BoEs. Only missing a wand:

Admittedly its not all great, but 8 of those items are 225+ ilvl. To be able to have that gear the minute you hit lvl 80 is a bit ridiculous. And thats not including the welfare pvp gear you can get spamming WG & AV for a few days.

Buy gold, join GDKP. Ez

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That’s just Blizz secret motto “swipe away!”

Stupid easy tbh. My Shaman hit 80 2 days ago. Im over 4200 GS after one reset and even did a couple normal Ulduar bosses. Some classes will be harder, like clothie casters or plate dps, but theres also a ton of Boes you can buy for relatively cheap.

Tons of SR runs on Bene. :man_shrugging:

There’s a decent catch up method from buying the PvP gear from last season if you don’t want to go to the trouble of asking a friend/guildie to help run you through dungeons. Wintergrasp gives ~30k and the whole set of what you’d want is less than honour cap (75k) and with WG being run every 3 hours you can get it in one day if you’re diligent about it.

If you do have a friend/guildie who’s willing to run you dungeons then you’re in and you’re gonna get gear real quick. People tend to say “must be X GS to party” in heroic+ dungeons but again if you’ve people who are willing to help you, you’ll be swimming in gear soon enough.

If you do have

A lot more GDKP runs though. It’s how people farm now since bots make it not worth the time to actually farm. Wrath of the Whale King for RMT Classic is how fresh 80s gear up now.

How’s gearing for a fresh 80 in this phase?

Real bad man. Real bad.

Has nothing to do with being “easier to farm.” Its just simply an objectively superior way to pug vs SR or ms>os

It’s a superior way to make the game ptw for end-game

Plenty of people have covered all the various ways its a better system.

But sure, stay in your feelings and ignore the facts. Thats about par for these forums

the max level experience is really horrible right now. retails way better. The only chance you have is if you A) are a dps class then just focus on buying all the max lvl pvp gear you can or B) join a guild thats willing to let you leech a full set through naxxramus. Tanks have literally no options so tanks have completely vaporized from existence. Healers can go dps spec till you save enough emblems for a healer set, but if you wanna be a pure healer, youre absolutely boned

It used to be: hit 80 > do heroics and gear up for naxx > do naxx and get gear. Now with no heroic to gap being a fresh 80 to naxx, the game is pretty boring and offers nothing to even do on a day to day basis anymore. They literally deleted a massive portion of content. And since wrath has almost no content to begin with, its in a pretty unplayable state now and the vast majority of playerbase are just raid logging or logging on to do daily then log out. 0/10 game. would not recommend

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Yeah good luck with that. Everyone checks GS and logs for Naxx 10m and very rarely do people actually do full Naxx runs

straight facts!