How's the Forsaken RP shaping in WRA as we head into Shadowlands? [Posible Spoilers]

Anybody hyped for Maldraxxus? Or do you want vampires? Sounds fun, right?

Hey folks, I think having lightforged Dranei and the light forsaken opens up to come of the most interesting RP blends I have seen in a while, any anybody saw any interesting takes on this mix?

Also, with the phrasing of “working to save the living” line and it’s controversy, I think I will make my Forsaken character fall into a lawful good sphere. (Yes I am aware that those things are very likely to not arrive to live servers)

How’s the forsaken/undead RP as a whole? (not just in forsaken/death knight-themed guilds.)

EDIT: Also, the guild that shows in my profile was disbanded, I think. I am no longer associated with DoA

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I still have my Forsaken - Audrey (who I had in DoA) - lurking around in the background, and Ael’akor still secretly identifies himself as Forsaken despite being a ren’dorei.

Teldrassil was pretty devastating to what little morale I had left for the Forsaken. I always played them as the “leave us the hell alone, and we’ll leave you the hell alone” sorts with my own, so having a blatant attack that brutal solidified my transition to Void Elf focus. Still, trying to recoup and amend for such a thing - while retaining the morally dark grey feel - is the only thing bringing me back to Forsaken right now. (as an alt.)

I feel like the only person whose actually excited about the prospect of the “light Forsaken” just because of how whack it is. I love it when absurd concepts come out of left-field, but I can see why people are outraged at the idea. I’d honestly play one… especially if it’s something current undead can undergo. I’d turn Audrey into one in a heartbeat.


I’ll probably be going to Bastion First. But however I still have time to do the other Covenants. Maldraxxus really caught my eyes in terms of the Mounts, Armor Sets, and etc about the Place.

Plus it also has Kel’thuzad too.

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I can only guess off of who I’ve talked to, but I feel like a lot of Forsaken are probably in a state of shellshock right now.

Shadowlands does look super cool, but let’s not forget that a Forsaken player since the beginning is now seeing their leader (and one of the very few actually interesting characters) turned into a generic henchman after losing her identity during one of the most unpopular expansions in living memory.

I think Forsaken RP might be less…overt than it once was. I would imagine a lot of Forsaken players will instead be looking what their character is supposed to do now. Probably a lot of them have to abandon stories they’d been working on for ages.


Could have slave themes. Breaking out into freedom themes.

With the murmurings of Scarlet Crusade propaganda littering unblighted portions of Tirisfal, a cursory investigation into the matter may prove … fortuitous in the ambitions of those who will not see this Johnny come lately Menethil assert any birth right. To echo the strategy we’ve always used to-determine decisions geared with our survival in mind; “An alliance of convenience” may be the tried and true solution. Death to the Living brothers and sisters.

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“Fate had brought the Banshee Queen to lead our people from the ruins of our unlives and through her guidance, we have mastered our Will. Fate has deemed that our Dark Lady shall leave us to meet her destiny, and that we shall not revel nor despair in her departure but instead heed her guidance and employ our Will to master our own destiny, just as she has.”


I think Enekie summed it up pretty well - the Forsaken community has been shaken by this expansion.

We’ve lost our capital city and primary nearby RP hub (Brill). We’ve lost our two main characters of actual story significance (Sylvanas and Nathanos). The closest thing we have to a leader now is Lillian Voss, a character who wasn’t even confirmed as an actual member of the Forsaken until this expansion. In all previous circumstances where we saw her, she was off pursuing her own anti-Scarlet and anti-Scourge agenda.

I guess we’ve lost everything that made us the Forsaken. Our characters, and our capital, have been unceremoniously spirited away. To make matters worse there’s now a huge divide between Sylvanas-loyal and Horde-loyal Forsaken in RP, which has put yet another stumbling block in the path of the cohesiveness and connectedness of the Forsaken community.

In simple terms? I’d say the Forsaken community has been grievously wounded. It ain’t dead, but it’s hurt. It’s smaller, less connected, and less organised than it once was. That said there’s a few lights on the horizon. Dawnblood’s started a Forsaken-themed guild that seems to be gaining traction, the Macabre Mask is back in action, Royal Apothecary Society is still going strong as best as I can tell, Lordaeron Unbound’s been doing really well in our niche little timezone… and most importantly, Undercity United, the community discord, is seeming a lot more active of late.

I think the Forsaken community will bounce back from this. But I think things are tough right now. Of all the Horde races I think ours was the most shafted this expansion. Arguably even more than the Night Elves on allyside in some ways - at least they still have a faction leader of note and know that they once again control Darkshore and Ashenvale. It kinda sucks to be a Forsaken fan right now. But we’ll be back, of that I’m sure!


“Death to the living!” Or whatever mom said

Momvanas went to get milk and cigs after yelling at us at the house and she hasn’t come
back. :frowning:

It’s rough to be a deado right now both loyalist and non-loyalist


You could ask the same thing about night elves. I feel bad. Blizzard has unceremoniously destroyed two races with no forethought and no planning on what will happen to them after this expansion other than hand-waving everything away with a “NAH IT’LL BE FINE!”.


I don’t think it’s rough being a non loyalist deader right now. It’s the greatest time! The Lichqueen is gone, the most zealot Sylvanas loyalists are in their holes, and those military types are out killing things to distract themselves.

Non-Sylvanas loyalists get to redirect the stored energy of the refugee Forsaken. The Horde is too busy to deal with them, so we get to do for ourselves and reclaim our home. Sure it’s more toxic than when the Scourge came through, but still less harmful to the Forsaken than the living.

Lore wise this is great because we have freedom of direction now. Should the book coming out or Shadowlands shut down the notion of reclaiming Lordaeron, then no worries, the attempt was not a wasted unlife.


Fair enough. I meant more meta RP wise since it seems (from what I’ve seen at least ) to be a general 50/50 split from loyalist/non-loyalist, with quite a few people still keeping their loyalties , understandably, under wraps or just talking around their loyalties altogether. We’ll just have to see what the book brings and what Shadowlands brings.

Personally I’d love for a loyalist sect to meet up and have some secret events or have some spies report back on what the non-loyalist are doing and vice versa. And they probably have, I’ve just been too busy to notice. :frowning:

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The current situation is one of the reasons why my guild leans so heavily on Ebon Blade themes. I think that we would do better in a more defined situation. We are an Undercity military unit but Undercity is not really around anymore and we really don’t know who leads the Forsaken.


If it’s any help, after nyakotha and the armistice-signing cinematic Lillian Voss has a discussion with Overlord Gey’arah where she says she will speak for and lead the Forsaken for now, but she will not take the throne. She thinks there’s someone better suited to that task but they need to prove themselves first.



Clearly she’s talking about the cockroach vendor.

C’mon now man, keep the dream alive!


Okay. I might vote for him.


I vote we elect that forsaken warlock and his demon hunter boyfriend from legion


Bolvar, watch it be another Blizzard twist like Bolvar. Or at least he is in the running according to Voss.