How's Horde RP here?

I’ve been keeping eyes on this thread and having discussions with the various other Horde leadership as well as the myriad of people and friends that I interact with on the Alliance. I’d like to take a moment to both address my previous commentary and apologize for it.

I said some toxic things and I am sorry for that. I would like to provide some context though as someone in this thread has stated, these comments come from a place of hurt.

In my time on MG and in roleplay as a whole (2+ years at this point) I have ONLY played Horde side in any major capacity. In that time I’ve had trickles of good experiences with the Alliance and in my time as leadership I’ve stared down more scandals and drama and nonsense than I have fingers to count on that stem from the Blue Team almost exclusively. I’ve had mud and vitriol slung at me for playing Horde or for worse playing an Undead character. I’ve had my guild and my community swept to the wayside and I’ve had to fight behind the scenes to even get a grain of Horde acknowledgement in certain spaces. It’s embittering. It makes you jaded. Someone said perspective is reality and this has been my perspective and my reality.

I want to change that. I want to bridge the gap, but I don’t want all of my efforts to be systemically invalidated every single step of the way.

Does any of the above warrant me to write off all of the Alliance? No. It doesn’t. Full stop. I apologize for that, and it’s some of the people in this thread that have given me a glimmer of hope that I am wrong about my perceptions and experiences.

I want to be wrong. I want to be proven wrong. I want to see that there can be a bridge between the factions, but I don’t want to do things like pretend that the wars didn’t happen or that the alliance owns all of Lordaeron. I don’t want my Horde identity as a player and an enjoyer of this game to be consistently dunked on by the people who I’m supposed to be opening doors to. That doesn’t make me want to open doors.

But I do in fact want to open doors and reading this thread has already given me ideas on how to do this, though it will require the whole of the Horde community too.

I think that as much as there is an inclusiveness to the Horde, there is a desire to open ourselves to others - it’s just that most of the times when we try we are not treated very well.

Thank you for your time in reading this. I will continue to reflect on how I have handled this and how I will continue to handle this going forward.


There are also a ton of groups that do daily or monthly newspapers ICly.

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I was not at the event you mentioned. And I, honestly, don’t know a lot of the people in the events you mentioned.

However, I am in Stormwind a lot. (For those of you who do not know of me? I am the person RPing without TRP) And I have seen enough of this among enough different people with different subjects to believe wholeheartedly that this did, indeed, happen.

I will come out directly and say that this is heinous. It is one thing to voice your (clearly OOC) opinion about something in a public forum. Or a public area.

But to go to an event where people have scheduled an event for themselves to do this is…it’s not quite beyond the pale, but you can tell honey needs some help with her contouring.

This is a serious problem Alliance side. This…arrogant, self-righteous belief that just because your character might have a problem with something, that you - the player - have every right to disrupt something else.

This is the DM in me coming out, I’m afraid. Watching as the chaotic neutral rogue says ‘It’s what my character would do’. It’s rude and disruptive, hiding under the veneer of ‘it’s just RP, bro’.

It’s what happens when you get people just trying to RP their (frequently incorrect) OOC takes on things. “Lol, I RP a criminal, so I’m gonna try to rob/blow up/criminalize this non-criminal event you have.”

That kind of thing vexes me. Because–

Yes. This.

I hate when people act like there is no possible reason in canon for the Horde and Alliance to do what they have literally been doing since Warcraft III: Working together to stop a bigger threat.


I’m sorry. This is one of my buttons. I am struggling to say something kind.

But I will take this time to remind the many Alliance RPers who might wonder why the Horde might seem at times reluctant to accept new people. If you have a cross faction event, and your side has to beg to be heard?

That starts feeling real personal, real quick.


Hey, learning and growing and doing better is what life is all about, big guy! It takes a lot to admit that and I really hope to see more kindness and collaboration in the future from everyone.

Generalizations do more harm than good and I think a lot of people take the faction divide way too seriously, when in reality we’re all better off when both sides are healthy and strong. We’re all part of the same community.


My posts tend to be lengthy, and I address multiple things in them.

But I wanted to stop and singularly say this to you, after reading this.

Thank you.

This takes a tremendous amount of class and courage to do. I will say that I am a bit surprised to see this, because I had made an assumption about where I thought you stood.

I was wrong. I apologize, and I will gladly do so.

Bravo. This is the kind of thing I like to see.


Stormwind Daily has been at the Night Market a few times I know of. My Schmeat Wagon was front page news a few months ago. :sunglasses:

Repurposed meat wagon into a food truck. Forsaken ingenuity at its finest.


In the spirit of collaborating and cooperation, I’d like to offer an invitation to the Gilneas Black Market discord. If you wish to actually participate in the event, great! But also, since it is a massively neutral project, I encourage horde GMs to come in and post about their events.

If you have an speakerphone channel, I’ll gladly link you to our events page so that we can promote each other.

Contact me on Discord. My handle is Moonpie8738.


I think for the guilds I was in we kept our disdain to our characters. Outside of it was more trying to understand /why/ such a thing was neccessary. And a large part of that has to do with Blizzard’s writing. I honestly do not understand why they decided to not only have the Scarlet Crusade the main villians of the questline, but also have the Horde even assist with the Reclamation when it was the Horde that ran the Gilneans out in the first place. For the most part everyone was keeping their opinion ic. I was there on Raina. No one was speaking oocly, unless you took what they were saying ic. Maybe don’t do that?

And even in the political sphere it was less harassment but more of “why is this even being passed?” Some people took issue with the one guy trying to compare the Dwarven delegation to that of Scarlets. I’m sorry but what? I mean yes there were dwarves in the Scarlet Crusade, but MG has effectively omitted them and Quel’dorei. But the Dwarves have their reasons for not like the Forsaken. As do other people. Hell even looking at it Worgen undead don’t make sense. Because lore wise, technically Worgen shouldn’t be brought back from the dead, and even then again lore wise it was the Forsaken that brought the unraveling of Gilneas and even Teldrassil. We see the attempt of Forsaken going back to the Alliance and being run off or killed.

I don’t see why as rpers we have to continuously follow the lore especially when the lore is bad. Maybe I’m so adapted to forum and tumblr roleplay where you rp in a fandom and if there’s anything you don’t like well you become what’s known as canon divergent. Basically, you diverge where the canon goes. A Gilnean holding hands with the Forsaken. No, instead they still don’t like nor trust Forsaken and haven’t forgotten the events of Cataclysm.

The post I made is less about following lore vs. following fandom and more about taking IC into OOC and deliberately disrupting the events of others. To clarify. :slight_smile:

Except I was there at the event and from what I saw, no one was oocly trying to disrupt the event. Everyone was actually saying their piece icly.

I don’t get where you thought they were talking oocly. Then again I left early cause I had to go to bed early as I wake up at 4am on the days I work. And even then from people in the guilds I was present in, and in political discords, no one said that anyone was speaking oocly.

I think you have an issue with equating ic with ooc and confusing the two.

Alliance does help. The admins on alliance make alts and basically help with all the serious planning for MG-H.

You have a right to think as you may. Though by your own admission, you left early. Towards about the 3/4 mark of the event, we had someone hop over to their Scarlet alt and sat outside while a friend came in and claimed that Gilneas couldn’t keep their land secure so how could we possibly protect against errant undead.

That’s the type of disruptive trollish behavior I mean. :wink:

I wouldn’t take that as being ooc. A lot of people felt that way, my character included and that’s from a ic stance.

Especially if they didn’t say it with {{}} or (()) to denote that they were talking oocly. If it’s not in brackets then you can’t really say it’s trollish. You just have a problem with people rping differently than you do and you’re taking it oocly.

Normally I’d suggest touching grass, but I live somewhere where it’s currently 103, and going to hit 110 later on. I don’t reccommend going outside. Maybe taking a break from the game would suffice. Maybe you could take up knitting as a hobby.

This is where I’ll draw the line as I’ve not been rude with you. Thank you for your side of things.

I would say that lying about the events of an rp event and accusing people who icly disagreed with you as being trollish behavior, is kind of rude in of itself. You’re being disingenious of it happening. Not to mention other people didn’t take it oocly. They probably figured that the person was being ic or even if in the rare case it was a troll, they promptly ignored them.

As you should have done. Instead of waiting till now to talk about how horrible the Alliance rp scene is? That’s a real gotcha moment. I guess. If anything it derails from the topic of whether or not the Horde has a viable rp scene.

But congrats, I guess.

This entire thread required one thing.

People to say “Hey, Horde roleplay exists, it’s small but we want more and here’s where it happens”

Just ignore comments that are quite obviously meant to be baiting you because some of you were hooked almost instantly.

If I was the OP I probably checked out about 50 comments ago. Even now this thread isn’t even about the subject matters, it’s two people going at each other.

To actually be on topic.

It exists, it’s there, there’s a community and no it’s not just the Vanguard but it’s small and I don’t think anyone will dispute that. I won’t compare it to the Alliance because well? that wasn’t the question. Check out these forums, and discords and such that have been mentioned in here. I’m sure you can find something.


Actually, I think that this thread has begun to sort of shift tone into something a little more positive with a few detractors. There’s a genuine conversation happening here that did indeed spring from OP that I feel is leading to people to rethink and open up a little more. This is important.

That said, I see nothing wrong with continuing the discussion, but I really think people on both sides should rein in a little and steer away from the low hanging fruit of personal attacks. It doesn’t make them any more right, or the point they’re refuting any more wrong - it just makes them look like a twit and discredits any point they’re trying to make.

EDIT: For clarity, I think Anacorlai was hitting on something that was very important, so I appreciate them.

I will just flat out say that you are wrong in this. Perhaps this may have been how Horde was handled during your time, it is not now in the 2 years since I’ve returned. I say this as someone who sits in on a great deal of planning and execution of many events which involve the Horde.


As atated checking out discords isnt exactly feasible for new players to find the specific niche that theyre looking for. We keep circling the wagons back to the issue at hand.

And that is Horde rp isnt as welcoming or accessible to new players as Alliance rp is. Theres suggestions on how to fix that though.

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Then why do alliance alts head up events for the horde at things like conquest and such? They are mods in the MG-H discords and everything.

This was awhile ago, less than 3 years, but even still. Maybe they don’t anymore because of reasons I already stated. Who knows.

I hope one day horde here can be as it once was. Til then I guess.

Yeah she wasn’t rude to you at all. You lost on this one.