I’ve been keeping eyes on this thread and having discussions with the various other Horde leadership as well as the myriad of people and friends that I interact with on the Alliance. I’d like to take a moment to both address my previous commentary and apologize for it.
I said some toxic things and I am sorry for that. I would like to provide some context though as someone in this thread has stated, these comments come from a place of hurt.
In my time on MG and in roleplay as a whole (2+ years at this point) I have ONLY played Horde side in any major capacity. In that time I’ve had trickles of good experiences with the Alliance and in my time as leadership I’ve stared down more scandals and drama and nonsense than I have fingers to count on that stem from the Blue Team almost exclusively. I’ve had mud and vitriol slung at me for playing Horde or for worse playing an Undead character. I’ve had my guild and my community swept to the wayside and I’ve had to fight behind the scenes to even get a grain of Horde acknowledgement in certain spaces. It’s embittering. It makes you jaded. Someone said perspective is reality and this has been my perspective and my reality.
I want to change that. I want to bridge the gap, but I don’t want all of my efforts to be systemically invalidated every single step of the way.
Does any of the above warrant me to write off all of the Alliance? No. It doesn’t. Full stop. I apologize for that, and it’s some of the people in this thread that have given me a glimmer of hope that I am wrong about my perceptions and experiences.
I want to be wrong. I want to be proven wrong. I want to see that there can be a bridge between the factions, but I don’t want to do things like pretend that the wars didn’t happen or that the alliance owns all of Lordaeron. I don’t want my Horde identity as a player and an enjoyer of this game to be consistently dunked on by the people who I’m supposed to be opening doors to. That doesn’t make me want to open doors.
But I do in fact want to open doors and reading this thread has already given me ideas on how to do this, though it will require the whole of the Horde community too.
I think that as much as there is an inclusiveness to the Horde, there is a desire to open ourselves to others - it’s just that most of the times when we try we are not treated very well.
Thank you for your time in reading this. I will continue to reflect on how I have handled this and how I will continue to handle this going forward.