How's Cata Classic going for you?

MoP was peak fire mage playstyle imo. Which contrasts with the fact that i seemed to be the only person playing one in PvP >_<… i wonder if it will be different this time around. Definitely looking forward to MoP PvP!

We already have hard-nerfed T11. This is NOT the T11 from the end of 2010. This is 4.2 T11.

No it isn’t.

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I see a TON of fire mages in pvp. Probalby more fire than Frost right now.

It’s 4.1 t11 not 4.2

4.1 had hardly any nerfs for heroic raids.

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Yeah, everyone and their mums and their mums pets are playing firemages in classic cata. Im talking about original MoP. (Why would you snip a quote from out of all the before and after context which said i was talking about MoP :joy:)

I was as confused as you are now. I misread the comment as (Which contrasts with the fact that I seem to be the only person playing one in pvp).

Because I was talking about MOP and Cata pvp, in that context it made sense that I would think you were talking about Cata.

As close to perfect as I am… even I make mistakes :slight_smile:

Firelands is easier besides one boss, which will probably be in its nerfed state so actually not bad at all. Also once people finish the daily grind of the molten front it’ll be back to raid logging. Probably even more than now since it’s the only raid and with a low amount of bosses.

This phase is supposedly in its “nerfed” state and the clear rates are abysmal.

Most guilds still aren’t 13/13H.

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I truly hope Firelands is a little easier on the community! I’m just a casual raider concerned about the future of Cataclysm Classic.

Glad you brought up raid logging. I wonder how many raiders logged in since WCL partioned Phase 2 into existence.

Occasionally I’ll look at my rankings, and I happened to notice this:

25M H Halfus
12,084 Hpals on July 24th. (Last week P1)
584 Hpals on July 31st. (First week P2)

It’s a long ways to Firelands. I believe the SOD community was crushed by a difficult raid tier, and went on life support waiting for a new raid tier. I’d hate to see it happen to Cataclysm Classic.

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Yea, I feel that. I am just a little bored with the absence of things I feel like I “need” or want to do in Cata atm, so wish they’d have accelerated Phase 1 → 3 a bit more than is currently outlined. With that said, I also have been trying to appreciate the feeling of not needing to play more than I reasonably should. :slight_smile: It’s a mixed bag.

Not gonna lie. Got full heroic gear + the BWD fist weaps and lost all desire to play while getting Ramkahen rep.

Uncapped vengeance :heart_eyes: :heart_eyes: :heart_eyes: :heart_eyes:

90% of the people i knew quit

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Apart from the occasional bug, very much enjoying Cata, raiding on several alts too, can’t wait for firelands.


So like 2 people?

Great. Did the raids a few times, got my alts caught up with ZA/ZG and now I’ll probably take a break until Firelands comes out.

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Loving it so far, having lots of fun. Can’t wait for MoP Classic either. I just wished it was slightly easier to find PvP and RDF ques, especially later on during the evening, but apart from that, no complains. Bring on MoP and WoD Classic!


guild fell apart after wrath. so feeling the social sting. think ill try to find new friends but dunno. i miss socialization. i came back later so some peeps are just raid logging right now.

I will say cata feels easier for a casual. its way easy to catch up. however, its also retailish in its control of you. i tried tanking as a hybrid bear/cat. that was a very big nope. if you dont get every talent according to the guide your getting squished. so yea. sad to see that go…

I dont care for retail… though so not sure what ill do. I got enough stuff to keep me busy till the end of the year. at that point i dunno. maybe ill play something else. but since im subbed for the year. ill just do what i want on my alts till then.