How's Cata Classic going for you?

Are you enjoying Cata thus far?


Yes. Working on bis items for main and getting my alts to 85


Not too bad. Spending most of the time working on achievements. Waiting for MOP.


Having fun.


Yea cata is far too hard for you, so was wotlk tho.

I am having fun to be honest.


Great. Looking forward to Firelands, but still enjoying the first tier, still have a few upgrades to get. On off days I do a bit of everything, farming, PvP, achievement hunting, dailies, old content for Transmog.


You got a lot of upgrades to get yet.

All that 359 ilvl can go to 372.

I’m enjoying Cata so far, but (and maybe this is a blessing in disguise) the raid content “drought” basically has me raid logging at this stage. Still working towards 13/13 in P1 raids (most of the way there), but I’m kinda ready for Firelands.

The blessing in disguise is that raid logging allowed me to jump back into a friend group Baldur’s Gate 3 :smiley: as well as just doing non-gaming stuff like touching grass.


That’s what I thought.

And I hope they don’t release lfr for you.

Raid logging is best way to play, idk why people don’t like it.

I’m not really raiding right now. My RL schedule changed, and while I tried for a while, I just didn’t really find a group that runs on days/times I can commit to that I also wanted to. So, for now I’m kind of just floating.

But being able to login to raid, and enjoy the game just for that is a pretty decent way to play the game, imo.

I’ve been messing around with arenas and leveling up on the small end of the faction stick, which is actually kind of fun. But overall, I don’t know I think Cata has sort of reached automation levels where I often feel that I may as well just play Retail, since it seems to have more going on anyway, but I have 3 max-level cata toons, and none in Retail haha.

I also would maybe play Era, but idk… I do feel somewhat disconnected and no version quite feels like “the right fit” at the moment. Maybe that’s more me than anything, but maybe it’s not.


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Yeah, T11 has lived up to the hype and I know for a fact Firelands will as well. This is the expansion of alts and raidlogging. Most of their assets were spent redoing the world, we all knew this before Cata Classic launched.

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raid logging and alts… it’s the cata experience? regardless it would be better if we actually had dev’s that legit care about the expansion and not for one custom vanilla server…

Don’t worry, in 2 weeks they’ll get the same treatment we get just as they had done every phase prior

Well getting a weapon on my shaman is rough since there is only the one in BWD nef for enhancement at the heroic level

Slot machine boss loot is interesting (TOFW).

T11 continues to prove challenging, probably too challenging for Classic if we’re being honest and not an internet sperg lord.

Would like to see Heroic raiding more accessible, heck, even Normal. I don’t play with LFG pick-ups, but that’s something that made Classic so fun-grab anyone that says “inv” and go collect loot.

In other news…Press the P3 button please. My opinion after 11 weeks: “You’re 13/13 or you weren’t going to be anyways.”

Transmog fun. Reforge fun. TB dailies fun. Old raids/mount runs fun. Heaps of fun outside of raiding.

Would like to see T11 nerfed when T12 comes out as well, not just a “It’s nerfed because of FL ilvl”. Gear doesn’t make half the T11 fights easier. Give a chance to the casual Classic players to get meta achievements and what not. I’m all inclusive, really, and Cataclysm appears to be far from inclusive at this point.


I want to first preface that I am more of a PvP focused player, so most of this is directed at pvp. I was one of the most vocal on the forums about how superior Cata was to wotlk. But here I am now admitting i was wrong. Nothing about this version of cata feels like OG cata, or any of the 4.3.4 private servers I’ve played on over the last decade. It feels super different, and super awful. The PvP just… isnt good. The class balance, the numbers tuning, the art/music/lore, and the whole vibe of cata feels like a step down to me.

I never thought I’d say it… but i actually miss wrath. Hoping MoP lives up to the hype…

Its great, its just like playing on private server. 99% Toxic, buying gold has 0 penalty and you can call people the N-word and nothing happens.

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Do you ever have anything nice to say to anyone on this forum?

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