How's Cata Classic going for you?

Not a single thing.

Having a blast my man

I still enjoy Arena a bit but there’s nothing for me to work towards. Don’t like 3’s, 2’s has no rewards I can get/want.

Hate the raids. I actually went AFK in the middle of Heroic Conclave last kill cause I honestly find house chores more entertaining. My guild isn’t the best and I have no interest in being in perpetual state of progression from one raid to the next with no tier completely on farm. Fights are gimmicky and long.

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Eh the rose glasses wore off. It’s a bit different and lacking. Wish we could go back to the trilogy.

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People dropping out in two of my guilds because heroics are difficult or just plain t11 burnout. Seeing as October is when Blizz starts caring about Cata again, it isnt going to improve for a while.

It is what it is, blew through what little to do that was worth doing, and waiting on Firelands. Hopefully things pick back up there but something tells me I’m going to be playing a good bit of Retail over the next few months just to kill some time.

PVE yes PVP no. It’s just not Cata pvp; it’s retail pvp. The dps is super bursty and healers are too easy to kill. Endless graveyard treadmill.

Yes I am. I like it alot. :slight_smile:

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Its not a BAD thing (for a person, IRL), but when I raid log, I know my engagement is at a minimal level. Raid logging tells me content is dried up and I am just going through the motions. Having a break or even WoW in moderation isn’t a bad thing
 but I guess i’m used to feeling like I have things upon things I need to do, and this time around, do not feel that urgency. :person_shrugging:

I’m enjoying it but it feels tough at time
 I leveled a disc priest to 85, mostly through dungeon farming with PUGs, and I was very dominant. Tanks never had to worry about being under 70% health at any time and were mostly topped off. Never had one death, even with entire room pulls and being completely overwhelmed. I moved out of mechanics, had all the addons to quickly heal and watched videos to optimize my character. Crushing it and getting compliments and having random tanks asking me to do several instances with them.

As soon as I dinged 85, I headed to the AH and purchased a bunch of BOE to get my iLVL to around 350ish. Did my first heroic and I was completely blown away at how big the gap was between normal and heroics. The group nearly wiped a few times, I had 2 people die and often had to tell the tanks to let me drink after each pull.

My pride certainly took a hit and realized that I may not nearly be as good as I thought
 Honestly, it felt bad and it kinda gave me PTSD. I ended up parking my priest and starting up a new DPS character, where my role isn’t quite as important.

Nope. Once they nerfed the talents and mucked up the instances i dropped; Cata was what started the mass exits from WoW in the first place. I’m sticking with Classic; the retail types can keep paying for the Flying Gerbil Mounts in the Duploverse, but you’d think they’d have learned after being forced to launch Classic to try to stop the bleeding.

But they still try to make WoW a Nintendo Switch game.


The pvp in cata is so much worse than i remember. Maybe mop will fix it

Had fun. Got bored. Might go back if I find TWW too DragonFlight 2

This cracked me up :laughing:

Not really playing it. As a casual player there are better versions of wow to waste time on imo.

BG queues are still not too long a wait but dungeons are long and ZG/ZA queues are pretty much dead most of the time. The prices of a lot of stuff in the AH is going down due to low demand except the price of WoW tokens which has doubled (due to low supply im guessing). I get the feeling im watching Oceania start to die.

I’ll keep playing BGs casually to try and keep skills up and work on pvp stuff but im pretty much done for PvE i guess now
 mainly due to long queues and the time I have to play being limited to after work / before sleep. At least BGs are somewhat reliable gameplay.

For me it’s more like im busy all week and raiding with the boys feels like a night out idk.

It takes about 3 hours to level a toon from 1-70 in retail FYI. Less if you do Mop Remix.

MoP IMHO was the best pvp there ever was in WoW. That said, I actually enjoy cata pvp, but it’s miles behind MOP.

my disc is 346, where are you having troubles? maybe i can help.
even where im at its incredibly easy to heal thru unlike hpriest lol.
like if anyone knows how do hpriest let me know.

that said, i’m on break on xiv and lotro a bit until new stuff pops up here.
not too interested in tww but might pick it up whenever i’m done rotations lol.

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