How're you holding up?

Pally mains, how y’all doing?

Mostly prot and ret, ( I know there is buffs coming)

Holy, you matter too I just don’t heal.

I’m looking for a new melee class to play, is pally worth it in terms of fun for pve and PVP?

I feel like tissue paper with SoTR up unless I rotate my defensives on certain pulls, starved of HP sometimes due to AS not generating holy power and GCD bloated but doing fine, moving up to getting all those +5’s timed

For PVE? Ret is fun. PVP, no idea. Don’t PVP at all.

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Surviving hurricanes and powerless.


Open world crafting gathering god. Not so much in dungeons.

You’re in Florida or N.C.? My heart goes out to you, man.

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Ret’s in a great place right now for pve at least. Prot is terrible. Holy is good but still has some awkward design points.

I don’t pvp


Doing great with prot, working on 10s this week. Got Siege of Boralus last night.

Got my ksm and i think that’s it :D. Ret is pretty good, and most important, fun! Prot is the opposite and dont play holy :c



And apparently the electric company here pioritizes non-essential buissinesses over residences here.



I was just there last week catching a flight from Miami airport to NYC. But the storm had hit you guys up in north Florida, so I was lucky to catch my flight that day. But one of my oldest friends lives there with you as well. I also have in-laws there as well, so I’ve been following what’s going on.

Stay strong my brother and make sure you take care of yourself and your family.

Be safe.

Ret is ok. ST dmg is garbage.

Would love it if they uncapped divine storm damage or buffed ST

Prot feels super squishy


i’m amazed that people say things like “st is bad” when all available data clearly shows ret is top 3 on pure single target fights
mythic, mind you, but you need gear. get gear by playing the game (wow what a shocker i know)

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Templar smacks and I’m having a great time.


Prot isnt doing ao well from what ive seen ret is fine in pvp and pve. I can do 8 bountiful delves without breaking a sweat. And in pvp despite our burst being reduced is still pretty good wirh consitent damage.

Dont believe alot of people here that doom on pally. Unless its prot they are suffering lol

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Ret has wonderful team utility, which makes it a fine choice for pvp.

Ret ain’t top 3 on either of the 2 pure ST fights in the raid.

Furthermore, its performance in ST is solely on the back of ES, which sucks TBH.

But you’re right the ST isn’t bad, just the way it is dealt kind of s**ks

it in fact is. maybe you missed the part where i said it was mythic difficulty?

Coming from a long time warrior, I hate paladins. I play a warrior purely in spite of paladins and their magicks. I’ve seen them solo any and everything through every iteration of the game. They held their own in pvp against 2 or 3 orcs at a time regularly. You can heal, you can tank, you are the dps. I just did a raid tonight and the top 3 spots were all ret pallys.

I don’t care what your charts and logs and all that says, from what I’ve seen with my eyes over the years. Pallys are too damned good, if you wanna be successful you can’t go wrong. But your gonna be a nerd like Superman in my eyes.

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Which is why when a Warrior is good, they are GOOD. Like, on another level good lol.

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yes pushing those three buttons, two of which flash is a feat of human achievement.