“Some knowledge in Arcane magic probably wouldn’t hurt you either. You should change your profession from being a conniving scoundrel rogue and try to be more like me. Also I’ve slain murlocs more fierce then you.”
“Hmm what’s that? Is someone talking? I can’t seem to see anyone talking to me, must be the squirrels and the mice making noise again.”
“Why are you wasting your time with crass remarks? As a human, aren’t you actively dying as we speak?”
“You poor devolution, you. Hang in there.”
Remember when Blood Elves were a respected part of th’ Horde?
No? Yeah, me either. Go beg at someone else’s table, Traitor.
“The Kul Tirans must be hiring anyone these days, especially they are low enough to recruit you. Pathetic.”
I, uh…
I mean jeez, you must have heard it all by now, right?
Kaz cracks his knuckles and takes a breath.
“Oi, ya mudda headed dodja-eyed kank. Ya look like pykkin punchin’ sikka lickin’ manky munchin’ dubba-jaw shank tooth fob nobba. If I catch ya comin’ roundabouts again me an’ me desky droogs are gunna knock ya tippin raggatop off ya brullybins and ramma kram up ya guzza-muz while takin’ a walk cross ya kastratta-choocolatta.”
Listens to the little Vulpera go off and sighs.
“Like a cleaver; all edge and no point.”
“I’ve heard tales about you wicked acts. You getting drunk in Eversong Forest and chasing any Blood Elf Woman with a skirt on. You sicken me. Human paladins have truly sunken low.”
“Hrmn? As a nod to your heritage, I offer you advice in the form of a Haiku.”
“Pandaren Hunter,
That dress is unflattering.
Reconsider it.”
You’re a third rate fighter in armor made by fourth rate craftsmanship.
You believe
Garrosh did no wrong
How tragic
… Sorry, I really liked the poetry form idea.
“All that Arcane magic. But no aptitude for Arcane magic. How pathetic for a Sin’dorei. How dare you call your self one of us.”
The Horde Aggressor
Change my mind
((You’re above me anyway but imma respond to this specifically ))
Devolution? If Lady Alleria even walks close to your fragile Sunwell, that you once again have foolishly become dependent upon, you’ll lose everything again. We Ren’dorei are strong. We set ourselves free from the bounds of the Sunwell. We are not so foolish as to rely on a source of power that failed us once before, nearly leading to our civilization’s collapse!
You Sin’dorei have regressed, and forgot everything Prince Kael’thas taught us to survive. If there is any devolution here, it is you.
Ahem. I shall conduct a bit of artistic license here -clears throat-
Silly void elf
You are a foot note
in the story
of the Sin’dorei
You’re the story’s end
We are now the next chapter
Drown in your Sunwell
We shall prosper
((Man Fal’therin is being mean xD))
When they say
‘Poisoning the Well’
The kin have
One image in mind
All of that magic and you can’t even conjure up a decent flow