How would you Retcon Shadowlands in a smooth way?

Pfft. I’m having egg sandwiches and a coffee for breakfast tomorrow.

Some of us do know the future :smiley:

Don’t tell me.

(Post about the next expansion deleted by Alynsa)

Have someone use the Zereths to rewrite reality. Players use some sort of macguffin to save as many people and places as possible, hiding them outside of reality momentarily or something, but reality is remade. Port over everything the story team wants to keep, blank slate the rest. Rewritten universe is familiar, but different. Basically, what would Azeroth and Draenor and Argus look like without Zovaal’s cosmic game of chess?

This gets us away from cosmic intrigue and back to exploring worlds. It creates a gulf between whatever was deemed problematic about existing lore (which also means losing a convenient scapegoat if the story still fails to deliver, however) and what story the writers feel important to tell.

For me, I’m wary of continuing to explore threads that the team and players are going to view as tainted. What I outlined above is far from the only path to take, but I think distancing the narrative from the old ways is the only way we will get an honest impression of the current story team’s vision and voice.

There is a video of a doomguard killing the Archon in Spires of Ascension and it basically says that all of Bastion is gone now as a result. So clearly blizzard was going with the Archon being killed or the fight with Devos would involve us protecting her at some point in development.

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Yeah, but I was trying to answer the thread question. That doomguard thing wasn’t really “canon.” So if I roll with "We can’t kill them, so we’re stuck with the Jailer … " then we feel the urge to rewrite him out of existence and let the retconning begin!

With how much they develop, implement, and then pivot and re-do, it really makes me think they could’ve simply walked away from so much problematic lore and managed to pivot

Nonsense, we have a villain who is currently planning to recreate reality to suit his image and has the means to do so.

We simply have our due battle with him in which we defeat the Jailer, but before he bites it he sets the reality warping devices into motion and in our futile attempt to stop it, we’re forced to find a way to alter the course to mitigate the damage.

We find an convenient opening in the timeline from when Kairoz used temporal magic to both help spring Garrosh from his trial in Pandaria and create the Alrernate Draenor, which caused a diversion in the main timeline that has led to all the subsequent events after that moment, and so in returning to that point in time, we essentially restore the timeline to its intended trajectory. Both in-game sense and in a meta sense.

Tldr; The timeline is reset to the post SoO period.


Void Reset storyboard. Boom. All problems solved. :slight_smile:


We were just playing the Sylvanas campaign these last two expansions. >.<

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As bad as things have been handled, and I won’t mince words, theyv’e been handled atrociously.

I don’t have the fan arrogance to believe that I could do the job better than the professionals.

I would have absolutely no problem with that if it had been handled well, which it wasn’t.

DotA and CS:GO were mods made by passionate fans… don’t underestimate yourself! :smiley:

It’s not that I haven’t done any thing in the field.

I’ve got a few paragraphs published in GURPS IST which was based on the Villains and Vigilantes campaign I ran. (one of my players is the main author) and I created the Eradicate! card in Hex Hex.

But I’m quite aware of how shallow my well is.

Honestly speaking everything started to go wrong when Blizzard swapped the Pandaren for Draenei as a Player Race! Apparently it was due to China politics though what right a foreign Government had to dictate a western Company is unknown!

Considering they had to remove Undead from WotLK they could have kept Pandaren in the Western version of the Game but replaced them with another Race in the Chinese Version! I’m sure having different Lore for Chinese WoW wouldn’t be that much of a problem!

They could still have undead models, they just can’t show any bone. It is also why player skeletons are replaced by tombstones for the Chinese client.

Yeah no.

Retcons have been a thing for Warcraft for a while before that came along.

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True. If we are going all the way we must replace Gul’dan with Hades and make the story of Draenor a story of a set of Cults known as the Underworld!

The fact that the Warcraft 1 Manual’s Human side(written by Lothar) acts as if the Underworld is the Realm of Demons while the Manual’s Orc side(written by Garona) calls the Cults themselves the Underworld(while suggesting they have pits) and that Orc Warlocks are the brethren of Hades should imply that Lothar has no idea what the Underworld is!

Hades being a brother to Orc Warlocks is not surprising since the word Orc comes from Orcus who is Hades! Logistically Hades would rule the Underworld named after himself in the Caverns below Draenor!

Why couldn’t the Bronze Dragon flight simply go back to the Argus fight and convince Illidan to imprison Argus’ soul, instead of sending it to the Shadowlands?

Wouldn’t that fix all of this?

Argus is still defeated, his soul never disables the Arbiter, the tree never burns cause Zovaal doesn’t need “fuel” for his armies… etc…

Could even tie this into Murozond’s corruption.

I guess, how much different would this be from WoD’s storyline?

It’s called Capitalism. The Lure of MONEY… LOTS AND LOTS OF MONEY. You really really don’t want to offend what is the largest untapped commercial market on the planet.

Have the jailer kill off Baine.