How would you make Lightforged Warlocks make sense?

Being one’s own master doesn’t always apply. Should a criminal avoid arrest and punishment because “they’re their own master” or “their destiny is their own”? Would you accept that excuse to let off someone who robbed or beat you?

Obsessing over scars is unhealthy. It may be a child’s movie, but Kung Fu Panda 2 had a mature message about how unhealthy it is to obsess over your scars (refusing to let go of their scars led to the villain’s death; scars fade).

Her vision and his goals were the same. And he would’ve still had his will. Turalyon went through the same process and still disagreed with Xe’ra and challenged her afterwards. Also, there is no “Lightbounding”, just Lightforging, and that doesn’t control people. I’ve addressed this question so many times to others, it’s more debunked than vampires. I’m just going to link this thread from now on.

She disagreed with his methods and Illidan is clearly a dangerous loose cannon. Even if she wasn’t right, she had a point.

If they could Lightforge demons to get them to serve, why bother with fel at all? Because Lightforging doesn’t work that way.

And what about the rest of what I said in that comment? About Chris Brown? Punishing DV with community service?