I’d kill all the heroes and players at the end and announce Warcraft 4: A world without heroes. I’d make sure it had good multiplayer and custom gaming with as much freedom for creators as the OG Warcraft 3 had.
I’d begin working on WoW2 after telling my staff to take a good hard read of the original World of Warcraft manual and playing a few real games.
I would tell anyone that wants to put lore in books they are fired. Sorry. I like her, but bye.
I think his point was to stop the grind for sockets like we have had for a while now. Rather than RNG or a long grind like in BFA and Shadowlands it would be much more fun if gear that had to the option to have a socket just had it rather than making us get lucky or work extra for it.
Yeah the people who spent their whole lives playing games. Who often work / worked in the gaming field with a few even making their own games. Know nothing about what they enjoy from a game?
Actually it’s not a dumb comment. They’re actually worse than just normal players because they have a conflict of interest. They like games that are good material for streaming. What’s good for streaming isn’t necessarily good for a normal player. And let’s not forget the fact that–if you’re a popular streamer–your experience is so far removed from a normal player that you really have no insight about what it’s like to play a game as an average person. We’re talking about people who are literally given gold constantly by random people. Isn’t it cute how they never seen to complain about gold sinks? Gee, I wonder why.
Personal loot is another obvious example. They all hate it. Why? Because they can’t just masterloot everything to themselves. A feature overwhelmingly positive for the majority of players sucks for a tiny minority (mythic raiders and streaming scumbags), yet the narrative on this is that masterlooting is the best thing since sliced bread because this tiny minority of dirtbags want it. Gee.
So not only are they overwhelmingly ignorant and mostly stupid, but they have a horrible bias that makes their opinion is even more worthless. There’s a reason devs can’t stand them.
Your comment is the dumb one. Think about the stupidity of your statement. I guess alcoholics know how to make the best liquor, right? Dumbass.
It is, it’s another “WAAAA STREMERS BAD” post. Ignoring points made, people were already calling out these systems in the game long before that guy and Asmon made a video about it, people just learned the word more commonly used in other parts of the gaming industry yet are all shills for streamers while you defend Blizzard?
Another silly comment, most WoW streamers don’t do it just for the views. WoW is, and always has been a horrible game to stream. It’s not fun watching it, the content is mainly just boring grinds so it’s not always fun even playing the game. Asmongold was the only one really getting a decent number of views and people were actively asking him to play something else, even those who play WoW. If all they cared about was a good game to stream they have dozens of much better choices that actually has viewers. Go look up most of the WoW content creators and see why they made their channels. Nearly all of them have had a deep passion for the game, weather it’s Lore and storytelling, Raiding, PvP or all of the above.
No one is asking they how to farm gold, this is irrelevant. Well, other than the gold farming content creators <3. They still need to gear, and go through all of the grinds we do. They are often saying the same thing as everyone else on the forums, reddit, and in game, because, surprise! People are unhappy with WoW in it’s current state. Nearly every opinion streamers have is already greatly supported by a large number of the WoW community, because like us, they play the game. Not everything mind you, they can have plenty of takes people dislike too just like everyone else in the world.
I’m with you on personal loot, I prefer it but your also very wrong. It’s not just them asking for it but guilds, and people who play with friends. The current system is bad. I can’t trade away gear I don’t want to my friends because it’s an ‘upgrade’ in item level. This has caused so many issues with gearing in my guild, just slowing down everyone back in BFA when I was raiding. I don’t care for master looter and hated it in PuG’s but they need to loosen the restrictions on the current system or bring it back for guild only groups.
They sure as hell know what is good and what’s bad. That’s why your comment is dumb. You think “game design” and act like it’s rocket science. It’s a freaking game. Most of what we are talking about is very simple and any random dude can think up. This is not the hard part of making a game. I have spent my whole life playing games, I know what I dislike and what I like, it’s not hard.
Your player base has been shouting at you with what they want for years and it’s all been ignored, ever wonder why a large portion of the player base has left the game? Why the forums, reddit, YT, Twitch and every other platform people talk about the game on are unhappy with WoW?
But go on, shill for the company more while the players quit and a large number of their management are fired for sexually harassing women, the devs that remain seem to be the type who don’t even play WoW, yet the random streamers and gamers who know more about the game then the games own devs are always wrong about WHAT THEY LIKE IN A GAME.
Remove the Maw intro. PITA to keep having to do that one.
Allow unlimited switching between covenants, as long as you have done their covenant campaign.
Account wide Renown.
Valor Vendor.
Make the lore make more sense. I get that from time to time a retcon needs to be made, but at least try to make that retcon make sense.
Scale way back on the borrowed power. Unlike some, I fully realize that borrowed power has been around since vanilla, but there is way to much of it now.
Let Zoval win! We get back to a completely changed Azeroth.
Allow mercenary mode PVE, ie M+ and Raids. I get that some will hate this, but there is precedence with PvP.
Make questing matter a little more, instead of just a way to get to level cap.
Add more obscure quests for the more casual players, or something that they can sink their teeth into and be rewarded when they finish.
Transmog quests
Single player spec tests like the mage tower. One of the best things wow has ever done IMO.
Do your nerfing and buffing of classes way more often. There is 0 reason for letting one class be absolutly terrible for months and months before giving them some love.
Along with number 13, do your buffing and nerfing in small increments to keep from gutting classes that are doing to well. (side note: I feel sure that most Fire Mages and Aff locks realized they would be getting a nerf, but they didn’t just get nerfed, they gutted them, at least for AFF)
Along with 13 and 14. Communicate early and often on why you think a class is out of whack. If you think a class should play a different way, let those players know so they can make an informed choice on whether to play that class/spec. Don’t just do it in the Beta tests, if something is going wrong with the spec, or something that is happening that is unintended; let that specs player base know.
So I know people will disagree with some or even all of this list, and I could probably come up with a lot more stuff to put in it, this is just what I came up with off the top of my head.
Lastly those classes that not a lot of people play, i.e. Survival Hunter, Feral Druid, Mistweaver Monk, and to a lesser extent Frost DK and others. Something is wrong somewhere if no one wants to play them (and not all of it is community perception). Try and fix it.
And? It’s his opinion, unlike you I don’t watch him very often so I had to look up the clip. Like 90% of his viewers disagreed with him so that kinda proves the whole point you made in the original comment was wrong.
After looking up, and watching the clip for ya I have to say I agree with him on a few points he made but I personally enjoy RoS, I like having a game to endless grind in every once in a while.
No one said he was? Again, tell me what part of game design you are even talking about? The only thing really brought up is systems, most of the systems in WoW for example are trash and any nobody can think up something better or point to past examples in WoW or other games that fit better. You don’t take the opinion of one dude, not all of us are sheep like you. You look at the community and ask them what they like and dislike. Content creators are often pushing idea’s the community at large are asking for. When they have a dumb opinion they get called out, just like Asmongold did in that clip you talked about.
I mean, his view of things was that. With the removal of trading and the other changes gearing became an endless grind of rifts (it is, I’m currently playing D3!), and relies on a ton of RNG. That botters ruined what felt like an endless paragon grind. This ruined the game for him. I think if we do a poll about just the issues he brought up most people will dislike them just going off my personal experiences and more importantly, what people in the diablo reddit, in game & forums have talked about over the years.
Let me ask you something, why are you playing classic WoW? The old system in D3 was closer to that, it’s pretty much what he enjoyed in D3 with the way progression worked. You talk about hating those systems yet you are playing the game that promoted them rather than retail.
If a system requires a third party website to make sense of its currency it probably is too complicated or poorly implemented. So simplifying or removing any of these would be a good step too.
I agree actually with alot of your post. I think they should revisit old systems as well. I know each expansion since WOD has had some kind of progression system that is dropped that we invest into. Garrisons, Artifacts, etc… I feel like if these were refined and revamped into a constant all the time and effort put into them would generally give the player base a sense of developing their character within the world. My favorite expansion was Cataclysm because I was back into WARCRAFT the old world. I miss the old zones and would like to re visit them with a challenge on my main with the Garrison or Historical weapon I invested into to help improve the world.
You can’t bring back people they’re gone now. Two bad expansions in a row just doesn’t cut it.
First of all f2p time. Second of all open the store they’ve been holding back on for years. It has everything you can think of. Buying achievements, gear, lootboxes and all the juicy stuff. This will bring in a new kind of player that they can milk for a few expansions at least.
I’m just kidding. All they can do now is put all effort they have left on the next expansion. Just ignore shadowlands, it’s over, gg. They got plenty of excuses to throw around to why they want to cut the expansion short(yet the next expansion probably won’t be out for at least a year and a half). Maybe they’ll drip feed some more content. From what I’ve seen it doesn’t take much at all to make most of you happy as clams.