How would YOU fix the faction "imbalance"?

That might be true for other franchises, in Warcraft however, the Orcs and their allies are the cool guys that everybody loves.

Alliance only had an advantage at the beginning (Vanilla) because the Horde lacked a good looking race, and people were still under LOTR movies hype.

Now that’s all gone, the Alliance became the ugly child that only mommy loves.


Who is mommy…where can I find her…and is she a dev with influence?


Ofc is not Blizzard, it’s just a hyperbole, but I would say the few loyal Alliance players left.


The only real faction imbalance is that Horde armor uses bland color pallets and for whatever reason Blizzard thinks spikes work on everything.

No they couldn’t, and I wish people would stop saying this.

Look, right now the participation imbalance seems to run pretty deep. Alliance is running on casuals only, the recruiting pool is very shallow, and progression guilds are pretty entrenched on Horde side.

You think that it’s honestly going to bring people back into the shallow end of the pool if they get High Elves? Really? A copy of a race already present on Horde side, where they already are and don’t have to pay to go to?

It’s delusional. High Elves aren’t a magic savior button. Serious raiders aren’t going to swap factions just so they can play white elves on the Alliance.


Rework all racials to be evenly matched.

Gnome racial is worthless.

I’m actually expecting Ion to pull a faction exclusive buff related to raiding/mythic and or general pve in some fashion. Something that can be adjusted turned off or swapped between them at their discretion. I’m only suggestion this in light of oceanic servers have the opposite problem of being hefty on alliance with major lacking in horde and find that blizzard will be reluctant to to do anything physically that only effects alliance, such as their racials.

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I’d start by getting rid of all racials. They are one of the main reasons we’re in this mess right now.


Would love to see the hordes outrage if they got treated the same!

Blizzard: Alliance welcome ogres as the new AR!

Horde: Zug-z-WHAT?!

Alliance:… Pfft…

Blizzard: it’s ok Horde we still love you, in a couple expansions we will give you RAINBOW OGRES! It’ll be cool they are like a Crack team of rainbow infused ogres that will assist the horde.

Horde: unsubbed!

Blizzard: next up! The Venth’thyr are joining the alliance!

HORDE: eats their own dinner plate in rage

Blizzard: now we know what you’re thinking since both factions actually helped the Venthyr but actually Lorethamar Theron was really rude to them you see…? So they went alliance. It’s just how the lore (we wrote for you) went.

Stay tuned for Fat trolls though you’re gonna love em! And mechano-goblins, now with 100% more diapers!


I don’t know a single Horde player who wants Ogres as a Horde race. But you’re welcome to have them as part of the Alliance.

Well, first I would have to admit there is a problem, something this Dev team seems to have a hard time doing with a lot of things. Once I admitted there is a problem, I would probably keep the factions, but only in name and for PvP reasons, but allow cross faction for PvE. Unsure about allowing cross faction guilds simply because it could be abused in Bags.


Fun idea…

Might fix this so called Imbalance Playable Dark Ranger for Horde, and for the Alliance playable Tinkerer with two unique classes and play styles I am sure it will be a faction equalization tool.

Tell the developers that as part of their agreement and employment conditions that only half my play horde while the other half play alliance and they may not play as the other faction. A lot of what is happening is caused by the fact that the developers actually play as horde. Remember this is their job and part of a developers job in a game like this is being able to remain unbiased otherwise things like what we have here happen.


Problem with this half the ones that play Horde haven’t logged on in five years…

Nope tinker sounds like just another stupid gnome idea while dark ranger sounds like one of the baddest meanest hunter killer in the world.

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A lot of Alliance players wanted Tinkerer.

I would agree with this completely. It’s just a shame that in their arrogance the devs have already said it’s never happening. The core root of this problem steams from tbe developers themselves that is what needs to be addressed in order to actually fix anything


They are called Kultieran or however it’s spelled. They look pretty much like Ogres. But of course their racials are okay for alliance but don’t hold a candle to zanda trolls racials.

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Oh simple give the other faction +50% bonus for everything

Watch the wannabies whine and switch :rofl:…or leave( leaving also helps)

I can agree because I LOVE killing Undead NPCs.

I played MMORPGs before PvP really became a thing in them. I barely PvP’s in Vanilla or any expac going forward. I’ll do Av because its more of a PvE BG but I avoid WSG like the plague.

I don’t PvP on either side. There is NOTHING Blizzard can do to incite me to PvP. It seems like Blizzard is as confused as you are, expecting Alliance players to get upset and want to kill Horde players in PvP because plot in story.

ITs JUST NOT GONNA HAPPEN. People who want to PvP go Horde because Horde typifies the kind of character a PvPer will want to play. The Flavor of the Horde is violence and aggression except maybe the Tauren.

Most people do NOT PvP seriously in this game. THe devs are crazy if they thing beating down the Alliance in story is gonna make them change their characters or how the Alliance is after years of them writing the Alliance people only out for peace.