Please. You know that’s baby-steps compared to what goes on in the Discord…
As a couple they might not be down with that.
I mean, they could also go the DC comics route. Tyrande could sculpt a baby from clay, have it blessed by Elune and bam real baby. The Night Elves get Wonder Woman.
Possibly. Personally, I don’t really agree the infertility implication is even there.
Orcs are also depleted from any big names, they only have Eitrigg left and they all serve as cannon fodder at this point. Because they don’t have as a race any narrative going on. Thrall just returned but he clearly wished not to, the entire experience is very demoralizing for their fans.
I used to be a huge Saurfang fan, He was my favorite orc, but the more spotlight he had in BfA the less I liked him. So when he finally kicked the bucket I saw it as a mercy killing.
And I think Sylvanas would be also better off if she died in WotLK, got her closure and went of as shady antihero instead of what she is today.
I don’t like the signs which were shown so far regarding her, either she will be villanbatted or forced to get along, so I think the best for her would be to get proper closure, and start a new character before they could ruin her.
In the end this is open thread and it’s tilted “How you would finish Tyranda’s story” it was my proposition. I didn’t expect people to all agree with it, but I laid out reasoning behind it and they are as much free to disagree with it. It’s not like it will be implemented in game anyway.
Why didn’t you like Saurfang? When did your support for him turn?
Honestly I hope. I miss her even though we didn’t always agree.
The Horde doesn’t have the ability to mass rez like Anduin can. The best the Horde can do is save the Teldrassil souls and cheer on Tyrande as she takes out Sylvanas.
I think it was in “Lost Honor” I believe he should’ve go with Rokhan and try to meet other Horde leaders to dethrone Sylvanas and do it without Anduin support.
He turned out to be hypocrite who was eager to work with enemy faction ready to assault the entire city and kill his own until he got an idea to challenge leader directly.
Vol’Jin first tried to reach to other horde leaders, he made proper preparations and gathered intel (sending Gob squad to Orgrimmar) before he made assault on Garrosh. Involving Alliance was something he wanted to avoid but was forced to do.
Here it’s exactopposite.
He needed proper prep talk from Anduin to be forced to Action. And he eagerly cooperates with them despite having his small talk about Rastakhan in Orgrimmar.
On top of that he said that everything Horde stood for was a lie. Not just orcs, not forsaken, everyone in this faction.
Which also rubbed me the wrong way as the Horde in W3 was shown in very positive light, and continued to be in positive light til WotLK. So I strongly disagree with him, there was good in Horde, and he supposedly saw it in Zekhan but apprently not.
He is one of the factors that made lost attachment to the Horde. If this faction was disbanded at this point I’d even be happy seeing what a walking mockery it has became - I’d be happy to just work for Talanji alone.
Is there any Pride left in Horde?
But you do agree that your scenario tends to be a slap in the face especially for night elf fans, right?
I mean, it makes the whole situation worse, which we already have right now.
If you consider that everyone in that faction was only too willing to take up arms and wipe out a race and even celebrate it, I mean, Saurfang’s bitterniss was because he - I think it was in the “good war” shortstory - didn’t know how to explain to his men what they have done
Meaning that the Horde and especially many younger warriors lack a complete sense of guilt about this, or a capacity to understand it because they weren’t brought up properly.
Also the Orc-Child only shows that the younger generation might have a chance, but the current generation doesn’t see it as a crime. It shows that the children of the Horde may think differently, look at it differently, than their parents, and even then they just say, “You have your mother’s heart,” an answer that is shameful on the one hand, but doesn’t really address what’s really wrong here. Namely that it took a child to get the father to respond in this way, and he didn’t think so by default.
this orcchild shamed his father, rightly so, but the biggest shame was that he had not thought so himself before.
That’s what’s wrong.
I think it’s better conclusion than what Saurfang and Sylvanas was given. It wouldn’t be as big “slap to the face” as what orcs, forsaken, darkspears (back in legion) were given.
Because so long it would kickstart proper restoration process and would introduce new generation it would be imo worthy step. Because of nelf leadership they stagnated pretty badly, for years I believed that nelves need fresh blood. It was unfortunate what happened in BfA. But not only nelvs got short end of the stick.
In contrary to Forsaken they do have big roster of characters ready to ascend to higher position like Jarod.
And I think the beautiful way would be if Finel would rise to be the new champion and new moon priestess. Sure it would take some years for her to grow but it could lead to some truly beautiful story. The seed is planted it could grow into some great legacy.
Also hear me out, I am not against nelves. They make interesting enemies, and I would be as much upset if they were removed permanently as trolls from this planet. Because they make Azeroth unique place to be and this world wouldn’t be the same without them.
But I am aware that I find different things interesting than majority of people. For example I preffered Staghelm to her because I found his attitude more enjoyable and I was upset that he was villanbatted.
But I bet majority of people feel other way around.
I liked the WC3 Malfurion or the WC3 Tyrande much better, they wouldn’t have torched for so long either, the horde would probably have been wiped out after Cata.
However, I also liked the original Staghelm very much, and the fact that it has become a Villian gives the impression that every Night Elf with a little bit of bite and sharpness that is not pro-alliance but clearly pro-night elf, would have to be eliminated or would be evil…too sad.
Don’t you think THAT would be a slap in the face to the Horde players?
Definitely, I’m not denying that, but the original night elves just wouldn’t have been that tolerant, you know that.
I’d like return of intolerant belves, but I don’t that they could fight off united Horde on their own and be successful in “wiping them out”. When they failed at it back in WC3 wherr Horde had far smaller numbers.
The Wc3 horde has never met their main army. What’s so hard to accept is the fact that what the night elves were in WC3…was an equal opponent for the Legion, not for the Alliance and Horde they could fend off at the same time.
I’d have sympathy for you, if Alliance players dictating Sylvanas hadn’t been the norm for 10 years. As it stands, hard to take your complaint seriously.
Also, how do you know these players don’t play both sides? Most people play both sides of the game and most people disagree with you, doesn’t seem unreasonable to assume these “Horde players” are really just “fans of Warcraft.”
You’re the only one.
If that was the truth then why they still needed help from Horde and Alliance? I think the Power fantasy makes elf fans drunk honestly.