How would you feel if they changed the Manual Crowd Pummeler to not have charges but a CD instead?

Like I said, it doesn’t need to be a CD. There just needs to be some sort of accompanying change so that this weapon wasn’t a terror in the 29 bracket.

There’s that, Hammer of Bestial Fury, Mace of Unending Life, The End of Dreams and of course the legendary Atiesh.

I believe the first one available is Hammer of Bestial Fury in phase 4 with the green dragon world bosses. Then the Qiraji War Hammer and Mace of Unending Life with phase 5. Then finally The End of Dreams and Atiesh with phase 6.

Instead of treating it like a weapon, treat it like any raiding consumable.

I don’t want to spend hours farming frostmaul giants for +40 AP but I do it. It’s no different.

Laughs in Warrior!


What is the issue with it?

Classic isn’t open to changes nor should it be. So no.

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Gating a class’s damage around who could mindlessly farm an item from a dungeon that offered no challenge and little other rewards in terms of BoE drops was idiotic. I’m saying this as a Shadow priest who has no problem farming a stupid amount of mana consumables to counteract the poor sustain design of my class. At least I can farm somewhere where I can get a BoE worth 50+ gold…


Classic is already changed from vanilla is a multitude of ways, so you can shove that fallacious attitude where the sun don’t shine.

No changes. Just wait for Classic plus

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It was idiotic, but Classic is also not about trying to fix what was idiotic.

It was also idiotic that healer DPS builds did mediocre DPS in the first place because of the “unique and powerful buffs”(Blizzard’s words, not mine) that they brought that more or less didn’t make up for it because the healing specced people of those classes were mostly bringing it.

and yes I know Classic isn’t a pixel perfect recreation of Vanilla, but that’s not a solid argument that we should start making it even less authentic.

Tell that to Blizzard. That’s their official stance :sunglasses:


So who gets to say what is “authentic” or not? The attitude of “no changes” fails on its face because of the simple fact that there are already changes. Hell, there are so many game breaking mechanics bugs currently that it’s an absolute joke to pretend this is supposed to be an unchanged copy of vanilla. Forcing someone to spend hours doing content that is rewarding neither content wise nor currency wise is inexcusable. I don’t mind forcing someone to farm for hours but it’s gnomer FFS. There aren’t even good twink BoE’s there.

#nochanges #postfromclassic

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Blizzard’s 1.12 reference client/server gets the final say because it’s a legit 1.12 setup and it can’t remember the game incorrectly like we can.

We aren’t pretending like it’s a perfect copy, but admitting that isn’t the “gotcha!” you seem to think it is when arguing for yet even more changes.

They should be fixing the inauthentic stuff, not adding more inauthentic stuff. The point is to get it as close as possible.

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Blizzard’s 1.12 reference client and server.

Their most recent official stance is literally “We want to know what the community wants and we’ll do that.”

Which, in case you haven’t noticed is: changes.

Anyone who still believes there won’t be (more) changes is being willfully ignorant in addition to naive as all hell.


I don’t play a Dru, but from what I read, they lack the necessary toolkit to tank as well as Warriors.

SO because there are already changes they should just add more??? um no that is the slippery sloop we been warning about, how about they remove the changes not make more changes…remove layers give me back the yellow parchment menus remove auto loot and so on, those are the only changes I would accept, things that make it more like vanilla not less like it.

Do you need me to start listing mechanics bugs that were definitely not part of their “reference client”? Feign death. Counter spell silencing other schools randomly. Mobs windfurying. Hunter dead zone padding. Pets losing spells. Mind Control freezing the caster in place afterwards. PWS negating melee crits in some circumstances. That’s just off the top of my head. I know you want to live in some fantasy world where this is going to be an exact replica of vanilla, but reality begs to differ. They will never even come close to fixing even a fraction of the game breaking stuff. Not only that, but Blizzard has already made changes to the way the game was back then that are completely removed from the bugs. Layering? Raid/Dungeon changes (Princess farming?)? Banning people for using guard blind spots to kill players? C’mon. Don’t pretend this is supposed to be an exact copy. It never was. We may as well make people not want to off themselves from farming absolutely worthless content to be raid viable.