How would you feel if they changed the Manual Crowd Pummeler to not have charges but a CD instead?

This is one if not the best weapon for Feral Druid. But it only has 3 charges. So Ferals will farm this forever. How would you feel if they changed this?


I’d be 100% fine with it. Maybe add an internal cooldown so it didn’t have 100% uptime. For those who don’t get the context, it’s this one 2H mace from Gnomer that has a 50% attack speed buff for 30 seconds with 3 charges. Raiding feral had to farm bags full of this weapon to do decent damage.

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Don’t change it.


Believe it or not, I’m more excited about the few feral AP weapons being released in later phases.

Since I’m not a feral druid player and I don’t have to farm it, I like the idea of having quirky items in the game that do stuff the devs never intended. If you put in the work into farming it, you reap the rewards of the unintended mechanic.

If I was a feral druid player, I’d probably want the charges removed :stuck_out_tongue:

When in doubt though #nochanges


You mean the Qiraji War Hammer?

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So by making this change it would nerf ferals significantly… how about we don’t take away the best thing they have going for them.

How about we just rebalance Feral to be playable without MCP past phase 6?


There’s Atiesh (sp) and another one too. I believe there were 3-4 weapons. One was from a world boss? I think…

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The other is the one of Bestial Fury from the Dragons of Nightmare.

Don’t change it, this is classic a time when there was a hybrid tax and no hybrid class was capable of the DPS of a pure DPS class :slight_smile:

Huh? He’s suggesting remove the charges so that they don’t have to farm hundreds of these things.


Why? I’d sooner ask for Ret/Prot Pally and Moonkin changes than Feral ones. Feral is already strong.

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Except that there is no cool down on the charges currently, are you saying to make the cool down 30 seconds? A normal cool down on something like this would be 3 mins at the lowest but possibly up to 10, thus nerfing the build entirely.

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No, I mean like 40 sec internal or something so it didn’t have 100% uptime. I just don’t want it to destroy the twink bracket or something (not that I twink but that’s part of classic). They could even do something like increase the number of charges. Even some high number of charges (20?) would limit its usefulness for twinks, as they could only use it so many times.

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Yes, that’s the one. Thank you. Foggy memory. I didn’t play Druid in Vanilla lol.

Correction, not capable if they weren’t willing to do the extra work. Some rare feral Druids, Ret paladins, and enhance shamans have done some pretty insane things in raids…

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Then make it so you can only have one at a time in your possession :wink:

I mean… if they are changing Classic to be different then how it worked in Vanilla, then might as well just ask for them to fix feral tanking instead…

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But adding a cooldown would make it so you can only use 1 per boss instead of 3. It would be a significant nerf.