How would you change the game?

Bring corruptions back again, those where fun

Height sliders.

Hide pants.

Thatā€™s all for now.

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Change the gameā€™s engine. Itā€™ll make 90% of the stuff people mentioned in the thread possible.

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I would regulate PvP stats so folks are on an even playing field.


Given I level a lot Iā€™d really appreciate heirlooms removed or repurposed. Considering removing them would destroy a lot of hard work folks have put in, I propose a repurpose.

All characters start with ā€œwhiteā€ level heirlooms now. Theyā€™re now the bare minimum ilvl to get anything done. All content should be scaled around said heirlooms to give at minimum a two mob death sentence without cooldowns (If it takes expansions to perfect, so be it). Certain specs like tanks are an exception because they also should take way longer to kill anything.

The white level heirlooms can be upgraded to green/blue/purple/epic respectively. Any work youā€™ve done thus far would factor towards the upgrades. Or we can keep the number scaling. The bottom line is, the current system is way too much work to do from 0-60, and it will continue to be too much work as Blizz continues to treat it as a time/gold sink. Which is ultimately fine but new players are punished the hardest.

New players have to rely on luck to get gear. Luck meaning they picked the right quest path to get the right gear replacements to maintain an appropriate ilvl. Those players and then punished their second play around by not having heirlooms and choosing a less gear-oriented path. Starting with gear that automatically scales with you would resolve that.

tl;dr current heirlooms suck and gear out-pacing is a major problem in leveling. 30/40/50 can be huge ilvl discrepancies if you lack heirlooms and/or choose a harsh leveling path.

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Change shadow bolt animation back to the original.

Better align mythic+ and raiding difficulty/rewards.

Make drums 25%.

Consolidate the excess of offensive, defensive, and mobility cooldowns.

Unlocking transmog from a higher difficulty unlocks all lower difficulties.

Make Battle Pets a viable leveling pathway by putting a gym in each city and giving me a red baseball cap that I can turn sideways when Iā€™m about to get serious.

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Add a tinkerer class
Add ranged survival back
Give more appearance options to Mechagnomes so you donā€™t have to look soā€¦weird
Remove the cooldowns on the ā€œjust for funā€ toys
Add an option to return the old gun sounds
Make recruit a friend more accessible (maybe reduce the amount of time the friend needs to have been gone from 12 to 6 months etc)
Make heirlooms more impactful again
Bring back hunter pet talents that are NOT based on the pet
Account wide pet stables / achievements
Player housing
Let players unlock transmog on any class (for example if a piece of mail loot drops that you like but you are on your mage, you can still add it to your appearances
Remove the sun/moon cycle from druids
Give hunters the camp that vulpera get
Give hunters better pet / self heals


How would you change the game?

My major complaint? You can cook the food but you canā€™t eat it.
Maybe they could work out a deal with Uber Eats.

Give me a house and VR and I will never leave.


Some things Iā€™d change or add:


  • More colors for Nightborneā€™s glowing hands
  • More colors for Dark Ironā€™s fiery hair
  • Beards for Trolls and Undead
  • Forest and Frost Troll skin tones
  • Grimtotem and Feltotem skin tones for Tauren
  • The actual Manā€™ari skin tones, complete with Fel scarring and muscle definition
  • Druid of the Flame skin tones for N.Elves
  • More elemental options for Shamans
  • Customizable spell effects (e.g. white instead of gold for N.Elf priests)
  • Cult of the Damned skin tones + tattoos for all races

Gameplay Changes

  • Give Enhancement Shaman the option to either dual-wield or use 2-handers like Frost DK
  • Swap Survival and Beast Master as the melee spec for Hunters
  • Give melee Hunters the option to either dual-wield or use 2-handers like Frost DK
  • Go the route FFXIV took with PVP and make gear completely cosmetic. Everyone uses a stat template thatā€™s hard-locked and not affected by gear. Make PVP purely skill and not who grinded Conquest more. Also, make a completely separate spellbook for PVP (e.g. Mortal Strike becomes Savage Strike or something when entering a PVP area)
  • Implement duplicate protection to the Great Vault
  • Implement a new, generic currency that drops from any Raid, Dungeon, or World Boss that has a mount in their loot table. If you donā€™t get the mount, you get the currency instead and if you farm enough you can just buy the mount from an NPC
  • Expand Follower Dungeons to all dungeons in the game
  • Expand the roster of Follower NPCs to include all Mission Table followers
  • Put the +EXP bonus back on Heirlooms
  • Reduce the number of nodes for Profession Knowledge. Mainly remove the ā€œmiddle manā€ nodes (e.g. Hafted, Sculpted Armor, Outfits, etc)
  • Make sure that players can get to max level for a Profession (the profession level, not the knowledge tree) without needing rare recipes or recipes that require hard-to-get materials.


  • Playable Vrykul for the Alliance and Ogres for the Horde
  • Player Housing (actual player housing and not the poor attempt that are Garrisons)
  • An actual Necromancer class, not a Blackguard/Cleric with Death Domain powers

Allow us to change our characters idle animation.

Thats just off the top of my head, everyone else covered a lot of ones already that I would add as well such as player housing and hide pants.


This, and have a more dynamic hunter pet idle animation. Have them go wander/sniff around nearby, or go to sleep. Perhaps they could even be petted by players, much like many NPC beasts can.

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A lot of things have already been mentioned. Iā€™d add in that Iā€™d love it if Blizzard could get gear names correct.

Dear Blizzard, this thing called a Tunic is actually a robe. And those sandals? Those are actually big ole boots.

I donā€™t know why that bugs me but man, it pushes buttons for me.

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I would allow bots and other combat automation.


It would all be contained on one server that was isolated from the rest of the game. It would require login like classic or the PTR.

Players just simply wonā€™t stop using them, so instead of villainizing them. We give them their own botters server.

The data could then be used to further advance Blizzards own AI efforts.

i would love to see permanantly enslavable demons for warlocks just like hunter pets.

I think and spell with a cast time should either be available on the move (donā€™t forget that they could be interrupted in pvp) and/or there should be a very short stationary requirement to allow a single cast to be made on the move.

Arcane mage has foresight, but who ever gets to stand still for 10 seconds in this game? as in ever.

regular flying speed should be increased to something like 450 times.

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This was the absolute worst move they ever made for PvP and the current system which mirrors the MoP/WoD system is the only one that makes sense.

Make the cash shop worth spending cash in. :slight_smile:

I just want them to do system maintenance in a timely manner and quit waiting to the point that they can sell it as an expansion feature.

Itā€™s like your landlord just adding in one of those new fancy ā€œovensā€ they keep hearing about and listing it a new feature in 2024! The mark was missed about 100 years back.

  • remove cross-realm play
  • remove server sharding and layering
  • greatly nerf rewards from trivial content world quests and weekly quests
  • change LFR to a ā€œstory modeā€ with only pet drops and cosmetics
  • add more story content, hire better writers
  • add more world content
  • perm ban accounts caught buying gold or cheating
  • remove war mode and instate PvP servers again
  • hire someone to come up with ideas for world content for guilds, like area ownership through means of WPvP
  • hire employees solely based on qualifications
  • add more rewards for guilds and real team play, like achievements and longevity of active players, rewards for not using pugs for content
  • add a lot of blood
  • give penalties for deaths, maybe even absurd repair bills.
  • make world content harder
  • enforce RP server naming rules
  • create a rule list for RP servers for players and guilds so Bleeding Hollow type players stay on servers like Bleeding Hollow