How would you change the game?

Here is my list of hot takes.


  • Allow all armor types to be used by everyone.
  • Start adding in more green fire quest lines so people of all classes and specs can customize their characters. We used to see a ton of additions to polymorph I’d like that for everything.
  • Be able to hide pants.
  • Add a cumulative +0.5% each time you do not get a mount/pet/rare item the next time you kill the enemy it drops from.
  • Add player housing.
  • All characters have all professions.
  • Allow people the chance to earn all FOMO items 2 years after its been removed. This allows players who were not even born yet the ability to get some of the really neat items and experience some of the content that is missing. Alternatively allow classic and retail accounts to link and when you earn an item/achievement/mount on classic you get access to it on retail as well.


  • Give druids the ability to learn wild shape forms from any animal in the open world.
  • Make druids the easy class in all specs and have it as the main draw for the class. It has all of the role types so its a perfect class for people who just want to switch roles occasionally and do OK without requiring a ton of skill.
  • Cut down the number of resto spells and bring it more in line with how it was early Wrath. A lot of this can be done with making several of the required talents that add abilities a choice node with passives.
  • Increase the size of bears by 33%.
  • More blood animations on bear attacks.
  • Feral needs a ton of help to make it into a spec that the average person can even attempt to play well with. It has long ramp time, builder requirements with bloodtalons, Tracking dots, pooling energy, tracking CP. I don’t even know how to approach this but prefer feral to be easier like FDK.
  • Bring back a more nature themed version of boomkin as an alternative option (like having the old green wrath spell back,) not everyone is a NE and the whole moon and sun theme fits a priest or paladin better with WoW’s concept of the light and Elune.


  • IP ban the bots, and as you now require credit cards you ban the name of the card holder as well. Make it difficult to bot.
  • Stop requiring the authenticator to be able to list. It didn’t stop people from selling carries and it just hurts people who don’t own a phone (and yes we do exist.)


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Make everything obtainable somehow. I hate gatekeepers.

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You’re right.

:robot: :warning: Breakcog :warning: :robot:

There. Now we’re safe.

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Put all tier sets on a battle pass, and the free version only yields rep/xp :nerd_face:


I’d focus on smaller group content, I’ve had the most fun and best memories with 4 people vs 25, or even 40 in classic. Dungeons that aren’t pressured by timer and focuses on skill feels good and better, you feel important if you’re not a tank :nerd_face:.

PvP players will give this kind of feedback and get zilch in response. Meanwhile PvE players:

“I wAnT plAYAblE muRloCs”

I would make a new rating system that was performance based rather than participation based. Instead of a number that is essentially a ledger of instances you have been inside, you get a star rating for what you did while inside the instance. Each instance you finish gives you a breakdown of what you did to earn your stars and what you need to do attain more stars. Stars are granted for things like doing interrupts and CCs on casting mobs, not using abilities more than 40M away from your tank, avoiding avoidable damage, having high ability uptime on bosses, etc. Earn a certain number of stars in the previous bracket to move up to the next difficulty bracket queues.

Bring on the playable races.

To add on to that list:

  • Forest Trolls (Horde)
  • Drakonid (Neutral)
  • Satyr (Alliance)
  • Fel orc (Orc customization)

I still don’t understand why Blizzard made that change.

Other changes I would make are:

  • Trade Prince Gazlowe being either in Bilgewater Harbor or Grommash Hold.
  • The nameless Representatives in the faction embassies replaced with other characters. For example instead of the Zandalari Representative in the Orgrimmar Embassy, it’s Tayo who became the official Zandalari Ambassador to the Horde at the end of Shadows Rising.
  • A new 5 man dungeon in the Caverns of Time, centered on the Battle of Blackrock Spire.
  • The transformation of a reclaimed Stonemaul Village into Stonemaul Fortress.

I would let people create custom servers/content.

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Oh I forgot to add them. Yes Murlocs please.



Fire Danuser and his cronies.
There, WoW fixed.

Player housing

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Make calendar and time bigger or scaleable in the UI.

Start making older zones relevant. For example, have current crafting recipes use as components items or crafted goods from older expansions or recipes.

Have small attitude changes of the NPCs based on your toon’s rep with that faction, to make it feel more relevant.


I’d put the booty back in booty bay

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You can have your tinkers, just please don’t delete engineering. I’ve worked so hard on it. It’s my favorite profession.

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Add nekos.

Put Ion back to being a raid encounter designer, and no more single lead developer, all it leads to is the problem we have under Ion, ie raids and dungeons getting more Dev time and everything else getting the scraps.

Next, remove as much of the eSports BS from the game as possible, this is not meant to be an eSports, and it doesn’t work in WoW.

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Cuz nothing would fix and destroy the game more than another version of it.

grabs flamethrower :fire:

Player housing. Or at the very least, a Warband camp. If those BfA zones can exist on top of the old zones… why are we high level players not going out into like Durotar or Elwynn and running off those boars / wolves for good to slap up our home.

Though at this point, more spaghetti isn’t likely a solution. It’s a game engine from like 1999… with 20 years of stuff drowning in it. We have to stat squish, stat squish, level squish, stat squish again. So many story lines are just unresolved and forgotten about… while others were so far out in left field that they try to sweep it under the rug. It all needs purged… and we should have let Fyrakk do just that. Let the tree emerge from the Dream ablaze in Shadowflame and exterminatus azeroth >.< Move on to WoW2 or World of Starcraft.

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Add playable Saberon
Tattoos for all
Facial hair for all, including scraggly ones for undead
Straight backs for all
Trench coats for all armor types
More casual clothes for all armor types
More unique hunter pets and mounts, skeletal, fire, fel, smoke, ugly, weird etc etc
T Rex mounts
Dark black worgen fur