How would you change the game?

Make every window drag-able. Make every window scale-able. Add a setting for keeping things the same size but moving them farther apart dynamically, and one that just makes the windows bigger.

Put every bag, from every single location, everywhere in the game. Different characters, void storage, everything. In 1 menu. Item share everything to boa. boa is the new soulbound. Yes even quest items and legendaries.

VR compatibility.

Custom bag sorting options. You can choose what category of items goes where and you can highlight slots that you want to prevent the auto sort from touching. You can drag a marker that shows where each category of item starts.

Delete gear power from pvp. Reward lfr gear for normal pvp. Normal-heroic raid gear for rated. Plus cosmetics. Have it work like overwatch/starcraft/warcraft/csgo,valorant/dota/cod/any sport, and make the only factor how good the player is, in a normalized environment.

If you want to add more mechanics to a class add them through the talent system. Adding abilities through gear is clunky and it makes it incredibly punishing for not doing it correctly, or if the meta shifts, or if you want to play another spec, or if you just want to try something new.

Do more buffs out in the bgs like in warsong, halo did this very well with it’s orbs.

Add more loadout slots, you run out really quickly if you play all your specs.

You should add universal talents like what league of legends has and delete all the items you buy from the pvp vendor.

Delete engineering and make a tinker class. Make the tinker class a fusion between Bastion, Torbjorn, dota 2 tinker, and engineering. 3 stances. When you are in the humanoid form you do Torbjorn turret things. When you are in the gun mode you do dota 2 tinker things. When you are the tank you turn into an agro chunking tank. Copy paste the bastion models as a new race and just squish it in somewhere in the lore and no one will care.

PvP is far to pay to win, and costly for alts. Remove crafted gear from pvp, it’s not fun. It only serves to add pay to win elements to pvp. Please stop adding pve grinding to pvp. I don’t care, stop it, I just want to play pvp.

Add rated epic battlegrounds, it will remove the vast majority of premades from normal epics. Have the que-able group size be anywhere from 1-40 for rated epics.

Rated dueling.

In game leader boards.

Re-add battleground blacklisting.

Add a wargames/duel tab to the pvp UI.

Add Highmaul Coliseum and Gurubashi Arena to a FFA/BR game mode under quick match.

The great vault should have more rows for non gear options or other options for buying with tokens of merit. A random token white to purple. With that token you get a random cosmetic you don’t already have from that rarity level. Pets caught/defeated.

Put the pvp dragon racing game mode que not on the npc but in the mount menu the way it is for pet battles in the pet menu. Change the dragon riding customization window to the mount display in the mount tab and let us customize the mount talent points inside that one menu. So you can pick the stuff you want on your mount then press find race instead of find battle in the pet tab. No one knows what the npc is and it’s doa content because its an npc and not in the menu.

Gold share across all characters. Everything share across all characters from quest items to legendarily. Delete soulbound and make it account bound. All characters have the same bag. Make the bag massive.

Add /allplayed as a command so I can delete an addon.

Add grid snapping for the hud edit mode size adjustment. So if i drag the bar it can snap to the other line.

In UI edit. Add fold out tabs on overlapping windows so i can quickly click the one i want to bring to the front. So I don’t need to drag 5 windows out of the way to get the small one.

World chat from every server.

I can’t move the party members tab around in edit mode.

Re add the target of focus target frame. It was removed in the UI update.

Every event needs a talking head location animation when you log in.

Fix the balancing in AV with the griffons and other npcs like ivus. Some are worth doing, some aren’t worth doing. Summoning is always bugged. The summoning locations are to close to the field of strife to be used as a comeback mechanic and are to weak power wise to be an effective game ender.

Buff glaives in ioc by increasing the range 200 yards. Sitting hanger with demos needs a counter. Buff bombs by 2-4x, nerf airship cannon damage. Make it so the airship team wants to go deep and the glaive team stay outside. So one gets half trapped and the other goes around the map to counter the harder they push.

There should be additional camera settings for being in a vehicle like further camera distance.


I would add Hidden Pants.


I would put a toilet into each of the main cities, because for some odd reason there is none.


I would reinstate meaningful item level in pvp. You want a higher ilvl? Gotta get some rating then.

That was actually one of the worst things that they ever did.


Just to get started: Hire better story writers. Stop hiding a lot of the story behind books n add that stuff in game. Add playable Ogres. Add Dance Studio.


Tattoos for everyone.


Playable Murlocs


I main a mechagnome warrior, I don’t think i’m wise enough to add anymore of my suggestions ingame.


More built-in UI customization.

Physique options for all models.

Bring back the fangs on female-coded draenei, and adjust the posture so that it looks more “unguligrade” and less “on high heels and also swaybacked,” or let us choose between the two. Bring back that naïve baby face option that the male-coded model used to have. Give draenei a true black hair option, and make those two skin tones universal.

Make that stupid black spot above the nose on female-coded pandaren optional and make their necks slightly thicker.

Update all hair textures and add more styles. Give allied races death knight skin options. Give the female-coded Kul Tiran model proper facial animations.

…fine; add the option to hide pants. The model has built-in skivvies as it is.

Argus got one raw deal when someone decided that it was just going to be a patch instead of an expansion in its own right, and another when it ended up being three zones (only one of which was distinct or interesting, and all of which had Draenor-native creatures for some reason). Do something to remedy that.

Let us glyph chargers, along with possibly dreadsteeds and deathchargers.

Update every beast model added before MoP. Add more Ghost Wolf options (my Zandalar troll should get to be a ravasaur, dang it) and more druid beast form options. Let us change Ghost Wolf in the barber shop.

Let us play Broken and ogres.


add a necromancer class


Its an older feature, but for the night fae - I’d like my appearance collection for the spirit forms to be shared across night fae characters. I’m also tired of going through expansions and gaining unimaginable power to lose it at the end. Feels kinda dumb. I get it, because to new players it would be an unimaginable hurdle to replace playing through an entire expansion… but… yeah. Oh and stop it with the classic only new pets. A lot of pet collectors would love them on retail that will never download classic. Also - new stuff on classic doesn’t feel very classic? Or was that the problem you were having keeping players on classic?

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I’ll just post stuff from my own personal wishlist:

-Add the following playable races:

Ankoan/Jinyu (Alliance) :shark: :dolphin:
Arakkoa (Alliance) :rice_cracker::parrot:
Furbolg (Alliance) :honey_pot::polar_bear:
Kelfin (Horde) :japanese_goblin::trident:
Ogre (Horde) :cut_of_meat::japanese_ogre:
Saberon (Horde) :cut_of_meat::tiger2:
San’layn (Horde) :wine_glass::bat:
Saurok (Horde) :meat_on_bone::crocodile:
Taunka (Horde) :ox:
Tuskarr (Neutral) :fishing_pole_and_fish::seal:

-Customization Races being treated better and having their own identity and presence in-game as opposed to feeling like their parent race cosplaying and LARPing as them.

-Tinkers, Bards, and Necromancers as playable classes. :robot: :guitar: :skull:

-More character slots for each account added.

-Option to have boots cover all of a Troll’s feet.

-Brutosaur mount back in game and available permanently.

-Being able to train each expansion’s profession or gathering skills on just one vendor in Orgrimmar and Stormwind.

-Portal to Dazar’alor in Orgrimmar takes you back to the portal room instead of the docks.

I’m sure I can think of more, but that is all that has come to mind currently.

:meat_on_bone::crocodile: :cut_of_meat::japanese_ogre:


For me I’d make one major change: Great Vault would only provide actual upgrades, no duplicate items, no duplicates week by week, and no items that the character already has in their inventory.

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MM hunter gets a standalone lust button like heroism that they can just press without summoning a pet ever. Also 10% more base leech without summoning a pet ever.


No more Limited Time items.

Make them achievable through additional challenges when they’re past their relevance.

FOMO sucks.


I’d say put at least some of them in the trading post. The pandaren phoenixes, for example.

But if you’re talking, say, titles? Tell me about it; I was so close to getting Hand of A’dal on my shaman.

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Bro I would make this game rock so hard you’d lose your frickin’ mind! You’d dream about WoW you’d be so hooked. When you log in it’d be like the best experience of your life.

You’d just create a new Horde to go Lok’Tar Ogar! and stuff.

Warcraft would be more warcrafty then ever before and there would be no safe spaces. Hell I’d even add in cussing again.

Retcon SL. And they can do it too. Time travel is a thing.

  1. Institute a player housing system.
  • All players begin with a flat in their class hall.
  • Through a series of quest chains players can create a simple garrison-like compound where their warband (Family of alts) can each contribute to building and expanding by completing future challenges.
  1. Expand the AI follower system.
  • Increase dungeon difficulty options to help train players for more challenging group content.
  • Use followers to fill out empty spots in groups. For example, three players want to run a dungeon without pugging. They enter the dungeon queue and can select the option to use AI or Human companions.
  • Option to use your alts as AI followers, including basic customisable personalities.
  1. Make cities matter.
  • All major racial capitals will have a few unique vendors and entertainment. For example, Gilneas might have a theatre where you can watch short plays from WoW events and achievements for seeing all of them. Silvermoon having a ballroom that’s a permanent Trial of Style venue. Orgrimmar gets the Brawler’s Guild Back, and Stormwind gets a Symphony that plays WoW music. Lower Ironforge and Booty Bay compete for who has the best raves with Gnome and Goblin DJs. One or two would have a cinema playing old WoW cinematics.