How would you bring subs back up?

:wink: I was referring to the boat.

Same thing but this is a time travel machine like that guy pierce movie but crappier.

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What would save WoW? Simple
have Pantheon be successful.

WoW’s problem is complacency. Even at it’s current low numbers, it still pulls in more people than some of it’s ‘challengers’ combined. WoW is the fighter who has never actually been challenged for it’s survival, so it’s never had to actually TRY. At first in Classic and BC, they really tried cause they felt they had something to prove.

Look at WoW’s history as a relationship. Classic, BC and LK is the dating part of the relationship. The guy has to try real hard, dress nice, good dates and meals and LK is when he nails it in the bedroom.

Cata is the first night he feels he doesn’t really have to try cause, he has the girl. What else does he need to prove?

MOP and WOD is when he is comfortable, feels the woman isn’t really going anywhere so he just doesn’t try anymore. He doesn’t come out and say it, but actions speak louder. No meals, no dates, and sex is all about him and he is done and rolls over to go to bed.

Legion? He saw her smile and talk to a new co-worker. He got threatened and for a moment, he tries to keep the woman.

BFA? He wonders if there was really a co-worker to begin with, has assured himself that his girlfriend will NEVER leave him and he can do whatever he wants.

We need another MMO, Pantheon or something else, to appear
have it’s act together, and make WoW actually fear for it’s survival and relevance. Then the Devs will try. Then the Devs will listen to the players and not treat them with unveiled contempt. Then the Devs will have stuff beta-tested, make sure it works instead of shrug their shoulders at broken systems.

WoW needs an Alpha Male to swoop in and try to seduce it’s girlfriend (The players). We need to be sweet-talked, wined and dined and told we matter cause right now, WoW is throwing it’s beer cans on the floor and telling us to clean it up.

We deserve better in this relationship.


Player housing

Drops mic

  1. would stop with the FOTM mindset that needs to go. Make every class meaningful and have pro’s that others do not, try to work around real balance which can be done.

  2. Content thats is released timely, new a refreshing, and no long an old dungeon thats just a revamp.

  3. Azerite system left in, but not as in control of a class. It would compliment the class, but not make the class. I would add in 1 more talent for 120, and add in more spells for each class.

  4. Professions would be meaningful, not just for BFA but from vanilla up to BFA.

  5. no more sharding for pvp servers, merge in certain servers to boost populations based on the populations of horde and alliance.

  6. time walking is good idea but i would expand that in different ways. Create an item your profession used in xpac X and get rewarded with materials items and etc. I would extend it to pvp for stuff like AV from vanilla.

There is so much more i would do, but thats the random stuff i would do

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You speak most wise good sir.

The subs are not going back to what they were in the glorious days of Wrath of the Lich King. There are too many online offerings these days. Non-MMOs now have player retention mechanics like reward, grind, leveling systems, cosmetics, etc. which means that WoW is competing for player time with not only competing MMORPGs, but other online games as well.

Which isn’t to say that Battle for Azeroth is not to be criticized for (supposedly) having lost a lot of subs, but bringing the subs back to what they were in Legion or Mists of Pandaria would probably be a more realistic target.

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Remove pathfinder reqs and do content thinking about flying. Remove azerite system reintroduce artifact one. Give 120 talents. Remove reqs for legion AR and after bfA ends remove bfa races reqs. Invest more time on questing on old world. Focus on content(more places, dgs, arena etc) because warfronts and island expeditons are at best an interisting catch up mechanic. RNG blablabla is fine, to hell with elitism. And always suspect about people great ideas of class balances.

  1. Sit every class designer down and have them personally sift through all the feedback threads to see why many players are so unhappy with their main class/spec.

  2. Reinstate reforging as to soften the Secondary Stat dependence nature of gearing. Hit and Expertise was what made that system feel so bad to many of us.

  3. Bring back Justice and Valor currency and vendors to balance out bad luck. Put decent weapons and azerite gear on these vendors.

  4. Bring back a meaningful PvP currency and gear vendors to compliment the current loot box system. Same as above but for PvP players.

  5. Introduce meaningful 5 man content that is not designed primarily as an e-sport. Simple solution to me would be to remove the timer from regular Mythic +, then add a challenge mode that puts the timer back in and scales gear for the e-sports crowd.

  6. Give more character customization. For me transmog was a huge addition. My characters feel far more ‘alive’ for me when I can make them truly my own.


Player Housing. Actual Player Housing. Don’t do Garrisons, then call it a day.

Wildstar went out of business. Let’s hire their Housing Team!



I would make the story deep and meaningful, a true tale and epic. I would put this INGAME and I would hold fast to the legacy of the lore in place, not try to change it but rather, EXPAND and EXPLAIN it. I want my players to love and hate characters not just because they are red and blue, but because of THE character that they are.

And if I could, color edits on tmog and do away with class restrictions for tmog.

How about for those of us who don’ t like pvp. If I wanted to fight other people I would be joining battlegrounds.

To the topic,
I would start by ignoring most of the terrble suggestions in this thread. Most of the suggestions don’t seem to take the games long term health into account and would only be good for the person making it.


Sorry Kibble that was directed at someone else. I didn’t agree with their opinion on the tokens. I’ve since edited my reply. I welcome the tokens and use them several times a year as I work a lot more hours and just wish to enjoy the game without the tedious farming.

Go back to mission statement 1: game play first.

Many things they do today are done to increase micro transactions. Do you really think it’s an accident to have FOTM classes? It’s too get people to pay to change factions, or buy boosts.

After that, they had 6 good years at the very beginning with plenty of things done right.

The art and music teams always have done great. What hasn’t been working are systems put in, that are only done to tow people along. Pathfinder, time gates, layered RNG.

Off the top of my head:

  • Remove titanforging and any other RNG based upgrade system
  • Add faction tabards that give the player reputation in dungeons for all in-game factions
  • Remove the allied race reputation grind and have them be available immediately but lock their heritage gear and mount for players who reach max level with that allied race
  • Add PvP vendors

I would announce some things to give people more to look forward to. Like the next set or two of Allied races. What can we look forward to? How will the Heart of Azeroth change? Will it be more like an Artifact Weapon with a talent tree inside? People simply need to hear good things and have genuine hype. Need an end to this reused assets and reskins. Take some real risks and start doing things the players want instead of what shows good player retention numbers to stock holders and investors.

Wish there was one simple thing I could say to bring sub numbers back up but I honestly think the only thing that will do it is Classic. It is the one thing many people are waiting for.

Wow 2. You can flip a pancake as much as you want doesn’t make it better. Just burns it a little more every time. Eventually you have to throw it away.

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The changes wanted have been asked about for a long time and most are ignored, thus the mass exodus. Nothing we say matters anymore. The lawyer has spoken. But to appease you I will say it all again

FLight from max level
RNG removed from gearing. Well most of it.
PVP the way it used to be
Stop the pruning
Rep grinds are bad unless for a mount or some vanity item
World quest rewards are sad. (basically dailys with new skin)
Either put real gold missions up or do away with the whole thing altogether
SJW stuff to cease.
Professions that actually make useful items so we can make gold
Olld talent trees. Azerite stuff is stupid boring
Time played metric game design removed
Stop rep grinds for new races and classes

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A lot of people say subjective things, on this issue.

Someone might say, “Remove Titanforging!” That isn’t going to “bring subs back up”, because many of us LIKE Titanforging.

The only thing that really would bring subs back up, is simply building for “fun.”

It isn’t anything in particular, it is just more that Blizzard should ask themselves honestly if something is “fun.”

Is it “fun” for a player to wait for 3/4 through the expansion before they can fly?

Is it “fun” to buy the expansion for Kul’tiran and Zandalari, but have to wait for 3/4 through it before they are added?

Is it “fun” to do the Island Expedition, which no one seems to like, often not even getting doubloons from it? The only reason people are bothering to do them are the additional doubloon items, like the hats, but people seem to get fewer doubloons since 8.1? The people reporting this DO have the Ship Perk, where you get more doubloons.

Is it more fun to not receive doubloons from them, or to receive fewer doubloons? Then that should have not been done.

I disagree with not having Allied Race requirements, since they are so incredibly easy and I’ve had them for months (apart from any new quest content they will introduce.) The only thing I disagree with is having us wait SO LONG.