Lolz, yea I should prolly just delete my last post im really detracting from ops thread.
I just reallly wanted to rub the salt in there
Thing is though, the alliance did respond they invaded org and won!!
I for sure dont blame him for doing what he did i prolly woulda done the same thing if I were him, but the question is… was it right? Prolly not.
Im right there with ya. Really hasent been great for either side.
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if you are talking about the SoO the horde also invaded orgrimmar
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the invasion of orgrimmar was not really a response to the horde. it was a response to garrosh specifically. the horde and alliance fought side by side in the siege.
You get a like for admitting this at least.
Kind of funny that your point was to try to make the Jaina and Sylvanas look the same, when the salt you’re trying to use is Sylvanas’ success. Hell, now Horde players are even questing side by side with Jaina in Nazjatar again. Where Jaina pulls back to give the Zandalari time to grieve, Sylvanas doubles down and defiles the dead at Darkshore and plagues the land in the shadow of Teldrassil’s husk.
Perhaps you missed my point then. I am saying whatever the Alliance has done or has been stopped from doing doesn’t make Sylvanas burning countless people to death any better whatsoever.
Go back and reread brotha man cuz you keep saying things that arnt making sense to me and seem to keep thinging im saying things that im not.
I just dont think were on the same page at all.
You just kinda butted in and said vel saying this!! Vels saying this!!!
We won nothing we help the horde to get rid of their “corrupt warchief” and gave back orgrimmar without asking anything else in return for peace. we didn’t regained new land, theramore wasn’t rebuilded.
orgrimmar is still standing.
garrosh escaped. we didn’t even kill him ourselves.
Only and empty threat that now has put us into this stupid position “if your horde forget the meaning of honor we will end you” seems like they did forget.
You forgot the bit where the Night Elves gave the Horde a resource rich zone, for the sake of peace.
Funny how that turned out for them.
Land wise you won nothing but character wise dethroned ahorde warchief? Like from a narrative standpoint ya’ll gained a ton.
You got to come into your arch rivals house to get their stuffs together wag their finger at them and walk away. Thats a compelte story victory for the alliance.
Jaina even said now is the time to strike (the horde was at its weakest) like what in the actual heck more do you want?
Those other things ya’ll mention are minor things that happen far off screne.
So genn got his justice in a way, he (helped) dethroned the guy who gave the order to take his land.
For the honorless Sylvanas to never have been allowed to be Warchief.
Luckily we’re half way there with whatever it was that possessed Vol’jin to appoint her.
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Hum, what about murdering them?
what is the point of waging a finger if nothing is going to come from it.?
what is the point to get them so weakened if we are not going to just, you know, erase the threat forever?
things destroyed and leaders killed and the hands of alliance characters would do it.
hey at least let us kill garrosh ourselves and not this dumb “muh internal conflict” that he had with thrall.
YoU FaILED THe HoRDE Who the f*** cares .
don’t worry, i understand why they do it, because otherwise, like i said above it would alienate too much horde players because in that scenario blizzard would actually have let us this time have some revenge and kill them ourselves.
i didn’t wanted to raid orgrimmar.
i wanted to destroy it.
Since you like to get technical, Genn Greymane was not present at the Siege of Orgrimmar.
There’s also nothing really to suggest that the Gilneans would know that Garrosh ordered it rather than thinking it was entirely Sylvanas’ idea that she asked him to let her do.
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Ok well thats not gonna happen because its a 2 faction game, and if they went with your idea it would be a colossial mistake from a business stand point as this is a 2 faction game.
U gotta get over it no faction is gonna ever ‘get it all’. Thats why I respect its at least a hard thing to write for an mmo. If you think horde players are all that happy either your sorely mistaken.
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but you see, i don’t think that i am asking about anything unreasonable. if this wasn’t a 2 faction game the alliance and/or horde would have been already gone by now.
this plot armor as poisioned the story and this is the result.
That is why faction war is garbage and a true cancer.
i don’t think they are happy, probably a few edgelords but i am one myself in my own way. the only difference is that i am angry.
i am well aware that pretty much no one is happy (probably a few exceptions, who knows)
i am just expressing the problems from my view.
The alliance is about to be destroyed from a narrative standpoint, we are on the edge and that sucks, because i have been here for like 11 years.
Depends entirely on what 8.3 and next xpac is going to be about.
This story has destroyed everything.
It is unreasonable because it is a 2 faction game. But in ways i respect it because everything dosent always go ones way.
Honnestly a faction war can be done right… this one just wasent,
Think of this, nzzoth or ashara burns the tree frameing the horde. Bam, much better. That why I said in a much earlier post that I dont think this story can have a satifying ending for both parties, without retconing some of it.
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is not unreasonable to ask a good ending to a story. because this is what it is.
a villan moves the plot to make the hero act, the hero struggles but in the end they defeat the villain because justice finally comes for the villain.
This always has been the formula for this game.
You know, actually before warbringers sylvanas i was PRAYING
that the burning is some accident, a miscalculation of azerite, a mind control from n’zoth, third party like azshara shenanigans, an unexpected scorched earth tactict by the nelfs, a #morallygray act by someone in the alliance to escalate the conflict, ANYTHING would have been better that make sylvanas do it on purpose, well not only sylvanas but also the horde.
So we would go to war by mistunderstanding or something like that, THEN making peace (like now) would be a far better choice than to keep the dumb war and making the planet bleed more but meh.
After warbringer sylvanas my worst fear came true and here i am wanting to delete a playable faction.
Damn blizz, you had one job.
Still could happen, but what I wouldent understand is why would blizzard not make that known (at least to the players).
My guess is now she gunning to be some death goddes though.
yes it could happen, in fact is the only way to explain this unnecesary escalation of the conflict until this point.
that was always my theory, sylvanas eyes during warbringers were red like she was mind controlled (?
it would explain her 70d chess, on why she trust an old god dagger
why azshara would work with her and many other things.
Now the problem would be, the horde still helped her so… yeah…
they basically released n’zoth.
IF they did that, they probably wouldent take the MC’d route, prolly just say the tree was corrupted and she knew and dident tell anyone. Lmao
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Because you asking for:
Having the Alliance with still 3+ cities and the Horde with 0 would NOT be Balance. It would NOT be fair. Yes - Even with Teldrassil. You’d be asking for Multitudes for the price of One.
That’s never going to happen. Ever. No matter how much you wish or implore for it. If it came down to a vote, over 90% of the player base would throw that absolute utter garbage out the window - And Blizzard would laugh thinking it was obviously a joke to begin with. Especially when you’re asking on top of that for all the races within the Horde’s populace to be almost wiped out.
Because the story of that is rotting poo.
From what I’ve seen in regards to likes & replies throughout your ridiculous suggestions, notions and those disagreeing: I’d say most the playerbase, whether Alliance or Horde - agree with that too. Regardless whether you like that or not.
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