How will wintergrasp work in wotlk classic

In original wotlk tenacity was put in to help the lower pop faction get a fair fight, but that only works if there is anyone from the opposite faction…with 100% one faction servers wintergrasp is basically dead which is not OK because unlike halaa and the dumb towers in tbc wintergrasp actually matters. Heirlooms, pvp enchants, wintergrasp gear that has similar ivl to current arena gear, VoA access, the honor from the quests, etc.

Are we gonna crossrealm zone wintergrasp only? Or is blizz milking xfer money until everyone settles on 3-4 servers then linking them? Or have you not thought out that far and will just go oops when you ship it?


Duh? They already did this in MOP. Are you surprised they’re pulling the same trick?

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not surprised at all. Gotta buy bobby another mansion ofc


It won’t sadly

I mean the dominant faction will just show up, destroy south towers and afk defend the keep against no one until time is up and they win.
Though the tenacity buff for those few heroes in opposition should be something at least.

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They’ll have to do this or instance it/turn it into a battleground which doesn’t really work well when you consider what it is.

It also won’t feel anything like WotLK Classic but the majority who are playing now don’t want an authentic “Classic” experience anyway, they just want Retail with less of a power grind, so they probably don’t care.


Are you kidding, my old server undebog during WoLK we started at 79-21 Horde/Ally, finished at 91-9. If you think i was in wintergrasp more than a few times during the entire 2 year run your nuts. Alliance could get it late at night, or on holiday’s, normal weekends or weekdays? Nah, if Alliance was starting to win, you’d see 100 horde swoop down from Dalaran to make sure we didn’t get it. So I don’t know what you mis reemmeber, but on PVP servers most where already unbalanced by this time, and the dominate faction owned Wintergrasp 90% of the time.

Yeah wintergrasp will never be what it was like in classic wotlk which is very sad. The world pvp in zones will not be the same, and on most servers it just “wont be”. Its sad because i loved what wintergrasp was if you played wrath when it was out then you can remember and appreciate how fun and iconic wintergrasp really is :frowning:


I really hope they do some multi-server WG. I’m not sure how they’d implement it, since you can just fly into WG and join the battle, not like a BG where you can queue only.

WG was great because it took the repetitiveness out of battlegrounds and gave you something different, as well as an incentive to win (Vault of Archavon).

WG is not going to work. Look how poorly TBCC was handled, you think they can remotely manage Wrath which was when phasing technology was introduced? They will completely mess it up.



  1. It won’t work.
  2. Who cares.
  3. The state of the population will be DIRE in 6 months.

This ^^^^^

Just have the tenacity buff scale infinitely. It may not be true to OG Wrath, but the spectacle of 300k health horde players on Bene one shotting waves of alliance would certainly be something to see :stuck_out_tongue:


NPCs to serve in place of enemy combatants when there is a shortage of them.

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Oh I like this. The number of NPCS could scale to the number of players.

This has crossed my mind too, wintergrasp is one of the things I loved about wotlk but it’s literally not even gonna be a thing unless blizzard fixes some stuff

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It will not. Limited access to the Vault of Archavon will probably kill off any remaining balanced servers

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It wont. But you dont really need voa to gear up anyway, either for pve or for pvp.

The real thing to worry about is how these dogwater, lopsided and dead servers are what we’re going into wrath with.

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The community doesn’t deserve WotLK.

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