How will spell power work in Classic?

Yeah sorry I calculated it wrong I put it as a 3 second cast because I got it confused with fireball. My bad. But yeah what you said is right that would be the case.

It’s not though everything has a different coefficient.

so now you’re saying that +fire/frost/nature/shadow/arcane/holy damage DOES abide by the spell damage coefficients? or that spells don’t have coefficients for that source of +spell damage and only non-spells abide by it

No I was just saying everything has a different coefficient dude. You said you think that it just increases the spell by X but that’s not the case. Such as dots or ignites, I am not sure how those coefficients work or if the spell school bypasses them or not. Why are you being so aggro you mind calming down?

I never heard of there being a difference between + schooltype vs +spell damage. But the basic idea from the reddit post is its situation based on cast time with diminishing returns below 3.5 second cast but capped at 3.5 second cast for any time that exceeds it with the maximum value being 100% at that hard cap.

because the mechanic seems so broken, there being such a difference between +spell damage type vs. +spell damage
what does it mean for items like blazefury medallion or storm gauntlets?
does storm gauntlets make you deal an extra 3+21 nature damage to your attacks, or is it 3 damage, with the 21 being added after going through a tiny spell damage coefficient?
what about items like fiery retributor or nagelring or drillborer disk or razor gauntlets or skullforge reaver or cloak of flames or essence of pure flame or oil of immolation? or deadly poison?

It is broken, That is why so often in vanilla raid you’d see paladins and druids wearing cloth.

These are all good questions that I don’t have the answer to my dude. I was just saying I found out that specific spell damage gear bypasses casted spell coefficients, that’s all.

allright will im just gonna believe that that was a private server bug until proven otherwise by an old video

after all, I once played on a private server where +spell damage vs. undead behaved exactly as I’d described; by increasing every single non-physical damage value by a flat amount
needless to say, that AD trinket was overpowered vs. undead on that server, and so was that cloth item from the rare spawn in DM: W

That’s my general take on it, although the one claim of “an old forum post” has me wondering. I’m inclined to suspect it’s a Pserver bug that has been “Accepted” as that strike as something that would have been hotfixed by Blizzard back in the day if it had been noticed. Which might be how the “old forum post” is relevant, as it may have been a bug that was subsequently fixed.

Very well could be which is why I was asking how it will work. I am not sure if this is correct or not I just discovered this was a ‘thing’

To the best of my knowledge, it is not true (and never was) that +school damage uses a different equation or otherwise gives a better benefit than +spellpower.

It is true, as mentioned, that +school damage had a cheaper cost by item points, so for items of a given item level you could get more +school damage than +spellpower. This is possibly the source of the confusion.

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fire ball does 100 dps you have 30 fire power, your damage is increase to around 130 damage. But it doesn’t always add the same amount.

I was under the impression that the trend of non cloth casters wanting cloth gear was merely a result of ARMOR value consuming itemization points (and armor being more or less useless for a caster, in raid pve)

Nah, armor didn’t consume item points, to the best of my recollection. It was simply a matter of the items being available.

It was very rare to find leather, mail, or plate gear that was actually itemized purely for casting; it usually would have Strength, or Agility, or the wrong one of Spirit/mp5; it wouldn’t have spell hit, it wouldn’t have spell crit, etc. Such items existed, but they were very rare, whereas they were relatively common in cloth.

He said the green items specifically had more benefit for each spell bonus point. He implied that the green items spell power bonus did not have a penalty on it like epics did. not necessarily that +45 frost is better than +45 spell power for quick frost spells.

As I recall, the thing about the Clothadin was that Plate itemization for Int and +healing was rather poor, they had better luck collecting sets of cloth armor instead.

Some peices of the green armor didnt work properly with the spell damage calculation.

IIRC in vanilla the pyroblast co effecant was 3.5/3.5 * 0.75 with the dot component taking 0.25.

Fireball’s dot never scaled with spell power.

This is why you see alot of well geared ap mages in vanilla never used pyro, because a pom fireball hit harder.

Depending on the spell yes. the reality is theres very very few school specific pieces worth equipping over your “normal” gear as they have no stats on them.If you could make up the stats elsewhere then maybe it would be worth doing but it explains Xanthak’s aversion to the arcane power mage raiding build.

It does definitely help with enchanting your toon as enchant gloves shadow power will be highly valued by warlocks.

I think it may actually be a PS thing over an official thing. Reading the basic tooltip of such items reads
" Teaches you how to permanently enchant gloves to increase the fire damage done by spells and abilities by 20."

It just depends on whether it qualifies as a player influenced ability or is just a thing that happens.

All you have to do is look at the gear. SP gear says adds “UP TO” 21SP…Spell type specific gear just says + 21 frost SP, no “UP TO”…this has been personally tested with a piece of up to +40 SP gear, vs a +36 Frost SP gear. The +36 Frost hits just slightly higher…My Mage is decked out in green Plus Frost spell power gear, and I am easily out dpsing “prebis” mages… the big problem is most spell class-specific gear has no other stat so you end up with a tiny mana/health pool.