How will blizzard be reimbursing currency used on heirlooms?

That was very well spoken. My concern was initial as well but I got over it. Some of them I have recently bought in the last few months but every one of them is on or has been on at least one character. My cloth gear has been on so many characters I’ve lost track.

At the end of it all, I’d still use them even without the xp, I just likely would not buy more (though if I tried to level oldschool I could even change my mind on that).

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I think it’d be kinda cool if they made them into set bonuses.

So if you had 2 Heirlooms, you’d get increased movement speed out of combat.
4 set could be increased chance for your quest/rare rewards to upgrade into Blue or Epic.

And so on.

There’s a lot you can do to make Heirlooms useful while leveling beyond the convenience of never needing to find a new chest, helm, weapon, etc.


Yeah. That would be nice. I think too maybe they could even add specific things to each piece as I’ve seen suggested. Like helm increases flight path speeds, legs give movement speed, gloves giving instant mounting.


That would be interesting as well.

Faster Flight Paths would be amazing for questing in areas like EK or Kalimdor, whereas instant mounting would be amazing for areas where flying is required, like in Wrath.

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First off. You’re shelling out hundreds of not thousands of dollars right now for a game that won’t be around forever. How is that any different?

Second, you paid for them and got over a decade of use out of them. You got your golds worth of use out of them.

Third, they still have good stats on them and you don’t have to worry about swapping out gear at all while leveling. You can enchant them and leave them.

Fourth, if you bought a T.v. and in 10 years it stopped working, you wouldn’t ho demanding your money back. And if you did you’d be laughed out of the store.

Stop over reacting.

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I can help. Blue post in the Customer Support forum, made three days ago:

I’ll be curious to see how easily countered this is.

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I was there for when that thread was made.

TC for that was proving a point that the ToS/EULA does say we’re not entitled to someone who was saying that those didn’t say that. Other person was told to then go ask Blizzard themselves, but other person went the “no, I’m right, you’re wrong route.” So the TC of that did, and showed him that we are indeed not entitled to a refund. We may ask for them to consider that option, and if they so choose to offer one, then we become entitled to a choice on whether to take it or not.

Everyone makes this argument and it’s real dumb.

The heirlooms are not susceptible to mechanical failure.

If Sony came into my house and removed a feature of a TV that I paid for 10 years ago, I’d do a lot more than demand my money back.

What I’m curious about is if RAF will be losing its xp bonus, it should right, all the same arguments for looms losing their buff apply to the RAF buff as well.

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Decrease the exp % bonus the heirlooms give. Or remove the exp % bonus and allow Heirlooms to remain BiS throughout leveling with no experience bonus.

Quest and never need to worry about gear.

I don’t see this ever happening. It would create a literal Pay-to-Win mechanic. Remember, twinks exist—you can PVP and turn off XP gain as a lowbie.

For this statement to be true, heirlooms would need to be better than all raid and even legendary loot. It would make heirlooms incredibly powerful even at max level, because—if such a thing existed—a 119 epic would have been more powerful than anything released before the first tier.

A ridiculous exponential growth of stats at max level would be necessary, which is counterproductive given they’ve done two stat squishes and have a level squish in the works.

They could potentially be better than blues, but that would still create a problem at max level in the first patch.

Heirloom need a buff anyway. They are in between greens and blues when they use to be above blues. Now they are removing the XP buff and plan on some other stat? Like what? I bet its gonna be some silly cosmetic thing.

By my recollection, heirlooms were ever-so-slightly worse than same-level blues at their most powerful (possibly with the exception of the Garrosh weapons, which are likely quite a bit better than blue even still).

They are currently roughly equivalent to greens.

A bit back they where close to purples. But blizz nerfed them cause of battlegrounds. People would lock their level and use heirlooms and wreck house. The stats got lowered cause of PVP basically.

Unless they buffed them in WoD (the only expansion I never played at all) but then nerfed them before Legion, they were never close to purples. That’s just blatantly false and on-its-face ridiculous due to the reasons I mentioned in my above reply to Dullmoments.

It would make all content between hitting max level and the first raid tier completely useless.

When i had them around wrath they where really good. Also because they where harder to obtain.

That’s when they were released. They were ever-so-slightly worse than blues.

That depended entirely on how broke you were. I had no issue.

Hey, listen, 50% off xmog :wink: huh? Good right? :smiley:

Heirlooms approximate the stats and attributes of a blue-quality rare item that’s the level of the character currently wearing it. At level 80, they are roughly equivalent to an item level 187 rare. Once you hit level 80, you’ll want to replace them with gear from quests, instances, or PvP.

Quite simply, you need to participate in Wrath 's content. Items suited to PvE are acquired via Emblems of Heroism and items suited for PvP are acquired via Stone Keeper’s Shards.

The joy of the internet is that everything is saved somewhere :smiley:

notice how you had to change the topic from permanence to obsolescence mid-sentence ?

They’re still permanent.