How Will Anduin Look When He Returns

Not if you take the words of Rupert the Gentlemen Elemental into consideration on what time has passed.

I don’t know what you’re talking about but I do know that three years passed since the end of Shadowlands, at which point Anduin was around 19-21. He’s definitely nowhere near 35.

Like Kyle from Blackthorn

Shotgun and all.

Yes it is.

Bring back our King! :lion: :crown:

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Comes back with a beard, a parrot and an eye patch a hook on one hand and a peg leg

“Champion! Adventure and plunder awaits ye in the south Seas! Yarrr”

Parrot squawks

Title screen

World of Warcraft: pirate booty


Wrath, tBC, and WoD. :thinking:

Not gonna lie–Pirate King Anduin sounds based.

This is now my favorite timeline if it isn’t the one we get.

Maybe we get alternate timeline Anduin for a while before Shadowsads Anduin returns–mega-beard and doomsayin’.

Screw it, pirate dimension.

It’s like azmerloth except everyone is a pirate.


Are you being obtuse or is this a genuine statement?

Funfact, the real thor was fat too.
Like a kul’tiran.

RIP Varian.

Anduin is just as awesome in his own way.

The thing I love about their relationship is what they bring to the other; Varian is the storm whereas Anduin is the calm. They helped one another grow, each offering to the other what they needed to learn. Varian’s physical strength to Anduin’s patience.

From Son of the Wolf:

‘Yes I changed my father. But he also
changed me.’


We’ll have a 50 year time skip and he’ll come back looking like he did in the comic, heading to fight void lords on Draenei space ship with Velen.


Well they could have done a short story about Anduin searching to the ends of the maw to find what ever was left of his father and also ran into Arthus on the way but they crapped on that opportunity because horrible writing.

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…Thread over! Need a chunky Kul’Tiran looking Anduin on the throne. Now Blizz!


Like every emo kid ever.

Where are the Men in Black? I need to unsee that :laughing:


5 years has passed since SL started actually.

Rupert also states that 20 years have passed in game since Cataclysm. Adding an extra 10 years.


I want him to have a beergut and a comb-over. Same personality, same hope and optimism, but definitley looking like he’s entering middle age.

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Okay. What I said was that it’s been three years since the end of SL.

Then Rupert and/or you are wrong. Cataclysm was 28 years after the Dark Portal, and Dragonflight is 40. Anduin was born in year 15 - he is now 25. Like I said.

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