Here hoping Activision sees it and fixes it. I just farmed 6k honor for 5.5 hours. Please.
Anyone want to take bets on how long it takes blizz to fix their mistake compared to how long it took them to fix fun?
They’re about to do Maintenance so I hope to god they revert during it. This whole pre-patch launch has been unprecedented, hot catastrophe.
If we’re lucky we’ll get a monday fix
If the other guy was the kid reminding the teacher about homework. You’re the guy explaining why there wasn’t any.
Definitely the hero we need
If Blizzard decided to make a change based on your information then they are the ones who made the mistake in tuning and adjustment. I would not suggest telling them their job ever again, because they aren’t doing very well at the moment, and they definitely DO NOT NEED YOUR HELP MAKING MORE MISTAKES.
Ya Andycloud sucks.
Replying so blizz can see this
Seems that this was the missing piece of the puzzle - honour per game seemed absurdly high while the honour per kill was absurdly low, so when the honour was brought back down it did not also fix the hks
Activision you need to fix the honor! There is no way this is how it used to be. I would have never done pvp back in the day if it took up to 300 games for a SINGLE PIECE OF GEAR.
Let’s be real here. The blame doesn’t lay on a dude on the forum. It lays with Blizzard, who saw a forum post and took it at face value and put out a hotfix instead of doing due diligence.
It’s a rule of IT: Users lie. They don’t always know that they are doing it, but they lie.
Well said, so many ppl have added onto this, I remember easily getting 3-5k a match, granted it took longer but as stated here, you killed more and it took longer. The idea of ppl completing the objective faster is just strategy. This bonus has been in for everyone doing rep farming and it was there for the ppl who used it to rank up with premades. Not every BG will have a team that can rush and tank everything and live and not wipe. For the people who are geared and help everyone out, that is great, the same reason why GDKP’s work as well as boosting. In the end, getting 2kish honor was less per BG but it was being done faster…once the players who were geared get what they want and leave, the meta will change again. If the winning side is not netting at least 2k for AV, the system is still broken.
Needed for visibility
I’m not very impressed that I farmed 80 tokens last week that are now useless. ( across 4 characters )
but to be honest, having a couple of weeks away from wow before TBC lands might be a good thing. On the plus side I’ve got mats for 2 crusader and 2 spell power enchants that I can sell now.
Just go play the mass effect remake or another mmo for awhile.
please blizzard, we were having so much fun.
i got high warlord and was one of the first few who got it but prepatch being only 2 weeks and losing a whole day to it because of maintenance? yeah go ahead and change the honor back to before it was nerfed or else
edit: i forgot to mention how everyone gets kicked from bgs and doesnt even get the marks in so many games the past few days. revert the honor change now. because i said so and fix the honor per kills 2 honor is disgusting
Blizzard has the opportunity to make a change that almost every single customer loves.
No chance they take it.
It isn’t a change. They screwed it up, cause they prolly do not give a rats @ss anyway. Everyone still gonna buy.
BUT Guys, they have the original code, so obviously they got it right!
Something Something rose colored glasses, Something Something failing memory