Even AB skirmishes at BS will give so much more honor, and considering the amount of honor gained right now in AB, any change is welcome.
That’s something we have to deal with. Hopefully its not something we have to deal with for the entirety of TBC after its released.
Andycloud is very upset you made this post. How dare you post evidence that isn’t from a private server or cherrypicked to support his nerf agenda?
What is it at now? Guessing it’s no longer the glorious 2k+ a win
40 honor for a win in AB/WSG.
I’m gonna be honest, all of us playing TBC knew that we were getting insane amounts of objective based honor that we never remembered lmao.
At the same time we remembered other things were wrong with honor gains and when they nerfed the objective based honor it jogged my memory.
that’s a joke right?
Rofl… I’m gonna just not queue for a bit. The double dip is a bit too rough.
220 honor for a kill 1v1 @70 divided by up to 40 should give you a minimum 5 honor per kill in AV.
Right now we’re getting 1 per hk with less than 20 ppl nearby in AV.
I don’t think we were going off of Vanilla Honor kill numbers but I still remember the base honor per kill being high enough to be shared effectively in a WSG and AV group and still feel rewarding.
videos from 2.0 show people getting anywhere from 5-25 honor for 1 kill in AV lol
watch the videos @Grumpig posted.
I know they are very high numbers.
Like so high that objective honor was just a little bonus.
This is why I made this thread.
I just want blizzard to find the numbers so we can do the grinds we remembered doing.
bump /10characters
Blizzard needs to see this
Bump this guys
The more information the better. I’m currently heading out to gadget to gank a mage or two on their way to ZF and see what the base honor is on 2.5 lol.
I’m currently getting 14 honor for a solo kill of a level 60 as a level 60 with no one else involved in the kill. This is EXTREMELY off lolz.
Meanwhile in this Original TBC video…they get way more after ally splits.
AV 40 honor for a single kill - 13:25
There’s tons of these and they are divided across people who are in the battleground and its a really common thing…
Dont worry they will fix the honor from HKs after the AV weekend.
25 years to life behind bars.
Would rather them just fix the HKs from honor. And the videos I’m linking are honor values from prepatch 2.0 and this was even before the removed the diminishing returns!
bump it up