How was your week 1 Ulduar Prog?

We spent an hour on it even though we killed it on PTR, so I would say it wasn’t that easy to get everything figured out.

The graphic is really, really deceptive.

One shot FL on two towers, one shot XT, two shot razorscale due to a badly timed hero, and three shot ignis because his flame AoE glitched out.

Overall, not bad and way easier in some ways then I remember. Still a ton of fun to mess around with the vehicles on FL, and hearing XT’s voice clips again.

Live your best NYA~~ life fam.

My purpose is to press fire 4.

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Did easy mode Yogg, got dagger.

Fun fight, cant wait to prog on it.

This is my log from today.
I’m a healer.
Let me just say …

Holy molly golden-sprinkled upsidedown doggi style macaroni…

Ever like wake up and chug straight columbian jar of black coffee while in a cold AF shower? Yeah, this is what it felt like after Naxx.

I had fun though. This was just 10m. Tomorrow night is our 25m. At least got to see the fights and when/where to pre-hot. (as druids are PRO-active healers, not reactive)

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We got through Iron Counsil on 25 man (no hard modes) before running out of time. Tuesday is our normal raid night, with Thursday set aside for cleanup as needed. We had a few wipes but learned from them and got better on each pull. I’m confident we’ll have normal mode on farm within a couple weeks and can then start hard modes.


We had a bit of trouble on 10 man XT-002 hard mode. We only gave it a couple of tries but the damage from sparks and tantrum was crazy when they coincided. Even divine sacrifice didn’t really help much. Killing the heart is super easy but the difference between normal and hard mode on that fight seems large.

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I got a new Jeep – it’s green.

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I expect to have every boss down before reset on normal, we probably could have gotten a couple HMs but with stupid thursday launch we just wanna make sure we full clear this week.

Its been a lot more fun than naxx

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Can I see the logs of anyone who did XT-002 hardmode? I checked our logs and even players I managed to get a 7k flash of light off still died from the tantrum. I thought on 10 man it was supposed to only do 120% of your health in damage? I don’t have enough GCD to heal 10 people multiple times over 12 sec as a holy pally :frowning:

Cooldowns. Have you tried Divine Sacrifice. Isn’t that a raid wide damage reduction?

This was our best where we wiped to the enrage:

I was slow to get out with Searing Light and died towards the end but the damage was healable. Needed more DPS cause we got to 18% or so before he enraged and started one shotting the raid.

we only raid 10 man cuz we are a dad guild i guess if you wanna call us that.
got 8 bosses down in about 2 and a half hours (took a break for a little bit), should full clear it next week. then we plan on trying hard modes after we got comfortable with all the fights

not super far - we’re treating this week as week 0 rather than week 1. we’re a weekday raiding guild, so Thu release only gave us time to get in, muck about for a couple hours, and call it a night. Good “dry run” for actual prog on Tue. We got 9 bosses down, btw.

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Normal mode is incredibly easy, I pugged it down a man with 2.5 healers on the priest.

Which is why we have hard modes.

Shocking that 15 years of better internet, graphics, addons, full bis lists, full consumes, perfect talents, perfect raid comp, doing 200% the DPS you did in OG Wrath it would be a breeze.

Im truly shocked.

Yeah you guys did more HM attempts on that than we did, I think we tried it twice killing the heart then decided to move on.

Look at your attempt 2. That is what I am talking about. The rogue Subtiilty died from tantrum even though he got a small heal and ate a 6k healthstone. It was compounded a little bit by the spark but is that fight always going to be RNG (tantrum when sparks are up = wipe?)

Yeah, seems like it. Will just get exponentially easier with more gear though. Stamina + extra healing should make it easy.

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Hard Modes really arent a breeze.

These hard modes werent even done in OG wotlk either since they all got nerfed week 2.

Update: 10m Ulduar complete. No hardmodes, but I think a few weeks of gear/practice will change that.

We shall see how far we get in 25m next week.