How was this Wowhead article approved for publishing?

I don’t know about that but Now i’m upset that this was referred to the mass killing of japanease in ww2. Something i never thought of I shouldn’t have read the post here. :disappointed:

The what now? There’s a lot of ick going on in WW2, but nothing that closely parallels a surprise destruction of Teldrassil and everyone on it.

In this thread:


And it wasn’t a surprise to the people of japan ? Really,then all the stories told to me by people who lived through it was a lie? Turn you eyes away from any light then.

Dwarves are total drunkards and are based on either Scottish or Irish. (Take your pick; it’s all the same to me.)

Who gets offended by racism against fake races?

Would be like someone getting livid that I call every elf I see in media knife-eared finger wagglers with a god complex.


Literally not what the article says at all.

He literally skipped over that last time I pointed it out in this thread, because it shatters his entire narrative and he knows it.


Sure it was a surprise, they didn’t exactly notify every city they were going to bombard. All of the bombs were surprises, none were genocides. The equivalent would more be if the entire Japanese archipelago was shattered and sunk. Didn’t happen though, did it?

Aren’t there Human people of color on Azeroth? If someone were looking for an analog to real world POC wouldn’t they be they obvious choice?

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Only like within the last year my friend…

I think I understand why creators don’t like to try to include more cultural coding in their creations. It will never be good enough. If you don’t include it, you’re a bigot. If you include it, you’re a stereotyping bigot.

I’d like to see more accurate depictions of cultural myth and religion if they’re going to drink from that well, because the game would be richer for it. A bird’s-eye view of a wikipedia summarization with different names slapped on it isn’t going to be as interesting as creating a more in-depth mirror within a setting. I don’t think most people really care about any of that though—I think they’re just out for another witch to hunt.


Sooooooo, yes.

If you consider retroactively including POC 17 years later as being yes, then…yes.

SO you don’t include them? thats weird.

That’s obviously my point, you muppet.

The book is garbage and not even for the racial reasons, which I don’t necessarily subscribe to. They explicitly state that “1000 years ago” demons poured in from the Dark Portal, damaging the zone Azshara on Kalimdor. Not only were they looking to describe the “Well of Eternity event”, but they messed up which damn continent the Dark Portal would be on. Not to mention that the Well of eternity happened 10,000 years ago in the Warcraft lore, not 1,000. The Dark Portal would not even be built for another 10,000 years after where they placed it in this book.


Dark skinned humans existed since Vanilla, actually. When the models were revamped, the darkest skintone wasn’t showing up dark enough. Took ages for them to finally fix it after so many complaints.

Your point is that even though people of color are there you don’t think they count because they haven’t been there for, in your opinion, long enough? yes, that is a weird take.

It was pretty close enough just like the NE’s ,too close.