How was this Wowhead article approved for publishing?

You think dwarven kids are born from stone knowing how to read ?

Is that like saying Dwarven females have beards ?

A shadow hunter that’s lived with the Elements all his life, fishing and hunting, doesn’t know how to read, and that offends you for real ?

So what if they are ?

Are you saying the Tauren need to be rewritten to not be “one with nature” and close to the spirit of the Earth Mother and Thunderbluff needs to be remade into Communist Brutalist architecture to remove references to First nation imagery, just because… er… I don’t even know why you’d want to do that.


What good reason would there be for the assumption that Dwarves are taught to read but Trolls and Tauren and Orcs are not?

What harmful stereotype are you even referring to here ? Zhekkan never had a need to learn to read, so he didn’t. He lived on an Island in a hut, learning and practicing Shamanism his whole life. Has nothing to do with his race or whatever implication for the real world you think it has.


Hello, I see you replied to the thread. Actually it doesn’t sound familiar unless you are talking about the bombs that ended WW2. If you look at all the declassified information, lives were saved by dropping those bombs, on both sides! Not only would the cost of US lives been astronomical if we invaded, the Japanese would have been in the same boat because it was uncovered many, many years later that they had defense plans that would have armed every man, woman, and child on the islands!

Thanks for your post and have a great day!

Never gave wowhead any credit lol. I basically said that the article being posted at all, was just the evolution of human stupidity. I guess i gave wowhead stupid points.

That is another thing though. What keeps people talking about a topic or a specific thing related to another human being? By constantly bringing it up lol. Constantly greenlighting the topic at hand or the person at hand. The people who wrote the article, are attention seekers and money seekers. If people would stop sharing and clicking the crud out of it, no one would care, and no one would cover it anymore.

People need to stop giving these people and these topics publicity. Like, just stop posting it and talking about it. It is the only reason stupid stuff in this world gets so relevant. Negative or positive publicity. Just stop. This thread should not even exist. All it is doing is driving traffic back to wowhead and back to the people who originally wrote the bloody article in the first place.


Of course, it’s just a coincidence that the BIPOC coded race has trouble reading. It’s not like the Horde built cities and war machines and communicate and have functioning siege engines, managed to use Azerite to the best of its ability, etc. etc. etc.

No, it must be that they cannot read.

Even if Zekhan is a one-off among trolls…why not address illiteracy with a non-BIPOC character? Have a young Night-Elf who cannot read? A young Gnome? A young Dwarf?

Gotta be the Troll?


Did you just skip over the Gileans, Kul Tirans, etc. and all the analogies from that? Or the Forsaken? Etc.


What’s the harmful stereotype here, exactly?

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The article didn’t convince me that Blizzard was being racist to any real life demographic.

Although, they did convince me that there is nonsensical writing in the book. For example, why would Zekhan, a troll who lives amongst orcs, be learning Orcish from the Leader of the Blood Elves, who live on a totally different continent.

How would Lor’themar have the time to teach this kid and why is Lor’themar an expert at Orcish? If Zekhan mentioned Eitrigg or someone who is a native Orcish speaker, it’d make more sense.

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First, you’re assuming all Alliance races are even able to read and write. Some of the humans are literal 20 IQ peasants.

Maybe this is just your own prejudice ?

I bet if we asked everyone on Azeroth, you’d find a great proportion of people that simple can’t read and write, dwarves and humans included. If anything, I’d expect mostly Mages and Warlocks and Priests to be able to read, and most other races that don’t have deep ties to those traditions to have quite high illiteracy numbers. It’s a world ravaged by war. People have more pressing concerns than learning to read, like getting food and surviving the next Zombie attack.


My rhetorical point is that they AREN’T using the destructive real world stereotypes for the European/Western-coded Alliance races.

They aren’t choosing to use illiteracy as an example with a peasant human character. Illiteracy was very common in medieval societies.

Nope, have to go with the “barbaric character cannot read” trope.

It’s nonsense and a blind-spot for the author and for Blizzard. And they must acknowledge it.

Is the book out? Has anyone read it?

edit nevermind, I found out it is. Gonna read it myself and then form an opinion.

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What the, I never thought of it that way about ne race but that action yes.Omg no.

A history professor once told me that, in order to get a PhD in history you have to contribute something new to the field. And in an effort to get their PhD, young scholars were making things up such as “Stonewall Jackson was called that not because he was immovable but because he was terrified.” He then told us to not be those people.

Many in society today are doing the same thing but with bigotry. Because they can’t find legit problems (first) they resort to narcing on anything so they get cred.


Funny how when a thread like this starts it always immediately fills with the same group of people. The same group of people who ravenously defend the message. Very curious. Really activates the almonds.

Maybe I should just stop noticing things.

let’s not woke-wash the game any further, i like the voices as they are.

soon there won’t be anything but the memories of a once-great game.

lol next xpac all voices will be replaced with text-to-speech robots.


Hey now, this only is true about 99% of the time. Twitter’s like a broken clock, right for 2 minutes per day, usually on some completely bland topic that has managed to not offend anyone (yet).

But it’s definitely true that the other 1438 of the 1440 minutes in a day, the majority trending opinion on Twitter is the opposite of what a wise society would do or think or focus on.

They know the article would get mocked as absurd, and it undercuts the goal of the article, which is to pump up a fake controversy as if it is serious and thoughtful, rather than something that’s only controversial to a ridiculous and extremely negligible fraction of the audience.


It’s gone. The only thing sustaining me is nostalgia and my head canon.

Even Delamain from Cyberpunk has more personality than every character introduced in Shadowlands.

This thread exists… huh…

No, the book is not racist. It is not racist to highlight that literacy is not wide-spread within the Warcraft universe. Because it isn’t. Most cultures within WoW do not prioritize education, and yes, that includes Alliance races as well as Horde races. We’ve actually got written accounts of humans not being able to read in part of the lore.

Does that mean that all races do not know how to read and write? No, there are obviously those that do know how to do both, but they are often individuals of wealth or stature. A character like Zek’han has neither.