How was this Wowhead article approved for publishing?

This makes me sad.

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Reading literary criticism is not for the feint of heart.

I completely agree with you. I think a brilliant internet comedian said it best, but ignorance, is a choice now. There is no excuse for humans to be as stupid as they are.

Basically, this article is taking advantage of a situation scandal that was already trending within blizzard, and is posting this rambling article, making all these wierd accusations, that are largely untrue and unproven, soley with the intent of making it go viral. To make it get as many likes and clicks and money as humanly possible. It drives me insane.

I just refuse to understand and believe that any sane human being can post stuff like this being all like, oh yah, this, is racist tottaly. Like come on man. Some people in this day in age have no clue what that term even means. It feels like, 90 percent of the time, the people calling other people racist, are the racists.


Also, y’all gotta stop making me defend forum posters I’m not a fan of. Lol.

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You are ignoring that this issue has been being discussed by the community for several days and that Wowhead is actually VERY LATE to the discussion and posting at the dead of night on a Sunday so it is likely to be buried.

You are giving Wowhead far too much credit.

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Was it buried by all the mage tower stuff?


A lot of y’all are also missing the point that wowhead is a site for information on game updates.

They shouldn’t be posting politically charged news articles meant to ignite arguments.

It’d be like if they had posted a “Forums in a debate over Matthias Shaw and Flynn Fairwind starting a relationship” post.

EDIT: Also to note, the person who keeps posting the controversial wowhead articles is the same person, “DiscordianKitten” who I assume is new to the team, as I’ve never seen them before the articles started.

Wowhead needs to let them go.


Twitter, MMO-Champ, Reddit, the story forums here…literally every fan community has discussed how trash this book is for days now.


The books are bad for lots of reasons that have nothing to do with that article.

The books have ALWAYS been pretty bad. I’m still trying to finish the War of the Ancients books and it’s taken me over a decade. I just can’t go more than a few pages without putting it down.

(And we wont’ even talk about those ridiculously awful comics.)


And 99.9% of the dicussion is about the actual content of the books and the lore implications.

Not about what wowhead is trying to cause drama over.

Wowhead is like buzzfeed. They see one tweet from a random person with zero retweets and like 10 likes and make an entire article about it causing a problem.


So? Blizzard shouldn’t acknowledge how the Horde races are BIPOC-coded and how their story-tellers have abused that for a long time and are now finally being called out on it?

Just because Wowhead wrote an article doesn’t mean the discussion started with Wowhead. The story forums have been discussing this stuff for years off and on.

Nope, we were discussing the racial stereotypes in the Story Forums for days now, and I’ve seen much of it on Twitter. GD has plenty of reactionaries, though.


Ah yes, the bastion of the always offended and outraged, looking to @ anything company they can to get them to change things and cancel things.

If everyone did the opposite of what Twitter trended, the world would be 100% better.


Are you okay?

Horde have been the main characters of WoW for like 13-14 years. Alliance have gotten barely any story. Hell, The gnomes still have pretty much no actual backstory and it’s been 17 years.


So… should they redo all the voice acting of dwarves and trolls, too?


They don’t have to do anything except acknowledge that the Horde-races are BIPOC coded and apologize for using real-world stereotypes in this book, and avoid doing that going forward.

Not a big ask in my opinion GD.

But stereotyping Scotts is just fine ?

It’s a video game with very one dimensional writing. Anything you see in game is not real. It isn’t real life.


Are Dwarves being taught to read? Is the assumption that Dwarves are taught how to read? Has illiteracy ever come up for Dwarves in the lore?

Do you see how far down the rabbit hole we can go here?

It was a stupid, thoughtless thing to include in the book for no reason. Illiteracy isn’t even a major topic in Warcraft anywhere at all.

So are the alliance races white-coded? They don’t need to apologize for that?


Are they using harmful anti-White stereotypes against Alliance races?

Are Dwarves illiterate? Do the Dwarves need golden-boy Anduin to teach them how to read?

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