How was this Wowhead article approved for publishing?

Wow dude. That’s quite uncalled for.


Reactionary take. Wow’s races borrow heavily from real-world peoples, and this is plain as day. Many people FROM those cultures have complained about these negative stereotypes.


there was actually a thread on the forums a few days ago calling the book out.

Wowhead is by no means the first to criticize it.


Don’t worry, I’m sure they turned off the comments.

Anytime you see a locked article it’s a free skip reading wise.


Don’t derail the thread with your nonsense my friend. “Ilk” is a perfectly useful word. Expand your vocabulary.


I would encourage everyone to leave feedback on the wowhead site requesting the removal of this article.


They did, in fact. Otherwise, I would’ve done the opening post there instead.


I would also encourage everyone to encourage Wowhead to stay on this topic and continue to publish articles about it until such time as Blizzard rightfully acknowledges the problem.

Ladies and Gentlemen, a perfect example of an oxymoron.


The complaints are absolutely right when parts of the lore are actually WRONG.

I’m not talking about that stuff. I’m talking about actual events and lore they got WRONG.

I don’t even know what that is.

Again, actual lore in the books are wrong. I’m not talking about whatever reaction people have towards LGBTQ or whatever stuff they feel about Zekhan.

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Wowhead has a ton of WoW related information. People go there for a lot of small details and background information in many areas - from lore to gameplay.

They are reporting something going on. And if they have an opinion as a website - that is their opinion, even if they take it down. So why take it down?

I am not a fan of censoring reporting and sharing information… I am not exactly sure why you are.

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They’re based on stereotypes of real life races. Not the actual races.

By comparing in-game story and applying it to the real life races, you’re not only saying the stereotype fits them, you’re also applying fictional story to them.


Oh the tolerance and acceptance crowd that love to “have a conversation” or stress that “we need to talk about…” disabled the comments section AGAIN?

:surprised pikachu face:


This thread is not about the lore they got wrong. The article is not about the lore they got wrong.


Again your words bring life to my argument, and yet I suspect you do so unintentionally.

It’s past time that Blizzard acknowledge how much of the Horde races are based on real-world races and cultures, and how they treat those real-world influences IS meaningful, IS important, and CAN BE destructive and harmful.

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Except you know, every race in WoW is based on stereotypes of a real life race, and every race in WoW is treated equally as bad.


That’s a joke. You think Humans are treated as badly as the Horde races? Golden boy Anduin?

For instance, a lot of Night Elven culture is based on the Japanese.

Did you get up in arms when they genocided the Night Elves in an act of surprise aggression? (Sound familiar?)


And for the record, I do not agree with the OP’s statements. A lot of them are backhanded comments, including, for instance, implying that being gay would somehow make bad writing okay.

But the article has literally no place on wowhead.


Woah. This thread took a left turn at Albuquerque.

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