How was this Wowhead article approved for publishing?

I’m not upset about it. I just think its funny.

Since when?

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Apparently Thrall forgot to research education while building the Horde

Putting thoughts into published form became so easy with the advent of PC software and an internet hosting site. Here’s the problem: There is ZERO quality control across most of it. The internet is full of liars, grifters, people with tons of angst and no reason. It’s the public broadcasting channel of the 80s-90s. Remember that station?

In most cases you’re talking about someone who takes a complex issue and pancakes it to fit a narrative because they don’t know or don’t care for the complex parts. In other words a LOT of people fit this behavior.

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I don’t agree with anything you wrote.

The Harry Potter movies are closer to the launch of WoW than they are to the present day, the point is society has moved beyond that.

Calling Blizzard out for being terrible is not pandering. Even if it were…so what?! Blizzard should STOP BEING TERRIBLE.

Just because you watched some “philosopher” on Youtube doesn’t mean you are right in your opinions.

Correct, you don’t know. The fact they are still working for Blizzard tells me they didn’t do anything, because if they had, the people that DO KNOW would have kicked them to the curb. We’re outsiders acting like we have insider info. We do not.

I agree with you there, but I won’t endorse a witch hunt with no proof either.

Sometimes, you just have to assume someone is a decent person if they’ve given you no reason to think otherwise.

No, the only thing you have is they speak with a Jamaican accent.

So, if they spoke with an American Southern accent, all would be fine again?

We shall make that change immediately!

See the idiotic slippery slope we are on yet? A single accent makes you look at a TROLL, an imaginary race, and think that is somehow being racist towards the human race. Nonsense.

Again, fictional races can be stereotypes of real life races and cultures. Like the trolls lol.

They are human beings and they make mistakes as well.

Mistakes should have consequences yes , but never expect them or anyone to not make mistakes :stuck_out_tongue:

I don’t think the person who wrote this was intentionally racist. But they did write something that is racist.

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Trolls the race that literally uses a real life religion and the names (or very close versions) of some of the gods involved in that relifion? Those trolls?


The same trolls who are a mishmash of Islander, African, and Mesoamerican cultures and who often times fall into ooga booga territory?

Next you’ll tell me the tauren are based on native americans :stuck_out_tongue:


The fact that ONE illiterate troll, who you claim represents Jamaican people everywhere, means that Blizzard is implying that ALL Jamaicans are illiterate? Or even most of them are?

The fact that goblins have long noses, and are greedy, means they represent ALL Jewish people everywhere?

Anyone that has that thought connection sounds like the actual bigots here, imo. I for one have never made either connection, ever. Because I consider goblins and trolls as IMAGINARY and FICTIONAL races, not stand ins for racist stigmas. So what that trolls have an accent, and many practice voodoo? I’m pretty sure modern day Jamaicans aren’t practicing that anymore.


It doesn’t help that the goblin’s “talk to vendor” animations looks uncomfortably similar to the “greedy jew palm rub” /pol/ meme

No idea what that even is, tbh. How do you?

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Because I like being aware of the alt-right and alt-right dog whistles and memes. They aren’t subtle and anytime a Jewish politican does something you can count on seeing it in the replies on twitter or other social media sites.

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Can’t even play a fantasy game without dragging your anger over politics into it, eh?

Enjoy looking for things to get offended over each day! I like to relax and play game for fun…

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While I haven’t seen anything on twitter, and haven’t looked, there were at least 5 threads on the forums in both GD and the Story Forum. Mage Tower blew the threads away.

I’m not really angry lmao. I just think its a valid concern to point out that Blizzard both intentionally and unintentionally has leaned into negative stereotypes and racist caricaturing with their fictional races.

if its politically correct for the trolls (indigenous bipoc coded) to talk down to other races and call them uncivilized savages because it flips the irl narrative on its head, doesnt this imply the irl narrative is that the indigenous bipoc were uncivilized savages, which is politically incorrect?