How was this Wowhead article approved for publishing?

How so ?

He can clearly communicate with the elements well enough to hold his own against some of Warcraft’s top combatants.

That indicates a level of mastery of shamanism that is pretty high. He’s obviously learned that well.

Says the guy who thinks fiction writing is indicative of real world racism somehow.

Well earlier you declared him to be the equivalent of a footman in the alliance so he wouldn’t be learned.

Illiterate =/= stupid or uneducated.
Just means you can’t read/write.
I know someone who can’t because they never learned when they were younger (her story to tell) but she is smarter than most people I know she just can’t write about it

Yes, because that’s how he’s introduced. Literally the guy on night watch. His rank =/= his mastery of shamanism.

He’s obviously green and afraid from his introduction, even though he later shows competency in combat.

Literacy was most likely invented a few thousand years ago. For like 95% of the history of the modern humans, people communicated with drawings and the spoken language.

A fact that seems to escape these “Anti-racist crusaders” in a bid to make yet another thing seem racist so they can seem good for defeating more racism!

Well I’m done hear. I thought this would be a place to discuss the character building or assassination in some cases of certain people, not a place to discuss racist tolkein-ish writing that may or may not be true

Good point, we got sucked in by Twitter activists wanting to wield the Cancel Culture bat.

Good show my dude. We tried. There’s no reasoning with the unreasonable.

I didn’t say that. And I didn’t call them that. We have two different opinions we just agree on some things

Cancel Culture is anything I don’t like, and the more I don’t like it the more Cancel Culture it is!

It’s not nearly as big a deal as you are making it out to be. Sean Copeland and Blizzard just recognize the Horde races are BIPOC-coded and apologize for not respecting that in their storytelling and tell better stories going forward. Not a big deal. No cancelling involved.

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Zekhan talking about Goblins as money hungry and shady merchants is racist (to humans) how…?
That’s literally what they’re known for.

At least they didn’t mass flag those of us that pointed out some stuff that could use improvement yet.

There is a credible argument that goblins are an anti-Semitic trope. Even if people largely did not recognize it 17 years ago doesn’t mean we cannot recognize it now and demand better from Blizzard.

Other races have had to change a lot more for a lot less meaningful reasons. There is a middle ground here, but refusing to acknowledge the racist tropes at play with many of the Horde races is only delaying the inevitable for vain ego.

A troll learned to read from an elf.

The fact you take real life meaning into any of what I just said this proves you really need to seek help.


Welcome to human history, where no matter what story you write, someone can say it’s an insult to someone…somewhere.

It’s ridiculous.

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Only if you strip all context away and refuse to give the author any agency in the work they create, especially given Blizzard’s bro-culture history.

Asking us to accept Blizzard’s work like it’s Shakespeare is folly.

I’m fairly sure all those “bro-culture” people were ousted. So, the people working there now are all racists and bigots? Is that what you’re saying?

Except for a select few Blizzard shills on these forums, no one is making that comparison.

The troll is based on and rooted in real life cultures that this trope applies too. It is reasonable to look at it critically and call it racist.

So, what culture is my blue troll with arms as long as his body, and tusks protruding from his mouth, based on, exactly?

I don’t know, do you know definitely that’s true? As far as I know Sean Copeland and Steve Danuser were just as much apart of the bro culture as Alex Afrasiabi and they just weren’t caught.

I have no reason to take Sean Copeland at face value. He’s continuing two decade old racist tropes as if the last year of learning to do better didn’t happen.

I don’t trust anything Blizzard does these days.

A mishmash of Jamaican and random Islander cultures

That’s the thing, it was recognized.
I remember people comparing the bank Goblins in Harry Potter to Jewish stereotypes when those films first came out.

What happened? Nothing. Because it’s nothing to be outraged over. Stereotypes form, it’s part of good writing. One group is going to fit the criteria of another when we have to use the real world for inspiration.
It’s the real world that has to change, not the fantasy ones.

This article is nothing more than pandering towards the current anti acti-blizz situation, and everyone pretending to be morally upset about it are hypocrites.

As for the people saying “but it portrays Horde races bad!” Horde is supposed to be uneducated, wild, less developed.
Horde is not “Red Alliance”.

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