How was this Wowhead article approved for publishing?

wowhead is separate from blizzard (in theory anyway) and anything that is put on there is approved by wowhead people.

I agree it sounds really silly but those types always do to me. People looking to be offended by everything are tiresome.

How can you people even read that stuff, it sounds stupid even on wowhead.

Not the blood thirsty orcs and the greedy goblerinos noooooooooooooooooooo
Those fragile yt folx are at it to get us down again!

The argument is beyond dumb. Wowhead’s article is so trash. “Tablets show they could read!” Yeah egyptians had tablets, vikings had tablets, all of them illiterate societies. Hell, even in medieval europe they were like, 10% literate. Here we have one troll whos backstory we seldom know and theres millions of reasons he could be illiterate. Oh but heckin no, he got to learn to read from a YT BELF NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO NOT MY TROLL KINGS HOW COULD THEY



It pushes the approved ideology, that’s how things get published these days.

This is pretty good explanation on how these things get published in academia.

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The worst part is they’re pushing it here in Europe too, and it’s almost exclusively American academia. It drives me nuts. Like all right, y’all over there can cancel each other over a fictional troll’s accent, but pls stop spreading it elsewhere.

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It’s our worst and most abundant export.


Wowhead being a source of clickbait? Shocked

Wake up people - the less you browse Wowhead the faster it can burn.

The commonwealth has been pushing a lot of this out as well.

Yeah but luckily it’s hard for this ideology to have a grip in France - at least for now because unfortunatly it began to spread in our academics.

It’s really insane that even in a fantasy world, we have people trying to link everything to real world politics or pushing an agenda revolving around real world races and cultures.

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My friend, Blizzard and the Warcraft universe has had major issues with racial stereotypes since it was made. I’m just shocked it took this long for people to notice and be mad about it.
Including goblins.
Perhaps, especially goblins. Motifs for Tauren also come to mind.
Why are you so mad about a post on ANOTHER site that you come here to make a post about it?

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Why do you always see something as racist? Its almost like you are specifically looking for it for some idiotic reason, pointing it out, and in doing it you guys are using terms like “savages” that no one else has used.

You are trying to say illiterate means stupid, which it doesnt. It just means you cant read or write and you can be taught that. When you want to communicate in writing you need to know how to read and write. If you want to write about your journey, you would need to know how to write about it would you not?

In a world where people are constantly warring, combat skills and survival are more important than learning to read.

In Warcraft you have the grunts that can barely speak for crying out loud. They just say things like “Job done” and “back to work”. But I guess its not worth making a fuss about because they are white guys that are just stupid mindless workers that just cut down trees or mines when they are told to. But right now the stereotype of white men are dumb and racist so race hustlers like yourself dont care.

You have spent this entire thread comparing horde races to BIPOC whatever that even means. You have been doing that, that other Yipper person has been saying derogatory terms like savages. Its usually the people that are so vocal are the ones that have racist tendencies even if they think they arent.

Sorry, but you are just being outraged to be outraged.

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