How was this Wowhead article approved for publishing?

Illiteracy might be common place but it isn’t a problem is the point. If it’s something that wouldn’t come up in the daily life for a majority of the denizens on azeroth…how is it a problem?
Nowadays we’d say it’s a problem cause reading a writing is an everyday thing, but back in pilgrim days it was like “who cares”

I meant more about North Americans living perfectly well not knowing English outside of speaking it. Just like a Troll might not know how to read or write Orcish, but can speak it well enough to interact with Orcs.

Again, there is no lore to suggest that Trolls are a-typically iliterate compared to any other Azeroth race, so for the author to choose a BIPOC character to bring that topic up with is a problem.

No amount of clowns in GD will change that.

I’m not assuming trolls and orcs are less literate. Maybe zekhan can write beautiful epics in zandali, but I can’t write a book in Spanish but I can speak it

There’s in fact plenty of lore that does. There’s plenty of lore to indicate that the Zandalari hoard knowledge and power and that tribes have priests that can read the old tablets written by the Zandalar and their agents.

That’s like literally their thing.

Show me one quest that suggests the Darkspear cannot read. One.

Just one quest.

One book, short story…whatever you have.

I never said they are usually illiterate. I said for a young guy in the middle of a world in chaos why would he learn to read and write?
I never said most trolls can’t read or write I’m talking about one guy

Maybe other dude is saying that I’m not

Show me one quest that suggests that literacy is high in the Darkspear tribe. One.

Sure, one book… hum… Exploring Kalimdor. That book.

If that’s the situation…why the BIPOC character? Why not Flynn Fairwind? Why not literally any other character? Why does it need to be Zekhan if he “just happens” to be illiterate.

Your inability show even one quest is a joke dude.


Zhekan is not BIPOC, he’s a Troll. Trolls don’t really exist.

Because he’s a spy and has a quest where he needs to read something and does it just fine.

Because the book isn’t about any other character.

Because it’s his book.

You can’t either. Because most quests in WoW don’t reference literacy for trolls of the Darkspear tribe. Either for or against.

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You suck at this.

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It is not me who is racist. It’s the people pointing out I am racist that are the racists

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Says the guy who asked for a book, when one is in front of him : Exploring Kalimdor references a Darkspear troll having to learn to read and write from a Blood Elf.

Because he is an established lore character that they made the book about?
I’m sure rexxar is pretty illiterate too. So if it was from his point of view it’d have to say something similar. But he prefers animal company over human/human like company so that’s understandable. Idk why they chose him specifically but prob because since the first one was by an established lore character it’d be weird to have the horde one by troll commoner or random Tauren adventurer.
I can’t say why they chose him, but for his character specifically I believe it makes sense

Uneducated savage needs education from an enlightened white man to know how to read

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I’m used to a higher caliber of trolling and you just do not have the stamina.

How is he uneducted ? He’s obviously a learned Shaman and a Hunter.

There’s more to education than reading and writing.

There’s a change from earlier.

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