How was this Wowhead article approved for publishing?

I think Blizzard employees are actively posting on the forums, in secret, for whatever reasons.

I think the defenders of Blizzard post here, in secret, to defend the game.

What do you guys think?

I think some people are addicted to defending Blizzard. They get a kind of high from it.

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Again this has lost track of the main point are views on literacy in our world and how it is used to define racial stereotypes has nothing to do with this book.
Ok, zekhan was illiterate, character development. He basically came of age around…WoD ish? And then Legion invasion and his first battle was in BFA. Don’t think reading and writing are top priorities when time traveling orcish armies, endless demonic invasions, old gods and cultists, and total war are on the table.

The writing style itself and random “insert gallywix flavored note” with Gazlowes name is the problem. Sure maybe gazlowe is a jerk but he can be a jerk a different way not carbon copy

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Well it’s fun to fight. People will fight whenever they can, as long as they can survive it. Why? Because being peaceful is boring.

it’s true. blizzard sends me a paycheck every time I try to explain why people are wrong.

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I personally don’t think any of it is racist because of the simple fact of when would zekhan have had the time to learn to write? And the argument of certain words like erosion, to us that’s very common, what if only the elves use that word in this world. Looking at azeroth as earth starts playing a dangerous game.

But while talking about racism, yes the Tauren are racist because they aren’t even based on a specific native American tribe, it’s just stereotypes mashed together into a caricature instead of either being an homage or just a copy of any one culture/tribe.

Like if zekhan was an older elite shaman (not named drekthar) sure it’d be surprising he only now was becoming literate if for no other reason than I’m sure he had to pass on his knowledge to others, but he’s basically a kid drowning in a sea of circumstance. Survival is important, and now that things have calmed down a bit (for him) he is learning to read/write, thats cool

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There’s 0 evidence that illiteracy is an issue for any race, Horde or Alliance in Warcraft. And even if there were there’s no reason it should be more prevalent among Horde races than Alliance races given it is a medieval society. Which means Blizzard choosing to broach the topic with Zekhan is worth a bit of scrutiny, despite what some die-hard defenders say.


Also when it was said like “oh lorthemar can’t teach him to read and write orcish thats absurd” my Spanish teacher was a Caucasian lady from Minnesota with 0 obvious ties to anything Español

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Wait, did you just make the claim medieval societies were massively literate ?

Are you for real ?

The absurdity was not Lor’themar teaching Zekhan Orcish, but that Zekhan would need to be taught Orcish at all.

Nothing absurd about Zhekan not knowing how to read or write Orcish. Heck, you’ll be surprised to learn some people in North America don’t know how to read and write English, even though they can somewhat speak and understand it when spoken.

BTW, medieval literacy rates : 20% in Western Europe. Thank you Roman Empire.

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Warcraft is not 1 to 1 to a medieval society. Point being if illiteracy were a problem in Warcraft (it is not) it would be just as prevelant among Humans and Elves as it is Trolls and Orcs. Night Elves are no less primitive in their living arrangements than any Horde race. That is not indicative of literacy.

It seems pretty prevelent amongst humans for sure. Elves ? No, they seem more educated generally.

Why would 4 different races with 4 different cultures and 4 different levels of advancement have the same literacy rate ?

That makes no sense.

Uh ?

You’re joking right ? The Orcs had the Goblins build them a city and it looks like a bunch of stones piled together to make walls. The Night Elves literally built a world spanning empire. Suramar, Zin-Ashari, and other great cities…

That’s why I made the point earlier about most humans probably being illiterate. Dwarves could be too, except the ones deep into archeology. Heck even gnomes could be, being an inventor doesn’t mean you can read or write, it’s just assumed.
My defense for zekhan has nothing to do with defending blizzard (who lately I’m not happy with for different reasons anyway) it’s just for me personally looking at his character, his circumstances, his world, it’s not surprising or depreciating to me in any way.
It’s not like his said “lorthemar taught me to read and write so I could be better than the other trolls” he just said most of his literary knowledge came from lorthemars teachings

Being taught to READ AND WRITE ORCISH.
He obviously knows how to speak it.
Just like I could speak English at 2 years old. I couldn’t write at all

There’s no reason to assume Zekhan could not write Orcish except writer fiat. The trolls are not less literate than any other race in the lore. It is absurd to suggest they are.

464 posts here and 90% of it is from the same 5 people.

Y’all need a hobby…

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Literacy? Yeah it does, I mean, there’s two bookshelves in every tavern/inn right up front. Seems an odd amenity for a place with scarce readers

One day working fast food. You’ll know real quick. Sad that some people do not know a needed skill. Make X grades better… he can play with balls and our school sports team needs him!