How was this Wowhead article approved for publishing?

It has been forever since I read that book. So again, another proof the Western Coded civilizations were not all literate. Again, if they are allowed to have people be illiterate, then I invoke South Park’s nothing should be sacred rule.

That’s the Zandalari. Not the Darkspear as you have pointed out before. And that’s a rather meritocratic caste system.

We’re discussing fictional races and cultures heavily rooted in real life culture. With many of these fictional races having unfortunate racist implications

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Don’t be, be embarassed for yourself. You’re literally looking for racism where there isn’t any. And you’re going hard to defend your view that this must be racist. Because admitting it isn’t just shatters your world view that all things must be racist all the time.

You’re the one claiming trolls are highly literate. The game lore doesn’t support that.

And you can’t provide evidence they are literate at such a high level either. It’s an Island tribe that lives in huts in a village that fishes for sustenance. What need of reading/writing do they have ?

They’re aren’t the Zandalar.

What does any of that have anything to do with Afro-Caribbeans as you put it ?

All the trolls are in the caste system the zandalari created. Why else would all those representatives from the tribes be in the zandalari city if it didn’t matter. They have to try and keep their position

Yes, that page is quite clear that the Zandalari are the ones who pretty much rule over all troll tribes and are the keepers of Troll history. The rest of the tribes are mostly at war with each other and living in remote places, outside of the seat of power of the troll empire : Zandalar.

Being based on and being a metaphorical mirror of are two different things. I could base a race around cannibalistic tribes from long ago but make them aristocratic who just happen to have the same practices.
Jamaicans aren’t shamans and priests and in a caste system, trolls just have their accents and some of their manurisms

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…and that’s why trolls are kinda racist. thank you lol

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I been mocking Warcrafts heavy racism since the bowl of fruit incident…

An then again when discussions as to why other races can’t be a certain class…

Lots of effort going into defending the kinda racist tropes being used in the story here.

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Wowhead is separate from Blizzard I think.

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By that logic Tauren are racist not trolls. Making them talk like Jamaicans just cause and making the Tauren mash ups of random facts of different native American tries are very different.
If I made predator like aliens with chill demeanors who said “ello mon” that’s not racist it was just something I did

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Look they talk in a stereotypical accent, practice a religion that is every voodoo stereotype you can imagine, are sometimes cannibals and are now apparently illiterate dumbasses. But they are not RACIST

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Well I think that’s enough for now. Going to mute this thread, since I expect it will be 404d in a few hours.

Cheers folks.

And never forget these two things:

  1. Literacy is not common within the Warcraft universe.
  2. Exploring Azeroth: Kalimdor is written from Zekhan’s perspective, so it’s okay that he got stuff wrong in his extended travel journal.
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They dont. Stay away from the voodoo doesn’t sound like “also go to voodoo church” if anything their religion is polytheism more akin to the aztecs (which zandalar definitely looks like)

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Twitter says hello.

WoWhead disables comments on anything covering racial, gender, or workplace discrepancies because it won’t take long for it to devolve into a toxic dumpster fire full of nothing of value.

So why wouldn’t one reasonably expect a major lore figure, Horde ambassador and member of the council, be reasonably expected to already have a fair grasp on having already learnt to read and write from their own family?

Erosion isn’t a complex word. This is pretty elementary stuff.

Do you think it’s a complex word? :thinking:

It kind of is lol

That comparison sounds a lil sus

Article written in 2020, 21 percent of Americans are illiterate or functionally illiterate.

Take from that what you will.

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Zhekan doesn’t come from a noble family. He’s just a typical young troll who was trust into a position of power because he happened to be on guard duty the day Saurfang almost lost himself to despair.

Why would you think he’d be a erudite troll ? He’s a Darkspear, not a Zandalari.

Maybe he’s just like 21% of Americans in 2020.

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What makes you think that? I always assumed the opposite, given the lack of schools.