How was this Wowhead article approved for publishing?


Interesting! I remember the daily but not the reason for gathering them up.

So, you have any sources for this caste system that you claim is so obvious in the trolls yet?


Too bad it literally doesn’t support his point, no one is saying Zandalari trolls are not literate. Quite the opposite.

Zhekan is not a Zandalari.

Where is it mentioned in the lore that the Horde has a literacy problem?


I’m sure all the orphanages give basic lessons, that the children’s parents would have taught them, but we have no way of knowing if that was to the level of a school.
Also the zandalari ones specifically were more about the loa and what possibilities were in store for them when they came of age like where would they go, would they be warriors or vagrants

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I think you’ll get the Dothraki citation

Where does it say the alliance doesn’t? I’m not saying this is a one sided thing, most of the world is probably illiterate cause it’s not important, it’s not the same as our world

We have multiple examples of illiteracy within the warcraft universe. Two of which are found in the same novel, Lord of the Clans, which was published in 2001.

In it, we can clearly see that the human footsoldiers that work for Aedelas Blackmoore are not literate, as they cannot read the letters that Thrall wrote to Taretha and had on him when he was captured by those soldiers.

We also know that Aedelas Blackmoore harshly rejected the idea that Thrall should learn how to read and write. It was the nameless Sergeant that convinced Aedelas that Thrall should get an education, because Aedelas wanted him to be taught strategy and tactics, concepts that he would have been unable to grasp were he illiterate.

The Warcraft universe, as far as education is concerned, has clearly shown that literacy is not commonplace. Your average footsoldier isn’t going to know how to read, but a character like Aedelas Blackmoore, a noble, does know how to read. Your average troll doesn’t know how to read (proven by the fact that Zekhan doesn’t know how), but a Troll High Priest would, as they are the spiritual leaders among the trolls.

Faction leaders, army commanders and spiritual leaders would know how to read, rich nobles who could afford education (such as the Proudmoore family that sent Jaina to Dalaran to be educated) would have themselves and their children educated, but the lower you go on the totem pole, the less common it becomes.

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The Horde Trolls use written commuications…letters, tablets, etc. all the freakin time. Show one example…JUST ONE MY GOD HOW HARD CAN IT BE…that the Darkspear are illiterate or more illiterate than any other race on Azeroth.

Heck give an example of illiteracy being an issue with any race at all.

Just give an example.

Surely that is not too much to ask.


And I also didn’t say the horde was illiterate, I said they prob don’t have schools. You are looking at azeroth like it’s earth. Two very different worlds

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I feel like I don’t understand what is happening here

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Yes, have fun :

It’s well cited to all lore relevant material.

The whole ancient cultures can’t read and were unenlightened savages is a cliché rooted in racism

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She me one example that they are more literate ?

Varian writes a letter to his son. Footmen can’t read letters.

Why are you surprised that the same doesn’t apply to Trolls ?

Show me the troll school where all the troll kids go to learn to read and write all Hordish languages is. Heck, I’d be down for a Troll Geology class where they teach the concept of Erosion.

You’re applying real life first world education standards to a Fantasy world’s tribal culture.

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It’s also… factual.

Sure, that was used as a racist stereotype, but it was also part of history. Hell, in the 1870s only 20% of men in London and 25% of women knew how to read.

And there were newspapers being circulated back then, and schools also existed back then. But most people could not afford an education.


The caste system is even mentioned in quests like how the gurabashi lost their position after the hakkar stuff. And again the Darkstar being the lowest of the low is how they ended up in the horde to start with cause they were pushed out of their home by other tribes

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Dude I am embarrased for you. I already explained to someone else in this thread how the person making the claim is the one responsible for the evidence.

You cannot provide any evidence that Troll society is illiterate or more illiterate than any other race.

You are spending your evening defending Blizzard’s bad choices without any evidence.

I feel sorry for you.

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No one is saying the Egyptians and Athenians were unenlightened savages that can’t read.

Not all ancient cultures are the same you know. There’s no racism in historical facts. The Romans had much more advanced cultural traits than say, the Goth tribes on many fronts. You know, things like Aqueducs and actual paved roads.

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These aren’t ancient cultures we are discussing. We are discussing races and species that live in an existence un like ours. They don’t give two craps about half they stuff we think is important in their day to day lives