How was this Wowhead article approved for publishing?

Why do you think that is obvious since there’s nothing in game suggesting it?

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Destroy it, most likely potentially at Blizzard’s expense. Then again, that might be a cheaper alternative then this book being used to further the various lawsuits against Blizzard.

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So when my point is why choose the troll to make your illiteracy point, and I say “illiteracy is not even common” and you say “yeah it itsn’t” and I say “why not choose another racially coded race to make that point”…

I’m sorry dude, but what point do you think you are making??? Are you arguing just to argue? Do you have a reason for being the way you are?

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Quite a few doesn’t turn into majority illiterate. I feel like there are enough letter quests and book shelves around to assume that literacy is widespread, There’s romance novels around and so on.

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I like that the shaman is too stupid to know what erosion is. Not only is the writing racist but incredibly stupid even in-universe

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Because their tribal lower caste culture is one of the most primitive races on Azeroth ? Also because the book is about a Troll ?

All the races in Azeroth are “racially coded”.

Again, let’s ask, Drunkard Dwarves. Scotts are drunks to you ? Or is it just a fun trope of the fantasy drunken dwarf ?

That nothing about this is racist. At all. Not even close.

That it would take a huge muppet to think any of this is racist.

Based on what dude? Based on NOTHING. The Trolls have had advanced civilization longer than anyone.

Are you Sean Copeland?

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Except it didnt mention anything about the literacy rate for the Darkspear. Just that Zekhan himself was not as literate(note the book did not say he was illiterate, just that he did learn most of it from Loth)

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I talk to the spirits of nature and elements all day, every day and they never told me what this erosion is.

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I don’t think the whole thing should be re-done, I’m just saying the letter feels off, maybe that’s just me.
But I wouldn’t mind Chritine rewriting zekhan’s parts to sound more troll-ish like they do in her books lol

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Based on WoW’s lore ?

The Zandalari Trolls.

Not the other lower caste trolls.

That’s the whole thing with Trolls in WoW, they have a very well defined high and low caste system.

Better than being Anita Sarkeesian I guess.

Knowing what erosion is and knowing the term erosion itself are different things. He knows the water wears away at the rocks, he just didn’t know the term erosion

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Show me in the lore where it says that the Troll cultures lost the ability to read. Show me where it says that Trolls are “one of the most primitive” races on Azeroth?!

As always you are a clown.

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The point is the decision to take a trope probably out of old fiction of the civilized hero teaching the savage as a good deed doesn’t really work well here. I don’t think it added anything needed to the tale, and it could have been easily made more of a meeting of peers by having it be a lesson in diplomatic protocol in writing, or Thalassian.

Or hell, we know he likes poetry, if Zekhan knows him that well, have them share poems or such of their own cultures.

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It’s especially baffling considering all the troll books in the game lol.


Primitive, not meaning lesser but just “ancient” or non-developed is true. Trolls were like the first well established race. And their caste system (the Darkspear were literally the lowest caste, cast out by the zandalari and other tribes time and again) is very primitive compared to how all the other races’ cultures are set up

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True. I also think people are viewing this particular point through too modern a lens.

Literacy would hold little relevance for many people on Azeroth. Why would a farmer in Westfall, for example, learn to read when he could learn to provide better for his community?

Similarly… you don’t need to be literate to be a shaman. There are illiterate shamans in reality even today and they serve their role in their communities just as well through traditions and rituals passed down from their predecessors–which yes, obviously, could be written down but they often aren’t.

I just think this particular point isn’t an issue. It makes sense that not everyone would be able to read on Azeroth. Heck, I’d wager many humans can’t even.

Though I expect literacy rates are exceedingly high in gnomes… :stuck_out_tongue:

Pretty sure he thinks that’s something he just asks the water elementals to do and they do it in an explosive fashion. He probably doesn’t understand that most water just flowing over rocks leads to erosion, as rivers and valleys in WoW are fashioned in the flash of an eye by Elemental Magic most of the time (or Goblin explosives).

Show me where it says they had it to begin with ?

Literally everywhere ? That’s the whole schtick with the whole Well of Eternity creating the Elves. Only the Zandalari established an empire and then ruled over all Trolls as the high caste.

That’s the lore, sorry you don’t like it. Zhekan is not a Zandalari.

topper mcnabb

Now you are being racist

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