How was this Wowhead article approved for publishing?

It has to do with the fact that you implied Zekhan was only being taught a “certain language.” If that certain language was a language he shouldn’t already know, it would be fine.

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It is not a production issue because they have literally pushed this back, TWICE. And it was available on Amazon in pdf format just until a few minutes/hours ago.

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To be fair, not everyone living in a country/nation always has thr ability to speak thr national language.

It’s not difficult to imagine people in isolated communities either not picking up orcish or using it sparingly.

This is still a thing to this day. Plenty of people either can’t speak their country’s national language or do so very poorly whilst they learn–and that is assuming it is necessary. They could (and do in reality) sometimes create their own communities within a larger whole where they speak/write in their native tongue thr overwhelming majority of the time.

You’re right Zerde.

It isn’t even available on Kindle anymore.

I hope everyone defending this trash in GD tonight remembers this.


He was by your own words. He was taught a certain language that he was illiterate in.

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I’m not sure if it ever was actually. I checked it when this first blew up and while there was a price for kindle, a click through said it wasn’t available.

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Like I said, those scrolls need not be something one would call literate! It’s like seeing a sign board of a bar and you purchase something that you want to drink, like some rum or whiskey but that doesn’t mean you read wants on the label description page of that you just used!

Seems to me you’re applying your own racial blindspots.

Jamaica has a literacy rate of 88.1%. How is illiteracy a stereotypes of Jamaicans, the real world “culture” the Darkspear derive their spoken accent from (and nothing else really) ? Even Haiti, the lowest and below average country in the Caribbean, has over 60% literacy.

Seems to me you have a racial blindspot.

Quite the opposite, he understands the Troll Empire’s caste system just fine, something you apparently don’t.

Spoken vs written.

I mean, we all know what they’ll do. Cave to the minority mob like Kaleaon here. Even though there’s no reason to. Cancel Culture works. It’s why it’s being used all the time as a bludgeon.

Nothing about “Erosion” is Shamanistic. If the Shamans want the earth moved, they literally ask it to move. They don’t wait thousands of years for a river to carve out some rocks.

Why is it so important to you that these races are illiterate when there’s no indication of that in game?

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How do you continually make my point for me without me even trying?

I’m genuinely curious. Are you completely oblivious?

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How is the interaction of Water and Earth not shaman related?

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Which too many 0s ?

300,000 years is the first fossil record of the modern human (a word that cannot be typed on the forums apparently). 100 years is about when mass literacy started in the first world and has only spread since then.

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He could have somewhat understood the process without knowing the terminology for it. This sort of thing used to be quite common. People understood that gravity–or rather, the very basic gist of it–was a thing without having a term for it, as example.

Erosion of large stones also takes a very long time and would be difficult to observe without intentionally doing so.

I think that snippet if the book ought to have been different though.

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It’s not important, I am just stating the obvious?!!!

op is right. the book isnt racist but its written like dogwater anyway. also gazlowe has also always been a greedy prick, just not as over the top as gallywix.

To be fair, Stormwind was mentioned to have quite a few illiterate people as well. Sounds more like it just the elves that are super literate.

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I just meant at this point. Like it’d be hard to convince the publisher to reprint all these changes now cause word got out and it caused a problem, like what are they supposed to do with all the product they already have waiting

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If you base your fictional race around a real life culture and people and continually fall into racist stereotyping then you should be called out on it. I like trolls and tauren a lot but they are borderline caricatures even at the best of times.


What point ? Illiteracy is not a trope of Caribbeans. It’s obviously a decision rooted in Azeroth’s troll tribal culture of being all lower caste. Imperial trolls of the Zandalari would be educated. Amani, Darkspear, Gurubashi, not so much.

You’re the only one drawing parallels here between Trolls and Afro-Caribbean.

Wow, this is crazy! There is no way to write anything that will be pc to everyone playing.

Tell me when we of the people that inhabit this planet have never divided ourselves; either negatively, positively, or neutrally?

The OP is generally correct. I think the stew is confusing stereotypes, tropes, cliches, and archetypes in storytelling - And then brandishing a personal opinion(bias) of outrage based incorrectly on one or more of these types, which ironically is a trope in and of itself.