How was this Wowhead article approved for publishing?

True, but none of that precludes him from being cruel to other goblins within the Cartel.

End of the day, he’s a goblin. He may do good things for goblins that work closely with him, but that doesn’t mean he’s going to treat everyone the same way.


They know only signs and all…most of them are illiterates…
They are made on the fashion of red indian American or native Americans during that time.

Expecting every troll to be literate is silly.

Besides, there isn’t anything necessarily wrong with being illiterate. You can still be intelligent and wise without writing.

It certainly can help but your intelligence isn’t defined by being able to read or not. Plenty of cultures had rich oral traditions and wrote little to nothing down.

Trolls are hugely varied in WoW. There are probably more types of trolls than any other race in the game. Expecting them all to be the same is absurd.


Stop defending bad writing. Sean and Blizzard did a “Search Gallywix” and replaced Gallywix with Gazlowe. Stop insulting everyone’s intelligence here.


If the character didnt know how to read a certain language there is a good reason for it to be there if you are trying to communicate with people through text that use that language.

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Nope, Zekhan said most of his reading and writing was from Lor’themar. The book is written in Orcish.

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Not the Alliance calling Horde races dumb when they beat us in PvP everyday

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In the 300000 or so years of existence of the modern human, we’ve had widespread literacy for what, 100 years ?

Why would a fantasy world ravaged by war and mostly ruled by magic and old gods and titans have high literacy when just living and eating is a struggle ?


Yes, because people reading what they want to read and getting uppity over very little definitely doesn’t happen all of the time.

It’s more likely that it wasn’t meant to be interpreted in this way than it is that people are overreacting.

And? Whats your point?

How it was meant to be interpreted literally does not matter.

That Blizzard’s head of lore has some racial blindspots, and does not understand the racial history of many of Warcraft’s races…that does matter.

That’s a problem.

That does not make Sean a bad person, but he probably needs to be given some free training before he writes the next great Warcraft novel (or fired for getting basic baby’s-first lore wrong)


The point is that Orcish is the main language of the Horde, and Zekhan should know it. If Lor’themar taught him Thalassian, it would be different.


That’s why I said some of the issues raised are warranted and others aren’t in my initial post.

There are definitely some inaccuracies and questionable writing decisions.

Some of them aren’t a big deal though.

Knowing how to speak orc and write orc are two different things. I have Hispanic friends who can speak Spanish all day but they can’t write it

And? What does that have to do with what i said?

Or we can all just wait until January and see what sort of changes Blizzard/Sean/whoever will do?

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It’s a book. It’s already written, the push back is most likely tied to production issues. Its not an in game quest you can change the text of on the fly

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Nope, they have scrolls of their legends hanging around.

And oof.

Then it really doesn’t help that he needed an elf to teaching him basic shaman knowledge too.

Shame they didn’t do that as that would be much better than what they did. Hell, it could have just been teaching him diplomatic writing techniques too.

Aside from a few too many zeroes, it comes and go based on society. I wouldn’t say that writing was sacred in classical times when we have many examples of graffiti back then. And again, this is a made up world that has been written in a way that assumes wide spread literacy.

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Wowhead posts what they will. There primary interest for years has been the click though rate.
While I can’t speak to the accuracy of some of the lore presented in the book the other criticisms that the a few reddit and forum posts shared was about racisms in game.
Disclaimer I am about to get really real here.

It is a video game. It is a game in a fictional world about fictional stories. The primary founding element in this expansive franchise is “Warcraft”. War is frequently brought on by prejudice and perpetuates a cycle of hatred between different cultures. Warcraft and World of Warcraft frequently explored these concepts and ideas to create a grey view of Azeroth and Draenor. Slavery, racisms, sexism, prejudice, genocide these are all themes WoW has used to fuel it story and the founding idea that the games universe can’t exist without conflict.


As players we need to distinguish between what is fantasy and reality. In all video games especially RPGs we like to see ourselves in game and this is where the lines blur for many people. Something gets taken to seriously OR something gets taken to lightly like overtly sexist or in some cases transphobic jokes. The racial commentary is a big part of Warcraft and I don’t think it should be stifled because some individuals has inserted themselves in to this world to the point that they cant distinguish between fiction and non fiction.

Nothing in this book seemed to suggest that it was written to degrade or repress people.

The World of Warcraft is full of colorful and diverse characters who have there own personalities and bias. While these characters may at times reflect our world they are just that reflections. The actions or prejudice displayed in game is not meant to be taken seriously outside of the context of the game.

Example I may not like Gnomes in game. Even if I don’t like most of there characters in game that dose not mean I dislike the people who are playing Gnome characters (player and voice actors) It just means in the context of the game I don’t like Gnomes. If you like them that is cool. There are a ton of well crafted Gnome characters with captivating personalities.

If you who are reading this are the type of person who can’t separate those two things and could not only hate Gnomes but the people playing them and by extension hate them in real life you are standing FAR to close to the fire and should stop playing games immediately.

If people think WoW perpetuates real world stereotypes in this fictional world and thus believe the developers are influencing people to be racist they should detach from the game.

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They aren’t wrong.