How was this Wowhead article approved for publishing?

But that Gazlowe letter (not written by Zekhan) does seemed very ill-informed on Gazlowe and his personality

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If you aren’t willing to speak up, why post?

Why interfere with people demanding a response from Blizzard?

I don’t understand your logic.

Doesnt look like you are talking about him and only him.

FYI, the book is no longer being sold. Will they revise it? Will it be republished? who knows.

Did you not know that Racial bigotry is the entire basis for the World of Warcraft Universe, since the very first game ?

The literal title of the first game is Orcs and Humans.

The horde has always been a band of misfits, allied through mere convenience. Gazlowe has never been a “good guy”. He’s just been less crappy than Gallywix.

Uh… Never read any Alliance lore have you.

Blackmoore, Proudmoore, heck even Tirion Fordring and his initial reaction to Eitrigg.

I can’t give you information I don’t have.

This is a free forum, I can post where I want.

Deal with it.


Do you actually have a point relevant to the discussion about the trolls not being isolated tribes cut off from the world? Or are you just gonna keep picking that I mixed points about Zekhan in with ones about trolls as a whole?

It’s not “no longer being sold”

It hasn’t released yet, it’s due to be distributed in late January.

It’s almost certainly too late for Blizzard to do anything but ineffectually apologize for their tone-deaf nonsense.

Actually it was suppose to release in Octoboer, then it was suppose to be released December 8(and considering people did get copies it means it was sold), and now it looks like it has been pulled altogether.

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Nah gazlowe is a good guy. Pretty much the only goblin who give “his boys” time off and makes sure they get paid and looks out for his people. He knew the bildgewater were and trouble and became their trade prince because they needed someone signing the checks

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I see January 25th as the release date, do you have new info to share?

I mean, Gazlowe is a goblin. Goblins by their very nature are cruel taskmasters. The only time we’ve seen Gazlowe be any different is during the events in Mechagon, and it seemed kind of obvious (at least to me) that he was being nice in order to convince the Mechagnomes to give them access to tech.

Hell, even goblin funerals are designed in such a way to inflame and create jealousy. Vastly different to other races and their funeral rites.

That info is a recent change. It was suppose to release Dec 8(after initially suppose to be release in October) and until just today people could have bought it on Amazon. Now apparently this is damage control on Blizzard’s part.

From the horde side of the quest he gives “his boys” time off, extra pay, always makes sure they get paid, and agreed to become Trade Prince if the bildgewater cartel (not even his cartel) because he knew they were in trouble and needed someone signing the checks to keep it all together (according to the talk he had with Thrall in the pre-shadowlands book)

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Already made my point several times. In fact it was in response to what someone else was talking about and not what you were talking about.

Do you have a point?

That depicting a Troll as illiterate was a decision of the writer that doesn’t really have a good reason to be there.

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Some of the complaints are justified but likewise some of them are not. People are reading a bit too deeply into some of these things and inferring things that obviously weren’t intended.

A lot of the time it’s caused by their own biases. Not always though. lol


Why are these guys complaining about the Literacy in wow?! It’s obvious, half of the horde population are illiterate!!!
Orc, troll and taurens!!
While the alliance are all literates! It’s a culture thing in wow!!

Are these ppl sad or just knew now that how lame their faction is…“my lovely horde are a bunch of illiterates!!!” :cry:

There’s Tauren scrolls all over TB, try again.


How do you know what was intended? Are you Sean Copeland? Are you Steve Danuser? Are you Ion? Are you Bobby?

Don’t presume to speak for a multi-billion dollar corporation please.