How to: Write threads requesting things

I don’t understand why you don’t make a single thread asking for changes rather continuing to spam forums with the same request threads over and over?

I think most of these threads get shut down because it’s the same topic over and over. If you could keep it to a single thread, asking for all of the changes, I think it Might go over better.

And that’s a big might.

You also need to learn how to not engage players that baiting you. This is probably the biggest issue I see on these forums. So many players are easily baited into toxic behavior and then Mods shut the threads down.

You don’t have to engage players that are purposely trying to shut the threads down. You have to know who and when to ignore.

We asked him for this last time, he just claimed to being attacked and never actually did anything.


Yes, ridicule is a form of harassment. There is a right way and a wrong way to disagree with someone. For example, posting a picture of a trashcan in order to make someone feel like their opinion is invalid is harassment. Telling someone you want WoW to stay true to your idea of what pure Vanilla, and that you can’t see eye to eye but still want them to enjoy the game and then leaving them alone is a better approach.

It’s not what your saying, it’s how you’re saying it that is the issue, and the frequency at which you are saying the same thing in every thread requesting a change.

Maybe if you let people make the threads and have their discussion, they wouldn’t keep making them. Maybe they keep making them because they feel like they were harassed into silence the first time. Also maybe totally separate people want the same features and necroing a thread that is just full of harassing spam doesn’t seem like a good idea to them.

Ridicule refers to dismissal and contempt, you really don’t know what you’re spewing at this point because now you know you’re wrong and have no where to reach anymore.

This is just you trying to be a victim. No normal person gets bent out of shape about memes. A lot of your posts in the transmog thread were attacks against people who disagreed with you… don’t complain about the exact behavior you exhibit


So, let you echo chamber with no opposition and when that doesn’t work spam the forums with new ones?


Nice how you trimmed off the part how I said the idea was being ridiculed, not the person. Once ideas gain sentience, we can talk about their rights to be respected. Until then, just as in real life, ideas can be attacked thoroughly and it still doesn’t count as harassment.

In all cases, including WoW forums, I can say:

Your idea is absolute garbage and worthless

However, I cannot say (and shouldn’t be able to say):

You are absolute garbage and worthless

There is a distinct difference, and you are conflating the two.


The mods told me this:

"They’re intended to alert us to egregiously negative comments, however too many people use them either to disagree with another poster, or to crusade against those they disagree with.

We do have people watching the forums, however it is also a question of manpower. I myself moderate the forums, and there’s only so many hours in my day I can spend doing that, especially when taking action against posters, and having to email them to explain what they did, etc. That all takes time."

Which to me means that if we just ignore people and get buried, we’re not helping Blizzard win the fight to end the toxicity. I think having a conversation about the toxicity, as I am trying to do, is the right way to come to an understanding so we can have a better community.

It should be done. But on some level, Players have to learn when their getting baited into a confrontation. Learn to ignore those that are there with a post full of bitter snark.

Not saying I haven’t done the same.

I’ve read this entire thread and I’ve read a lot threads where you have posted… Generally, your threads end up locked because of your refusal to know when to stop responding and ignore players.


People need to stop breaking the CoC and baiting people. Why should we defend bullying behavior on the forums? It has to stop somewhere.

The only person who is being toxic is you, at this point, your points, ideas, they are long over and have no leg to stand on anymore. You forcing your opinions and suggestions at this point is toxic.


When you ignore them, it generally stops. All you are doing is giving them the negative attention. You’re allowing them to bait you.

On some level, you have to take personal responsibility for your part.

If you feel like they are doing something wrong, report, Ignore, and move forward. You have to stop engaging them. Otherwise, you are just as much of the issue as they are.



To put things into perspective Vakul wanted to have WoW Tokens in WoW Classic and the thread eventually got 404’ed.

Other threads he’s been heavily commenting on have also been locked like Transmog in Classic.



Those threads are locked because people are misusing the reporting feature. As I just commented, a blue said to me:

" They’re intended to alert us to egregiously negative comments, however too many people use them either to disagree with another poster, or to crusade against those they disagree with.

We do have people watching the forums, however it is also a question of manpower. I myself moderate the forums, and there’s only so many hours in my day I can spend doing that, especially when taking action against posters, and having to email them to explain what they did, etc. That all takes time."

And the MVP in the thread also said the same thing.

Can you please provide the actual quote? otherwise this has no merit.

Argumentum ab auctoritate.

Gotta be 100% because people don’t like Vakul ideas/thoughts i guess…

It’s that time again. Logical Fallacy Bingo!

*distributes bingo cards*

*waits for Vakul’s next reply* :popcorn:


The fact that acting like a civil adult and obeying the CoC is crazy to some people on the forums blows my mind to the point where I actually am just trying to understand how these people come to these conclusions. I guess it’s the demographic, but I honestly am just intrigued by how many hoops some of these people will go through to defend their behavior.

You’re right. I have been feeding them, and I have recognized that for a while now. I guess I am trying to get them to change their nature because I hate seeing that this is what our community is like. It just sickens me.

That’s a great idea! But I think by this time each one of us would’ve cleared the bingo card 10 times over. :writing_hand: