How to wipe out the High Elves

I would buy sooo much of that cream, if it were real, assuming it wasn’t covered in Gnomer gas that is, lmao

Well you’re already green so it shouldn’t impact your complexion too much… lol

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I think the only one they said would not outright be shared is DH. The rest will have combinations opened up. Dracthyr is getting other classes, might get other visages. People crapping on any race/class combo are just not in line with what Blizz has planned.


They’ve Demon Hunters, PROBABLY wouldn’t be opened up. But that Evokers for sure would stay exclusive to Dracthyr.

I agree, but to be fair, a lot of the hate on Belf Druids and Shaman was happening years, and I do mean years, before Blizz started to open things up again with DF.

But I’ve always found it to be stupid. There are NPCs that do things outside of their race all the time. Heck, Belf Shamans were in Cata even as enemies.

But most importantly. We are the CHAMPIONS, one of 13 (each class has like 1 non-described person that is canon to lore) who have done amazing feats, like stopping Sargeras, or N’zoth, or the Lich King, or etc. Why couldn’t we, as unique as we are, break our racial society’s norm and be say a Night Elf Paladin, or an Orc Druid. Ya know?


Never happen. More likely story is the fel addicts become withered, and are no longer a race.

Yeah they’d still remain Dracthyr even if they gave them visage forms. Because they are still dragons.

Yeah I know but it’s still going on. Even despite Blizz saying, the lore doesn’t matter, player characters as they are aren’t in lore, so we are just giving people what they want to have their characters how they vision them. And people still bring up lore as a reason not to do it.

And part of it I get it, it’d be nice to have a lore reason. But again they don’t consider us part of the lore. Just a non-descript hero.

Yep and NPCs like Nelf Shamans get added. Blizz can change things at any time. Hell they’ve retconned things outright. They do what they want.

For sure. It’s way more plausible to me that there’d be people who go against the norm than have entire races of people who do the exact same thing and never differ.

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Withered are nightborne unable to feed their addiction to the Nightwell.

Wretched are the blood/high elves that have overindulged on mana through any means, be that arcane or fel or any other power.

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Thank you. Bees and wasps are both black n yellow and stingy.

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That’s more headcanon than actual canon.

  • The Blood Elves had green eyes due to minor radiation – which can wear off, it’s not a permanent effect that envolops their being or changes them forever like the orcs who drank the fel-blood.

Why doesn’t my Blood elf have a entropic embrace or void customisations then? :thinking:
— Oh right, they’re a different race.

Blood Elves & High Elves are political differences only.
Void Elves compared to the two above however, have a literal cosmic alteration.

Let’s just agree that we need a full detailed lore to explain the Void Elves further. And lets all agree that we already got playable High Elves available on both factions, so no need for another.

I mean, a lot of these BElf druid and shaman threads were being asked around the same time tauren had the least amount of classes in the game. That was less ‘not caring about lore reasons’ and more “You are dissatisified with all the gifts of god and are demanding more, above the poor starving other Horde races”

BElves have every single class in the game except druid and shaman, and are one of the most rolled races in the game. They don’t need another class at present, can wait for everyone to get druids and shamans, and especially didn’t need another class back during when gnomes didn’t have hunters, and Lightforged draenei didn’t even have monk.

Anyone see the Blizzard trailer where they show a High elf enter the Alliance area in MoP and get ganked by the guards.


I thought it was funny :slight_smile:


That’s a Blood Elf.

But there were no blue eyes in MoP so it’s a High elf :wink:

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hmm…random thread title but…hmm maybe do to the elves what the orcs did to draenei? That weird disease that deformed and killed them I mean…not the quick genocidal war. Make them look like bat people maybe… idk…not a subject I can take seriously

Y’all are going to be sorely disappointed when the alpha testers get to Hallowfall. Especially if you’re part of the set trying to gatekeep Paladins.

Just tell them about mana crystals.

giving belfs classes will make the largest amount of people, happy, simultaneously. this is good press and attracts new/old customers, which in turn makes it possible to hire/rehire more people, which in turn, increases the amount of content, which in turn attracts more new/old customers. so i wouldnt suggest curtailing belf classes , rather i’d suggest asking if its possible to add new classes for everyone, all at once.

Canonically they existed for Blood Elves since Wrath. But the blue were eyes were kept from them as an option, largely to help distinguish between Blood Elf and High Elf NPCs in game, and their thematic presence at the time. :slight_smile:

But I agree, the video was funny.

It’s irrelevant how many people roll a race. It is not the player’s job to play specific races to make the world have realistic numbers of each race. If anything being one of the most played races, should net them more classes and resources from Blizz to increase their revenue.

Which to be fair, is honestly a very poor excuse. If someone is presenting a cool idea they’d like to have, and show casing the Lore reasons for how it makes sense, or what their story could be.

Retailing with the fact they already have enough compared to other races, is just Ludacris. Considering back in that time Blizz only gave out classes they felt had story relevance. So they only condition for any race to get anything, was to simply find a good lore reason for why they COULD.

And regardless, the vast majority weren’t arguing about how many classes X races had, they were just trying to derail threads, and honestly they often bullied the posters.

They got them in Legion, at the launch. Which set up a precedent that they could add any class to any race, they felt made sense. So again the arguments only really have merit if people were arguing for lore reasons as to why a race could do X or not. Arguments about the amount of people who played the race, are honestly nothingburgers that don’t apply.

Yeah, I don’t understand how they didn’t have Monk, but Nightborne did, when they were in a bubble and couldn’t learn the Monk skills? lol.

haha yeah I know, I just thought it was an interesting choice to pick a blue eyed blood elf/High elf to represent a horde character going into the alliance zone and getting killed.

Either it was intentionally done to piss Alliance Helfers off, or the High elf look is now officially being used synonymously with the Blood elves.

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