How to trouble shoot a ban?

How do you figure out a hack/cheat ban? All information is top secret with Blizz and they offer no help. I have been playing since TBC and never been in any sort of trouble and now 6 bans in 2 months on 2 different computers, one being brand new. One account has no game time with like a level 8 and a level 10, I don’t even play that account.

I’m just a casual player and don’t have any “work” programs or AHK, I had to look that up just to see what it was. I play wow, browse the net and listen to music on my computers. I don’t really have extra programs, garmin for my satellite device and a antivirus.
Guess I just give up on wow?

Locked… Not trying to get it reviewed, trying to stop getting banned.


Thing is you will never know the only instance lately was a player using 2 different VPN instead of one that was causing a ban.


They will not ever give specifics on what was detected or how, I’m afraid. That is information that a lot of nefarious enterprises would consider mission critical to plying their trade unhindered in live service games across the board.

There are people genuinely curious, but the internet can be very forthcoming with any information at all if you know the right pressure points and have the correct know-how.

One major proponent to be cautious of is the use of a VPN, make sure the IP it assigns is static instead of dynamic. Hopping all over the world raises big red flags if you aren’t careful.


VPN comes with my antivirus, normally off since it causes problems with some sites. When Avast updates it will sometimes turn it back on.

I checked and it is off

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Using a VPN isnt against the rules u just need to be using the same one constantly.


Only way to get an account action reviewed is through an appeal ticket, Tain.