How To Transition to TBC?

The TBC and Vanilla servers should be kept separate. New TBC servers should be created and filled with the same time period we had when we reserved names on Servers before Classic launch.

Filling new TBC servers via Character Copy with certain restrictions Blizzard sees fit would create better servers. Blizzard can lock numbers on server population caps.

For those that say carry over the current servers, what about the dead servers we have currently? There are lots of dead servers. Filling new ones is the better option.


I would also like to see layering this time around. I know layering sucks for organic game play but at least the server populations would not die off when people move on.

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I would like to see a faction cap. And go after the gold sellers and buyers.


Maybe Bliz could watch the active player number and merge?


you have to unlock tbc classic by playing a character to level 58 on vanilla classic…

but that character stays on vanilla classic. its just a key to unlock the dark portal for your account. after that, you can make new characters on vanilla classic or tbc classic.


the entire vanilla classic character database is copied over to tbc classic…

and you have the option to play/not play your characters on either game.


no qualifications as neither game is attached to each other…

vanilla classic and tbc classic are entirely separate. you must start all your characters from level 1 on tbc classic.


the whole server progresses…

essentially erasing old world vanilla. this is the least likely.

Classic was intended as a museum piece for players who want the game to end at 60. At best, quality of life changes and/or releasing content which was originally scrapped (ex: Hyjal Zone, Azshara BG) would be acceptable for Classic+. Forcing players to restart fresh or join TBC would be the death of Classic.


Only viable solution for TBC is F R E S H.


I vote for this one with either paid boost to 60 or free boosts

this wouldnt work because: they’d have to give everyone who got the boost, free or paid, a standard set of gear. this wrecks the fledging economy by removing the need to buy / find /quest for gear for the new expac’s latest content. it would hurt tailors, armor/weaponsmiths and leatherworkers, right off the bat, not to mention questers trying to sell found gear/profession mats on the ah

What are you saying?

Level 60 green equipment is nothing compared to the equipment found in TBC.

Also, I have almost never had success selling green gear on the auction house or leveling gear either frankly.

And by far the vast majority of leveling gear in TBC is from quests and dungeons and the few pieces worth buying on the auction house are above level 60 anyway.

I made half the money for my epic mount selling level 6-14 greens you’re doing it wrong. In Vanilla and BC back in the day there was a huge market for level 58-59 greens that dropped in BC. It may take a little while for it to develop but it will be there again hold on to your drops.

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I mean the market for 6-14 greens is the hot spot. But, that doesn’t mean very much for the purposes of this conversation.

The market for 58-59 greens isn’t going to be good considering the outrageous cost for auctioning those items.

That’s why the 6-14 range is so good by comparison.

And again, it doesn’t matter if people just spam dungeons anyway. Regardless of the level range, 1-70 or 58-70 or 60-70 or 1-60 or w/e.

Seriously, it doesn’t matter. People aren’t going to be dropping 500g for upgrades when they can burn through dungeons for better gear anyway.

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level 58-59 outlands greens make it easier to run vanilla content, including bgs. this happened at the beginning of every expac.

Twinks buy gear regardless of w/e kind of leveling system is present or not present.

And again, 58-59 is HFP where you can get gear from quests and dungeons while also gaining gold and XP without spending any gold.

This is such a non-issue.

Twinks will buy 58-59 gear.

Exactly the same way as they always have.

Every option will get a group of people mad, and ranting. I say TBC new servers completely fresh start nothing carries over. So option 3
Classic merge servers free transfers because the population is going to shrink dramatically anyways. Have a few high pop classic servers, and people can keep going there if they want. Most people will be leaving though anyway

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This is what I want. I think the launch leveling experience is the best time ever in a WoW server’s life cycle. People are leveling up together in dungeons and questing.

I just do not want the Vanilla servers to be forced into TBC servers. New servers should be created to Copy to for TBC.


Please not 4, I don’t care about stuff like money and useless stuff just not 4. F R E S H or no not 4.

bruh! we have been doing that for 15 years. I just want to play