How to train your direhorn quest bugged - cant complete

When trying to complete the “How to train your direhorn” quest, I mount the direhorn, run near pinky, the “meet pinky” 1/1 completes then im reset back to Kraal Master B’khor. I have tried running beyond pinky to the gate, but as soon as Pinky kills the handler, it launches me and my direhorn into the air and back to Pinky who one shots us. I have also tried exiting the mount and starting the encounter over as well as abandoning the quest and re-acquiring it to no avail. Please help


I am also having this issue, and at least one other person is because they also stopped trying. I managed to get all the way to the toys once out of around 40 or 50 times, they all kinda blur together, and it reset me immedately after I dropped the toy. I tried it once after that and got reset after one shot before I made it to the first gate when the direhorn launched me back at Pinky. A year ago, it was a difficult quest to complete. Difficult, but doable. A year before that, it was neither hard nor easy, a typical quest. Now, it’s impossible.


I too am experiencing this issue, as a new player trying to complete this quest for the first time this is very annoying. Giving up for now.


Same issue


I have the Same Issue. I checked via YouTube in case I was missing something. It appears I am not, but it seems to throw me out after a few seconds past the exit gate. I’ve tried dropping the quest and picking it up again. I think it’s a bug.


Also having this issue. Won’t even let me get through the first gate before my screen goes black and it kicks me out. Very frustrating bug.


Same thing, any word on a fix?


I also had issues, actually made it all the way to the end and couldn’t talk to the quest giver. I abandoned the quest after that.


Same issue on April 9th


I am also having an issue, has anyone found a way around in getting away from Pinky?


Not thus far. I tried it again a few hours ago, and still got punted out before the toys.

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having the same problem, ive gotten to the toys once but got kicked as i ran into them.


best chance of getting to the first gate for me was running up against the fence and as you get to the plant turn left and face the fence, you get pulled then hit your turbo. its worked a few times.
Any news on a fix?

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Also having this issue, tried about 8 times now and no matter how close to that North gate I get it launches back to Pinky for the one shot kill.


New player here. Bugged for me as well


I managed to get the quest to complete! When you walk into the arena where pinky is there is a troll standing on rocks near the bridge. Next to the troll is a line of fencing. The second fence post, and it has to be the fence post, in shove your face in it and face pinky, you will not be pulled so you can get away and finish the quest. Took a lot of time to find that sweet spot there but I hope that helps!


I have tested the 2nd post theory and can confirm this is true. Got it 1st try so I believe it is consistent as well. Well, 2nd try, the 1st try I wasn’t paying attention as to when Pinky was actually gunning for me, but 2nd try as soon as I noticed it tried to pull me I used the speed boost and made a break for the gate and was able to clear it.

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Got it you guys are the real hero’s

I just tried the 2nd fence post method. It worked the very first time!

I can do the second fence post work-around but it still catches up so fast? like just after I round the first bend it speeds up and I can’t get move fast enough.