How to train your direhorn quest bugged - cant complete

Took me about 15 tries. Noticed various bugs: (1) B’Khor is bugged from the start, he’ll either walk with you to the first containment fence or not. This doesn’t matter if he comes with you or not. (2) The troll introducing Pinky is also bugged: If they don’t immediately introduce Pinky with red text, walk one step past the ground bridge infront of them and back towards the containment fence, they’ll start to call out Pinky. It’s preferrable that they don’t bug out. – (3) Pinky is brought out - I found that you don’t need to stand near Pinky, just stay to the left and walk past him towards the race-route “the north gate”. You see Pinky eat his trainer and then immediately you’re pulled towards them/the center. Have your mouse-hand ready and immediately click towards the gate to align yourself and immediately spam speedrun. (4) All YT videos show a healing herb to the right, immediately past the northgate. It actually is bugged and may or may not appear. (5) grab the first healing herb as you speedrun, go past the north gate, be sure to grab the 2nd available herb before the toy-tossing troll activates. To be honest, I actually tried over and over to see if I needed the second herb. I was actually successful with the whole race having skipped the 2nd herb and for some reason Pinky was slower that run. The toy activated and I spammed it. Then I just ran the whole way through the race, keeping a little to the right, and spamming speedrun and the toy. I was successful. It’s all really chance but once you can get successfully past Pinky’s introduction, you have way more faith in completing the quest. – Note: I really do think this quest has multiple bugs and that sometimes you may need to give up the quest, leave the entire region, and even come back another time to ensure the healing herbs are in the right place and to keep a bit of your sanity.

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I can not figure this out. I am standing next to the 2nd fencepost and it always pulls me and then goes black screen

I am having no luck. I go to the 2nd fence post bury my face in it. turn around and I get pulled to the center and then dark screen.

Same issue as well.

Still bugged…

As of right now its still bugged on Tichondrius.
Standing next to the 2nd fence post and facing Pinky seems to work, I don’t get slingshotted at him if I do that, but running away I can get about halfway up the hill before he catches up and I can’t get any further.

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I have just spent an hour on this quest. I’ve used every strategy listed above. About one out of every ten runs I can make it through the north gate using the 2nd post trick, but I have never once made it around the bend to the toy lady.

Don’t be like me. Spend your time doing some thing fun instead. Come back to this in a week or a month, maybe Blizz will have fixed it by then.

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As of the 28/04/2024 it is still bugged… good times

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Yeah, trying to do it today and it’s happening to me immediately upon Meeting Pinky, I get a black screen and a reset. Still bugged.

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Same here still bugged as of 4/29… second fence post method works but i cannot get past the toy lady. it automatically sends me back to B’khor

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nvm i just completed after F1’ing the track and cutting corners with the charge, i went over the plants this time but i don’t know if that made much of a difference or not…seems like pure luck honestly


I still get pulled back to Pinky and insta killed. I tried to submit a bug report and got an automated response saying they are busy and a link to try here for a solve or to post my complaint. Still bugged and I don’t think they really care about fixing it anytime soon. Hopefully one of these days they will get around to fixing it. I hate not being able to finish a quest chain.

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Still bugged, automated response from support that troubleshooted issues that have nothing to do with a bugged quest :confused:

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Also it won’t matter if you put your face into the fence, as soon as you make it on the path where you are supposed to pick up the doll ability, you will get insta-black screen and quest reset. I’ve even been in the reverse facing view and seen that the t-rex was not even past the tree around the first bend in the path and it still reset the quest as if I’d been instant killed.

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As of 5/7 it is still bugged

Still bugged as of may 8, '24. I’m convinced this is a scaling issue. I only have problems like this when i do later expansion content at a lower level through chromie. Any time theres a vehicle that takes damage it always takes WAY more damage than it should. Another good example is fighting jinyu with Riko in Pandaria. You have to kite like crazy to keep Riko from dying. Theres this problem and then there are class quests in Legion that require abilities you probably haven’t learned yet. These all seem like huge overaights to me.

Just completed it after about two dozen tries. Here’s what worked for me.

  1. There is a fence just to the left as you enter to meet Pinky. Put the second post from the right between you and Pinky. Put your direhorn’s face into the post and facing Pinky.
  2. As soon as you see Pinky try to pull you, hightail it to the gate and spam the charge button. Follow the ridge as tightly as possible, ignoring the health plants. Do not stop spamming charge.
  3. When you get to the section with the toys, hang to the right of them and start spamming 2 or whatever you have set as the toy deploy button. Pinky will hopefully trigger and stall on it.
  4. Once Pinky has stalled on the toy, easy up on the charge until you get to the next gate. Keep placing toys as you go but don’t lose sight of Pinky. The rest of the course should be a cake walk.
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Still bugged as of 5/10/2024. But the second-post method mentioned above works well.